
WAG/Reuse is a game for discovery, education and design of catchment management strategies including water reuse techniques and policies. Players have to choose activities and equipments producing or consuming treated water. Using a simple model they can test various exchange and transfer approaches, measure how water can be saved thereby and improve socio-environmental sustainability.

WAG/Reuse is based on the Wat-A-Game (“WAG”) toolkit, which has been designed and developed by the UMR G-EAU research unit from Irstea and CIRAD.  WAG/Reuse has been co-designed by the WAG group and the Reuse group from UMR G-EAU, and by EcoFilae, a technology and consultancy company specialized in water reuse.

This WAG/Reuse kit is provided to you for all non-commercial purposes:  you are not allowed to sell any service or training using WAG/Reuse without previous agreement from Irstea and EcoFilae, the WAG/Reuse co-designers. WAG/Reuse is copyrighted by the Wat-A-Game group, Irstea and  EcoFilae.

Why using WAG/Reuse ?

WAG/Reuse is a versatile tool to discover and explore the impact of water reuse techniques and policies in catchment management. It is dedicated to various cases in European and Mediterranean conditions. You can adapt it to your own situation by adding new activities or equipments.

WAG/Reuse represents a simplified catchment with an upstream and a downstream area along a common river. Players can play agriculture, industry and urban area. They manage two kinds of components mixed in the water: nutrients (Nitrate, Phosphorous) and toxic (heavy metals, salt, pathogens). They can be transferred, stored and processed with the water.

 WAG/Reuse can be played by 1 to 6 players, with limited initial knowledge on water reuse and water management.