Tunisia AFROMAISON CS : Oum Zessar Watershed

Local partner : Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel (OSS) in partnership with IRA (Institut des Régions Arides)

Main issue : conflicts between water users in an arid context (water harvesting, water table recharge, run-off), livelihoods in rural area close to a touristic zone. 

WAG application : The WAG model investigartes the relationships between Water and Soil conservation activitie and the socio-economic dynamic of the local population. Land Plot Cards represent grasslands, cultivated farmlands, industrial area and other sectors of activities. They are connected by water circulation in wet seasons or by the dynamics of labor force.Afrowager : Ines Ghazoueni is in charge of developing the WAG simulation platform for the Tunisian CS. Ines is a tunisian student at  the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier in Masters  "Innovation, development and territoriality." She has an engineering background in rural engineering and she is interested by  participatory management of natural resources. "I'm lucky to be a member of a professional team like the Afromaison. This is the first time in my country we test the role playing game and I am pleased to be involved in this innovative approach. And I hope that I would bring the most to the team and be an active member and I hope I  the results  i get will be useful to the  implentation of new stategies to amilorate the livelihood of the local population and to preserve national resources in my country."


To know more about the Oum Zessar case study : check AFROMAISON website


photo credits : AFROMAISON, Géraldine Abrami, Ines Ghazoueni

text adapted from Ines Ghazoueni reporting.