WAG Bricks and modeling principles

WAG provides configurable bricks and modeling principles to build up water management games.


The space is represented by Land Plot Cards which are connected by hydrological elements


The way a PLAYER intervenes in the game is defined by a ROLE

A ROLE can set : objectives (general or specific indicators), initial assets (budget, parcels, access to water, activities) and rules of action (possible activities, possible interactions with other roles, evolution of indicators...).

Please join the WAG community for more information and to get full access to manuals and tutorials.


To achieve their objectives, ROLES act by placing their ACTIVITY CARDS on their LAND PLOT CARDS. These ACTIVITIES use and produce different RESOURCES. These RESOURCES, generally represented by balls, have their own dynamics and characteristics: they can be renewable or not, be fixed or mobile, be exchangeable or not, be located in space or not, etc.

In the image, the roles place or have placed their activity cards on their plots. Blue resources circulate in the river and can be captured by activities as they pass (such as water). Green resources are located on the plots, are impacted by activities located on the plots and can be renewed according to predefined rules between 2 towers (such as biodiversity). Yellow resources are stored by players and they can choose to use them on their activities or exchange them (like money)