WAG Leaders
Nils has initially used participatory modelling of water basins with various people, including school kids in France, and based on this experience he has proposed and developed the concepts and processes of WAG which he has been holding and managing since.
Nils FERRANDOriginal inventor of WAGDr. Nils Ferrand is senior researcher at Cemagref, the french public research institute for environmental engineering, within the Water Management & Actors (G-EAU) lab in Montpellier. His research themes are group decision support, public participation, participatory modelling, games and multi-agent systems. He is currently leading a major project on electronic public debate for coastal area management, and develops WAG since its beginnings. He has designed or participated into 10 European projects and more than 25 national projects, and has started one R&D company. He has more than 50 publications and book chapters. He graduated from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan in applied physics, and also as Water and Forest Engineer (IGREF), he has a MSc-DEA in maths of Ecole Polytechnique and Univ. Paris Dauphine, and a PhD in Computer Sciences from Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble).
Géraldine ABRAMIDevelopper of WAG Dr. Géraldine Abrami is a research engineer at Cemagref within the G-EAU joint research unit where she is developing conceptual models, multi-agent simulations and role-playing games as tools for exploring and accompanying collective decision processes and dynamics around river basins management in several national and international projects. She graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Strasbourg in applied physics with a MSc in living systems mechanics of Univ. Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg, and a PhD in Water Sciences of Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural des Eaux et Forêts. She is also a member of the Companion Modelling (ComMod) association. She is a regular collaborator of Nils Ferrand and has been supporting WAG development since early 2009.
Raphaele DUCROT Developer of WAG - leader for Africa and South America
Raphaëlle Ducrot is a senior researcher of the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) with a PhD in agronomy from the Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon (France). She has 20 years of experiences in the development, evaluation and use of transdisciplinary approaches in support to innovation processes and collective management of water and water infrastructures. Her work that lies at the interface between decision sciences and management, farming systems research, geography and political sciences has been mostly developed in Africa and South America. She joined the WAG team in 2011 and her experience in participatory modelling and simulation and multi-agent modelling has been supporting the development and dissemination of WAG ever since.
Other current active developers of CooPlaage include :
Benjamin Noury
Emeline Hassenforder
Delphine Laot
Patrice Robin (leader for educational applications)