Orb-Astien coordinated management

In the framework of the InterSage project funded by the French Ministry of Environment (Liteau program) for the period 2010-2012, UMR G-EAU and Lisode are collaborating with SMVO, the management institution of the Orb river and SMETA, the management institution of the Astien aquifer with the objective of enhancing the coordinated management of the 2 water bodies. Orb river and Astien aquifer are situated in South of France, in a region where water gets scarce in summer and is characterized by urban growth,  mass summer tourism, wine production and wetlands and coastal areas with high environmental value.  

Besides SMVO and SMETA, several other institutions are managing urban planning, other water bodies or natural areas in the territory.

The idea of the project is to work with these institutions to establish which aspects of the territory they manage and how, and then propose, build and test innovative coordinated management instruments.

Within this project, we intend to use WAG as an exploratory platform to assess and test management options.

The Orb-Astien WAG was developed mainly by Mathieu Dionet and Sarah Pariente. It is focused on the interconnexions between the various water resources that supply the Orb catchment. Check here for some photos.

First tests of the Orb-Astien application were performed in Montpellier on January 27th  and February 17th with the development team and Cemagref researchers. It was then tested with field project holder on February 27th.

It is now ready to be used with water users and local representatives in late Spring 2011.