Participatory Decision Tools
COOPLAAGE: decision support tools for water management
The COOPLAAGE toolkit is an integrated set of tools aiming at supporting most of the participatory decision needs for natural resources management, in particular water management. These tools cover all stages of a multi-level participating process, from the design of the decision to the social impact assessment. They rely in particular on participatory modeling, and serious role playing games to explore water usage and sharing and help donors and project managers to deal with water conflicts and multi-level participation.
In the COOPLAAGE approach stakeholders can select and adapt the most relevant tools for their needs and expectations. They have been designed, tested and evaluated since 2003, in several countries in Europe, Africa, Central America and Pacific.
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You want to know more about Cooplaage?
Here are videos (in french) presenting some tools of the Cooplaage methodology, and particularly our modeling and simulation toolkit Wat-A-Game