
Truthfulness Movie 1: 'All About Honesty'

(5-9 year old's. 3 minutes) 

A simple song/rap about telling the truth.


'If you break your mother's vase, what should you do?'

Watch the Movie 

'All About Honesty'

Discussion Questions

1. What are some other situations where it can be hard to tell the truth?

2. Why is it so important to tell the truth, even when you might get in trouble if you do?

Truthfulness Movie 2: 'No More Lying'

(3-5 year olds. 5 minutes)


'Why do children sometimes tell lies?'

Watch the Movie

'No More Lying'

Discussion Questions

1. Why did Gugu lie about breaking the vase?

2. Why did his parents not believe him about running over the garden?