Puppet Play

Responsibility Puppet Play  © Jenny Jenkins 2015       https://sites.google.com/site/valueslessons

Each puppet play on this website uses the same 3 puppets. 

Use 'Muppet' TM type puppets with mouths you can open from inside, 1 larger headed mother, and 2 boys, one good and one naughty. Rename them, perhaps for their colour. 

Or make Sock Puppets See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-mfUBQE3_s or Paper-bag Puppets -See: https://youtu.be/R-NmTMum-6I 

For a simple Puppet theatre drape a piece of fabric or a sheet over a tight piece of string between 2 chairs or in an open doorway, or duck down behind a long sofa or couch.

(Blue, Yellow and Mum pop up.)

Yellow  I’m ready for our footie game. It’s a lovely sunny day.

Mum  Not like last week. You all got so muddy in that rain.

Yellow  Yeah! It took me half an hour to get all the mud off my boots. Thanks for washing my uniform Mum. Can we go now? I don't want to be late.

Blue  Footie! I forgot we had a game today. I’m not ready. Can you wait for me? I'll grab my uniform.

Mum  You’ve got two minutes.

Blue  Anyone seen my jersey?

Mum  No. It wasn’t in the wash. It's your responsibility to look after your uniform after the game. What did you do with it when you took it off last week?

Blue  Umm, threw it under my bed.

Mum  Well, that’s where you’ll find it then. Still covered in mud.

Yellow  Call it. It might come sliming out on its own.

Blue  Where’s my shorts, Mum?

Mum  Is that what’s in the corner of the bathroom?

Blue  Oh yeah, I dropped them there when I had a shower after the game. I can’t wear them like that Mum. Can you wash them quick and put them in the drier? Please?

Mum  When does your game start?

Blue  Umm, in ten minutes. Oh, no. I guess I’ll have to go with my uniform all muddy. Maybe no-one will notice.

Yellow  Yeah right.

Mum  Grab your socks, Blue.

Blue  They aren’t in my drawer.

Yellow  Is that what stinks in the wardrobe (closet)? I thought it must be a dead rat!

Mum  Oh Blue. Didn’t you clean up anything after last weeks game?

Blue  Yeah. Me. Where’s my boots?

Mum  Where did you put them when you took them off after the game?

Blue  In the car boot (trunk). Uh oh. I guess they’re still there.

Mum  Hop in the car. You’ll have to get changed on the way.

Blue Swap uniforms with me Yellow? Please? I’ll pay you five dollars.

Yellow  Yeah right. You’re broke.

Mum  Learn anything Blue?

Blue  Yeah. After the game I’ll leave my uniform on when I jump in the shower.

Yellow and Mum  Oh boy! (All disappear)

Discussion Questions 

1. How was Yellow acting responsibly? (Ready to go on time; wearing a clean uniform; cleaned his muddy boots and put clothes in the wash after the last game; not wanting to arrive late.) 

2. Should Yellow have changed clothes with Blue if he did have $5? Why or why not?