
Responsibility Quotes www.valueslessonsnz.com

Leaders become great because of their willingness to take responsibility. 

Here are some words of advice given by world leaders.

Match the beginning of each to it's ending.


1. You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow...

2. The time is always right...

3. Without dependability one's ability may be...

4. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept...

5. Every right implies...

6. Most people are frightened...

7. It is wrong and immoral to seek to escape...

8. Action springs not from thought, but from...

9. The price of greatness is...


the consequences of one's acts. Mahatma Gandhi

a responsibility. John D. Rockefeller

a readiness for responsibility. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

to do what is right. Martin Luther King Jnr

of responsibility. Sigmund Freud

responsibility. Winston Churchill

our own responsibility for the future. John F. Kennedy

by evading it today. Abraham Lincoln

a liability instead of an asset. Woodrow Wilson


1. You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow... by evading it today. Abraham Lincoln

2. The time is always right... to do what is right. Martin Luther King Jnr.

3. Without dependability one's ability may be... a liability instead of an asset. Woodrow Wilson

4. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept... our own responsibility for the future. John F. Kennedy

5. Every right implies... a responsibility. John D. Rockefeller

6.  Most people are frightened... of responsibility. Sigmund Freud

7. It is wrong and immoral to seek to escape... the consequences of one's acts. Mahatma Gandhi

8. Action springs not from thought, but from... a readiness for responsibility. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

9. The price of greatness is... responsibility. Winston Churchill

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