
Who's Responsible Lesson © Jenny Jenkins 2015   www.valueslessonsnz.comHave the slogan 'Who's Responsible?' displayed in a prominent place.

Other lesson ideas about responsibility are listed as subpages at the side or bottom.


Hold up a lolly (candy) and an apple (or other fruit.) If I offered you a choice between the apple or the lolly, who would choose the apple? (Give the apple to the first student to raise their hand.) 

Who would choose the lolly? (Students raise hands. Give the lolly to the first student.) Those who chose a lolly chose a food that is delicious and will give you a fast energy boost. However, it will spike your blood sugar, stop you burning fat and make you gain weight. You will be more likely to get cavities in your teeth. 

And the quick energy boost is just as quick to fade, leaving you feeling hungrier than before and craving more sugar. When you buy a bag of lollies and eat one, how easy is it to not eat another straight afterwards? 

Who chose the apple? (Students raise hands) You also chose something that is sweet and gives energy. But unlike the lolly, it helps you feel full and satisfied. It also provides you with vitamins and minerals, it detoxes your body, provides fibre that will help you to lose weight, and helps rehydrate or put water into your body.  Which choice, the apple or the lolly, benefits your body and satisfies the most? (the apple)

So is choosing an apple the most responsible choice? Then why do we eat lollies? 


Every day we face 'apple or lolly' choices. Like this one. (Ask these questions)

1. Shall I finish my homework project or watch a TV show?*

2. Shall I empty the dishwasher as I was asked to, or shall I play a game on my phone?*

3. Shall I wash my hands after going toilet or just go out to play?*

4. Shall I spend my money on junk food or save for a new bike?*

5. Shall I brush my teeth or just go to bed with dirty teeth?*

*After each of the above questions, ask:

Which choice gives immediate pleasure (or is easiest?)

Which gives more satisfaction?

Which is the more responsible choice?

Which is the easiest to choose? Why?

As you make responsible choices with small decisions like these, you become more what? (Responsible, mature, self-controlled, trustworthy etc.)

What being responsible mean? What are some synonyms of responsible? (trustworthy, mature, reliable, dependable, competent, capable, conscientious, efficient, faithful, honourable, scrupulous, staunch.)

Here's a verse to help us remember:

Do what's right

With all your might,

So others can trust

And depend on us.

Teach this by having the students write it down or chant it together to learn it by heart. Have the students make up an action for each line.

Showing Responsibility

What are some ways we can show responsibility? (You could use the key words to prompt the students) Fulfilling our commitments; doing what we say, even when we'd like to change our mind. Accepting responsibility for any mistakes and learning from them instead of blaming others. Cleaning up after ourselves. Making wise choices, apple choices not lolly choices. Taking care of possessions, ours and others. Returning things we borrow on time. Doing jobs (chores) and homework without needing to be asked. Being thoughtful to others; considerate of their needs and feelings. Using our initiative; making decisions and and taking action instead of delaying in the hope that someone else will do it.

Caring: 'Unless someone like you cares an awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not!' Dr Seuss.

In what areas is it important to make wise, responsible choices? (What we eat, what we do, who we hang out with, what we look at and listen to, personal safety, how we spend our free time etc.) This Week's Challenge Becoming responsible is something only you can make happen, one small decision at a time. This week, as well as doing what is expected of you without being asked, look for opportunities to use your initiative and do something extra. Begin the Next Lesson with Revision 1. What being responsible mean? Doing the... (right thing) at the... (right time), so others can... (trust and depend on us.)  Chant the verse together with the actions a few times.2. What are ways we can show responsibility?3. Who used their initiative and did something without being asked this week? Tell us about it.


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