Object Lessons

IChoices Object Lesson 1: The Three Wise Monkeys

Stand 3 children up the front of the class. 

Have the first cover their eyes, the second block their ears and the third cover their mouth.

Ask, 'Who knows what they are trying to teach us?'  (To be careful what we choose to see, hear and say.)

Show a Picture or Model of the Three Wise Monkeys and say:

'The monkey with his eyes covered wants to see no evil.

The monkey with his ears covered wants to? (Hear no evil.)

The monkey with his mouth covered wants to?' (Speak no evil.)

Let's practice being the 3 wise monkeys.' 

The 3 children in the front take turns leading the class in saying: 'See no evil, (all place their hands over eyes,) Hear no evil, (hands over ears,) Speak no evil (hands over mouth)

The class do the actions as they chant these words faster and faster. Begin slowly.

Discussion Questions

1. What three things do we have to guard carefully?

2. What kind of harmful things do we need to choose not to look at?

3. What kind of harmful things do we need to choose not to listen too? How could they influence us?

4. What kind of harmful things do we need to choose not to say? (Lies, exaggeration, gossip, swear words, unkind words, deceitful words, angry words...)

5. If there was a fourth monkey who looked like this like this, (sit on your hands) what might he be teaching us? (Do not evil.) What does it mean to stand alone?

6. If there was a monkey telling us to think no evil, how might he show us this? (Perhaps a finger pointing to his head.)

7. Why is he the most important monkey? (Every thing we do or say begins with a thought. We can choose to accept those thoughts, or we can choose not to.) 

That monkey knows how important it is to... (point to slogan) Choose with Care!

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/11/02/6c/11026c1df7da849c345ebe6df004715d.jpg

Choices Lesson 2: Keep the Thief Out

Choose 2 pupils. The strongest is to act a thief trying to get through the door. The other is the home owner. Have the thief try to get through the closed, and if possible locked, door. The second time, have the door slightly open, and the strongest pupil forces a way in.

After they sit down, say: 'It's really difficult, sometimes impossible, for a thief to enter a door that is closed and locked. 

But if a door is slightly open, the thief gets his toe in, and soon this is followed by his foot, then by his leg, his arm, his body and his head, and finally he is in all the way.

That's how a bad habit can become an addiction. By thinking, 'I'll just try this once.' Next by thinking that 'I can stay in control of this.' Soon you can't stop, and you've become addicted. 

Instead, choose to be safe. Keep your door locked by always making good choices. 

Before you try something new, for the very first time, ask yourself, 'If I keep on doing this, where could it lead me? Is that the kind of person I want to become?' If it's not, say 'No, thanks,' and walk away. It takes courage to stand alone, but it gets easier each time.

So each time you lock the door at home, let it remind you to always... (point to the slogan) Choose with Care!

https://sites.google.com/site/valueslessons                            Image source:http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/04/11/article-2602493-1D07DB9500000578-801_634x345.jpg