
Thankfulness Activities 

1. Make Thank You Notes or cards for the family member who helps you the most.

Write the note and then write, or put a sticker with 'Thank you' on the envelope.

(Write an example on the whiteboard for students to copy.)

2. Make a Thankful Acrostic of things we are thankful for. (In group or pairs) 

Here's an example:T ransport H ouse A pples N eighbours K ind friends F ood U mbrellas L ove Or do an acrostic for THANKS, THANKYOU, GRATEFUL, GRACIAS etc.

3. SmartiesTM Say Thankyou 

Supplies: 1 paper cup per group (pairs or threes) with 10 to 15 'Smarties', M&M's TM or chocolate buttons per group

First student offers a chocolate Smartie in a paper cup to another.

First student, 'Would you like a Smartie?'

Second student, 'Yes please.'

First, 'Help yourself.' (Holds cup out)

Second, 'Thank you.'

First, 'You’re welcome.'

The student who received it eats it, takes the cup and begins again.

If either partner doesn't wish to eat a Smartie they can mime it.. 

4. Draw a large 'Thanks Bank' 

Or make a strong-box safe from a cardboard box.  

Distribute pieces of paper, photocopied bank notes or 'Post It' notes a similar size to banknotes. Have each student name something original that they are thankful for to the class. They then write, and/or illustrate that on their banknote in large letters, with a '$' on each side. This is attached on, around or inside the bank vault or strong-box. Write this caption on the door: 'Being thankful makes me feel like a million dollars!' (euro/pounds/pesos/rupees/yuan/bucks etc.)

5. 100 Thank You's Teacher Challenge

Encourage your students to count each time they hear you, (the teacher), say the words 'Thank you' this week. (Saying 'thanks' counts.) Set a good example by using eye contact, a smile and by using the student's name when you thank them. 

The students who notice you saying thank you are to signal so by giving you a 'Thumbs Up' sign. Appoint an observant child to keep a tally on paper or you may wish to on the wall. Stop counting when you get to 100. Optional Competition

At the beginning, have each child estimate how long it will take you to reach 100.

Write down their estimates and give a small prize to the student whose guess was the closest.

Don't underestimate the power of yourself as a role model. Mirror neurons in the brain make us wired to learn this way. This challenge may have the biggest impact of all the lessons on thankfulness that you teach.

6. Research the Benefits of Gratefulness

Research reveals that gratitude can have these seven benefits:

1. Gratitude opens the door to more relationships.

2. Gratitude improves physical health.

3. Gratitude improves psychological health.

4. Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression.

5. Grateful people sleep better.

6. Gratitude improves self-esteem.

7. Gratitude increases mental strength. Divide the class into groups. Have each group research a benefit of gratefulness and report their findings to the class. Use this website link as a startingpoint

Here's a summary of the results of scientific studies showing the proven benefits of Gratitude. This chart may be clipped short when viewed on small devises:

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