
Good Manners Activity: Top Ten Table Manners Worksheet

When sitting down to eat:

1. Turn off your …..........

2. Place your serviette (napkin) in your …......

3. Wait for everyone to be served before you ….......

4. Use a …...... and …...... to cut food, don't bite off pieces.

5. Don't wear a hood or hat at the …........

6. Chew with your mouth ….......

7. Don't …....... across the table.

8. Don't talk with your …........ full.

9. Keep your …....... off the table.

10. Wait until everyone has ….........., then say ….......................................…...........' before leaving the table.

Top Ten Table Manners Answers

1. Turn off your phone.

2. Place your serviette (napkin) in your lap.

3. Wait for everyone to be served before you eat (begin, start)

4. Use a knife and fork to cut food, don't bite off pieces

5. Don't wear a hood or hat at the table.

6. Chew with your mouth closed.

7. Don't reach across the table.

8. Don't talk with your mouth full.

9. Keep your elbows (feet, bottom, head etc.) off the table.

10. Wait until everyone has finished, then say 'Please may I be excused' (Excuse me) before leaving the table.

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