Clapping Rhyme

Responsibility Clapping Rhyme© Jenny Jenkins 2015 Have someone ready to help you demonstrate it to the children first. Each clapping rhyme on this website uses the same set of easily learned actions.1. Teach the actions 

First say this together: 'Sides, clap, right, left, sides, clap, both.' 

Next, the children sit or stand in pairs, facing each other and do the actions while saying those words together. Repeat them until everyone has learned them.

Sides They slap both hands on their thighs

Clap own hands together once,

Right, Left Slap their partners right hand, then left hand for the third and fourth words.

Sides Slap thighs again,

Clap own hands together,

Both hands slap their partner's, for the last word of each line.

2. Now teach the poem (without actions)

Ask questions about the meaning of the poem, line by line:

When something depends on you,

Do your best to see it through

Always do each job with pride

Then you'll feel real good inside.                     

Next, say it through together at least 6 times, keeping a strong rhythm for each syllable, until the children can say it without the words.

3. Put the actions to the rhyme  (one set of actions fits each line.)

When some/thing de/pends on you,

Sides     clap / right      left /sides    clap  both

Do your best to see  it  through

Sides clap  right  left sides clap both

Al/ways  do  each  job with pride

Sides/clap  right   left   sides   clap  both

Then you'll feel real good in/side. 

Sides  clap    right     left    sides  clap/both

Demonstrate first with the partner you have practised with.

Have the children sit or stand sideways to the words so that they can refer to them if they forget.

Students have 3-5 minutes to practise together, memorising the poem. 

Volunteers demonstrate to the class, without looking at the words, for a small prize.

Responsibility Clapping Rhyme: Print out for students to memorise.

When some thing 


depends on you,

Do your best to 


see it through.

Always do each 

job with pride,

Then you'll feel real 

good inside!

© Jenny Jenkins 2015