
Thoroughly Thankful Lesson  © Jenny Jenkins 2015

Have the slogan 'Thoroughly Thankful' displayed in a prominent place. 

Other lesson ideas about gratitude are listed as subpages at the side or bottom.


1. What does thankfulness mean? (Appreciation and gratefulness. Finding a reason to view someone or something positively.) 

2. What are some words we say to show that we are thankful? (Thank you, thanks, cheers, you're appreciated etc.)

3. How can we show that we mean these words? (Smile, eye contact, enthusiastic voice, using their name etc.)

4. What are some other ways that we can show others we are thankful to them? (Thank you card, note, text message, doing something for them, flowers, small gift etc.)

5. Who are the people we should be most thankful to? (Those who regularly do kind things for us, family, friends etc.)

6. Why is it important to be thankful? (It prevents us from using others selfishly, or taking others for granted, it gives others encouragement and makes them feel valued, it helps us to stay positive, and keeps us humble etc.)

7. What are some things that you are thankful for? (Write a list, individually or together.)

Image found at:


1. Let's Practice being thankful. Is anyone willing to thank someone else here for something they've done for you, or just because you appreciate them? Alternatively, have a 'Thanks Chain'. Begin by thanking a pupil for something, they in turn thank another who thanks another. (No repeats.) 2. We can be thankful for nothing, or Thankful for everything - it's our choice. Usually people only feel thankful for the positive things in their lives, but we should also find reasons to be thankful when things don't go as we'd hoped. 

Read out the beginning of each sentence below as far as the ... and ask the students how they would finish them. 

Some of their endings may be better than the ones given below. 

a. Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire...(Ask students why) If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

b. Be thankful when you don’t know something...(Ask students why) for it gives you the opportunity to learn. 

c. Be thankful for the difficult times...(Ask students why?) because during those times you grow.

d. Be thankful for your weaknesses and limitations...(Ask students why) because they give you opportunities for improvement.

e. Be thankful for each hard challenge...(Ask students why) because it will build your strength and character. 

f. Be thankful for your mistakes... (Ask students why) for they will teach you valuable lessons.

g. Be thankful when you’re tired and weary...(Ask students why) because it means you've made a difference.

This Week's Challenge

Make a mini-sized poster where you write the following message: (or a similar message, or create a daily reminder on your phone.)

What is one thing that I am thankful for RIGHT NOW?            

Place it where you will view it on a regular basis. But don't just view it. Do it!

The goal with this challenge is to try and put you into a thankful, positive state of mind every time you see it. 

Image source:

Begin the Next Lesson with Revision

1. What did we learn about in the last lesson?

2. Why is it important to be thankful?

3. Why should we also find reasons to be thankful when things don't go as we'd hoped? 

4. What was this week's challenge? How are you finding it?


Print out the image (IF YOU HAVE...) as a poster: