Universidade Clássica de Lisboa Wins World Championship

Dr. Manuela Cook from United Kingdom Wins World Championship - 2019 in Linguistics (Neutrality) World Championship is biggest event on earth in Linguistics.

Dr. Manuela Cook


The Pride of United Kingdom

World Champion DR. MANUELA COOK is most important asset for U.K., recognized by International Agency for Standards and Ratings. World Champion DR. MANUELA COOK is now recognized as Father of modern Neutrality studies in Linguistics. The purpose of the award is to identify brilliant scientists and academicians around the world through World Championship. The World Championship is organized by International Agency for Standards and Ratings at international level. DR. MANUELA COOK,(World Champion and Fellow, Directorate of Linguistics, IASR) plays a vital role in advancement of scientific knowledge in Linguistics (Neutrality). World Championship-2019 in Linguistics (Neutrality) acknowledges the outstanding international contributions and is selected based on international meritorious competition. IASR extends best wishes for your endeavours enlightening scientific domain with your efforts. Your research article is winner among 5471nominations from 96 countries, screened for the World Championship-2019 in Linguistics (Neutrality). IASR recognizes DR. MANUELA COOK among World's 500 Most Influential Experts in Linguistics for the Year 2019 on Earth.

World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook is international asset for U.K in Linguistics (Media Convergence)

Neutrality (Linguistics) Day

03 April is celebrated as Neutrality (Linguistics) Day around the world by International Agency for Standards and Ratings in recognition of World champion in Linguistics (Neutrality)- Dr. Manuela Cook the Great Legend on Earth. Neutrality (Linguistics) Day is devoted for activities in Neutrality (Linguistics), Training and Awareness on Neutrality (Linguistics), Seminar on Neutrality (Linguistics), Global Events, Workshop on Linguistics Neutrality (Linguistics), Conference on Neutrality (Linguistics). Research centers, Colleges, Universities, Institutes, Schools, Center of Excellence, Journals of Neutrality (Linguistics), Societies working on Neutrality (Linguistics) celebrate Neutrality (Linguistics) Day in the celebration of great efforts by Dr. Manuela Cook. Inception of Neutrality (Linguistics) Day is 03 April, 2019. World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook is Source of Inspiration in Neutrality (Linguistics) global meetings, and has triggered the importance of Neutrality. Activities on Neutrality day can be posted and submitted on world championship web page for international media coverage.

How to Celebrate 03 April as Neutrality (Linguistics) Day?

Research Scholars, scientists, public and private authorities, organize Walks, Rallies, Marathon, Race, Invited Lectures, public meetings, conferences for wide public awareness on Neutrality (Linguistics). How can you celebrate Labour (Linguistics) Day, if you are a software developer, you can design apps for Labour (Linguistics), software for Labour (Linguistics). Linguistics agencies, News and media agency, celebrates by publishing Editorials on Labour (Linguistics), message and tweets on website, social media and print media. Neutrality (Linguistics) Day on 03 April is celebrated as Linguistics (Neutrality eradication) Festival in the honor of DR. MANUELA COOK, the world champion. World champion in Linguistics (Neutrality)- 2019 DR. MANUELA COOK, who is international asset, can be contacted for latest trends and scope in Linguistics (Neutrality). Book publisher, Journal publisher and authors, write and publish news, editorials, research articles, review article, case reports, books and chapters on Linguistics (Neutrality). Linguistics (Neutrality) Day is international event on 03 April, every year and commonly known as Linguistics (Neutrality eradication) Fair which provide leading platform to business activities in Linguistics (Neutrality), sales and purchase of instruments, and services. Colleges and Universities organizes indoor and outdoor activities on biography of World champion in Linguistics (Neutrality)- DR. MANUELA COOK to extend the league of legend. Activities on Neutrality day can be posted and submitted on world championship web page for international media coverage.

World Champion is International Asset for U.K.

World champion DR. MANUELA COOK endorses scientific meetings and conferences in Linguistics, and can be contacted for key note speeches on Linguistics and industrial collaborations. The World Championship is organized by International Agency for Standards and Ratings at international level. Universities are in a race to reconstruct their syllabus by adding applications of scientific contribution by World champion- DR. MANUELA COOK. Under expert guidance of World champion DR. MANUELA COOK, Universities can now contribute better in nation building. Proper supervision by World champion DR. MANUELA COOKwill help to allocate public funds and research grants more focused in Linguistics. Universities can contact world champion DR. MANUELA COOKfor selection committees/ board on promotion and recruitment. The world champion DR. MANUELA COOK can be contacted for execution of programs related to Linguistics. Researchers and students can enjoy expert career guidance on latest trends, jobs and career opportunities in Linguistics from world champion DR. MANUELA COOK.

Thesis and dissertations on Linguistics could now have expert guidance and supervision of DR. MANUELA COOK, World champion in Linguistics. It will bring advancement in research in Linguistics.

Reference and text books on Linguistics can now have exclusive chapters to orient students to perform application based high quality research as guided by world champion Dr. Manuela Cook. World champion DR. MANUELA COOK endorses scientific meetings and conferences on Mass Communication, and can be contacted for key note speeches on Linguistics and industrial collaborations. Newspapers and news channels/ international media agencies can seek expert opinion from world champion DR. MANUELA COOK on important national and international issues.

World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook

Born in Lisbon (Lisboa), Portugal, Mar 29, 1941. Education: Universidade Clássica de Lisboa and Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, and Birmingham University, England, UK. Professional appointments: a number of different teaching and lecturing posts, mainly as a specialist at the University of Wolverhampton (School of Languages and European Studies), England, UK (1970s-1990s). At a later date, working as an Independent Scholar with a special focus on the field of Linguistics, and, even more specifically, Sociolinguistics.

5. Details of Academic contribution

The N-V-T Theory for the sociolinguistic evaluation of second-person pronouns and other word classes used in interpersonal and intergroup communication. This tripartite model of evaluation caters for a posture of neutrality – N – as well as two other approaches which are associated with non-reciprocal interaction – V and T – and can be symbolized with Latin subject pronouns vōs and tū.

(Please see also Details of Innovations below)

6. Details of Best Published Research Articles

Research articles (contribution to knowledge), e.g.,

Manuela Cook, “Beyond T and V – Theoretical Reflections on the Analysis of Forms of Address”, (re languages in general, with English at the centre), American Journal of Linguistics (AJL), ISSN: 2326-0750, Vol. 3(1): pp 17-26 (May 2014), Scientific & Academic Publishing (SAPUB), USA. (article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.linguistics.20140301.03.html) (journal.sapub.org/linguistics)

Also vocational articles (for interpreters and translators), e.g.,

Manuela Cook, “A Home for You – Where does the neutral pronoun ‘you’ fit within the T-V binary? Manuela Cook considers the ‘N’ dimension”, The Linguist, Vol 54, Nº 3, Jun 15 (http://thelinguist.uberflip.com)

7. Details of Publication of Book/ Book Chapter

Particularly relevant, Manuela Cook, “N-V-T, a framework for the analysis of social dynamics in address pronouns”, Chapter 1 in “The Social Dynamics of Pronominal Systems”, Ed. P. Bouissac, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2019, HB 978 90 272 0316 8 and E-Book 978 90 272 62547 7.

8. Details of Participation in conference / seminar / workshop

Amongst several others, Manuela Cook, "The Portuguese Forms of Address and N-V-T Theory”, Inaugural Conference of the Association of Lusitanists of Great Britain and Ireland (ABIL), University of Nottingham, UK, 15-16 September 2006.

9. Details of Innovations

The N-V-T Theory brings the innovation of identifying the N dimension and as such provides an advancement to the customarily used T-V Distinction.

(Please see also Details of Development of Product / Technology below)

10. Details of Development of Product / Technology

The N-V-T Theory introduces a theoretical tool for the assessment of T-V avoidance strategies, to the benefit of academic research, and enables a more lucid understanding from language practitioners such as interpreters and translators. T-V avoidance strategies can vary; and, for example, the case of the English unmarked, single pronoun of address ‘you’ has become widely visible as this language enjoys a privileged position at a global scale.

11. Any Other Details

Manuela Cook has been distinguished with the following Honours, amongst others:

* Fellowship, awarded by the Institute of Linguists, UK, as ‘linguist of distinction’, 1987.

* Listened in Marquis Who's Who in the World directory, USA, as one of ‘the most influential and important people from around the world’ (first included in 19th edition, 2002).

* Listed in the 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, UK (first included in 9th edition, 2016).

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1. Name of Program: Application for World Championship

2. Name of Applicant: ?

3. Photograph: ?

4. Autobiography: ?

5. Details of Academic contribution: ?

6. Details of Best Published Research Articles, if any

7. Details of Thesis/ Dissertation, if any

8. Details of Patents, if any

9. Details of Publication of Book/ Book Chapter, if any

10. Details of Participation in conference / seminar / workshop, if any

11. Details of Innovations, if any

12. Details of Development of Product / Technology, if any

13. Any Other Details: ?

Fill Up above application format and Email at plojindexing@gmail.com for applying in World Championship. Instantly within 24 hours you will receive acknowledgement and rigorous review will be started, shortly you will be informed on outcome with certificate.

Last Date - 31st of every month

Registrations are open every month each year.

Winners of World Championship -2018

Winners of World Championship- 2017

Winners of World Championship- 2016

Winners of World Championship- 2015

Winners of World Championship- 2014

Year 2013


How to apply for Best Poster Presentation in World Championship-

Students can also submit poster presentation as MS- Power Point slide at plojindexing@gmail.com for World Championship

Registration can be done at plojindexing@gmail.com before last date of every month each year.


All Rights Reserved with International Agency for Standards and Ratings

Visit link to archive World Championship

Exclusive Interview with World Champion 2019 Dr. Manuela Cook, The world's most influential Superstar in Linguistics (Neutrality)

Question: What are your recommendations to improve the standards of journals publishing research articles on Linguistics?


Journals publishing research articles on Linguistics need a good team of reviewers with competence in various subtopics. I would also recommend that each submitted article be reviewed by no fewer than three people so as to better attend to the eventuality of conflicting opinions.

Question: What are your recommendations to improve syllabus of Linguistics for more creativity, applications and opportunities?


Expectations and responsibilities are usually well defined in most Linguistics course syllabi, thus encouraging excellent standards in creativity, applications and opportunities. My recommendation is that responsibilities be consistently adhered to.

Question: What is Linguistics? What are the major branches in Linguistics?


In a brief and simple definition, Linguistics is the scientific study of language. However, some insight is required into the concept of ‘language’ as well as into the ambit of the ‘scientific study’ for a deeper and more comprehensive grasp of what Linguistics is about.

As an uncountable noun, ‘language’ stands for the human general capacity and method to communicate by the use of words in an agreed way. This entails the mental ability to note and register the world around us and the will to act on and influence it. As a countable noun, ‘language’ refers to a specific occurrence of this human general capacity and method of communication, as devised and/or used by a country or other community. There are many ‘languages’; each one has its body of words organised within a particular structure.

As for ambit, there are two distinctive routes to ponder. Theoretical Linguistics seeks to understand how language works as a human general capacity and method of communication and how universals can be found in all languages. Applied Linguistics is concerned with employing this knowledge to everyday real-life situations, e.g., language teaching or translation and interpreting. The two routes are interconnected. Theoretical Linguistics can provide guidance for good practice in Applied Linguistics which, in turn, can be a continuous source of updated evidence stimulating the rethinking of established theoretical guidelines.

When we look at branches in Linguistics, we may be faced with some fluctuation on what is presented as a major division or a subdivision. This often reflects the complexity of the field of study; it may also reflect new developments. For instance, Historical Linguistics (how language and languages change over time) or Sociolinguistics (language or languages in its/their social aspects) have been long established; but Computational Linguistics (modelling of natural language and languages to computational facilities) is a more recent affair. There may also be other reasons for the current fluctuation... As for the core areas in Linguistics – language in general and languages – I would favour the following classification: Grammar (overall system), subdivided into Phonetics and Phonology (sounds), Morphology (words), Syntax (sentences), and Semantics and Pragmatics (meanings).

Question: What are your recommendations to frame guidelines on funding of research projects on Linguistics?


Frame guidelines on funding can prioritise new areas of study although without neglecting established areas both in Theoretical Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. Also cooperation can be promoted with other scientific areas of study, e.g. Medicine and its subsections such as Language Pathology, where corrective methods are researched which aim to cure speech disabilities connected with a malfunction at the cognitive level.

Question: How can universities produce revolutionary PhD and Post Doc theses and dissertations on Linguistics? What are your recommendations to improve the academic standards?


PhD and Post-Doc theses and dissertations will be revolutionary if they genuinely push the boundaries of knowledge in the area. This may involve overcoming resistance in revising and replacing previous theory. For instance on the subject of second-person systems, the need for a dimension of Neutrality (N) was put forward decades ago and has been amply proved. However anyone researching in this area may still be encouraged to analyse his/her findings within a narrow T-V distinction.

Question: What are your views on Beyond T and V – Theoretical Reflections on the Analysis of Forms of Address?


“Beyond T and V – Theoretical Reflections on the Analysis of Forms of Address” is the title of an article I wrote and was published in the American Journal of Linguistics, SAPUB, in 2014. A later version of this paper of mine is also available as Chapter 1, “N-V-T, a framework for the analysis of social dynamics in address pronouns”, in the book by Paul Bouissac (Editor) “The Social Dynamics of Pronominal Systems”, John Benjamins, 2019.

I view the “Beyond T and V” piece as a decisive step I took in relation to my previous efforts to draw attention to the need to consider a posture of Neutrality (N) when evaluating second-person systems. I had been voicing my opinion since the 1990s, but the “Beyond T and V” may have been more informative due to the high profile given to the English argument, as, in most of the Anglophone world, recognition is given to one second-person pronoun only. With its unmarked, single pronoun of address ‘you’, this language avoids a T-V pronominal duality; hence it is crucial the acknowledgement of a dimension of Neutrality (N).

Question: How can students seek job and career opportunities in Linguistics?


A Curriculum Vitae that includes Linguistics opens doors to a variety of job and career opportunities. Other than e.g. a lecturing post in the academic sphere, opportunities are almost everywhere as language is present in almost every facet of human activity. Some students – due to a family heritage language or other circumstances – will be able to add to their CV reference to bilingualism at an advanced degree of proficiency.

Question: What job titles are available in Linguistics?


Job titles will vary depending on the employer but normally there is a common denominator in the requirements for the specific language or languages mentioned in the job specification, that being spoken fluency and written accuracy plus cultural awareness of the respective social context(s).

Question: Which are Typical employers in Linguistics?


Typical employers include, amongst others, Government, Law Firms, Hospitals, Publishers, Information Technology organisations, and Marketing companies.

Question: Which are the courses available in Linguistics?


Summing up statements made in answers above, there are two main routes of available courses, Theoretical Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, and, in the latter, a large variety of options.

Question: What are your recommendations to write a world class research article in Linguistics? What essential components and factors must be there?


A world class research article in Linguistics is one that benefits knowledge in the field by adding value and bringing improvement to previous contributions. Significant are the chosen topic and the presented evidence; and equally significant are the applied rationale and the overall approach. Prior to publication, peer-reviewing is faced with the challenge of evaluating both content and theory. As to the latter, a suitable and consistent method of evaluation is required. For example, a general understanding of second-person systems may be hindered by a delimitating T-V distinction where a dimension of Neutrality (N) is ignored. More detail on this problem is available from both my “Beyond T and V...” article (AJL, SAPUB) and “N-V-T,..” chapter (Benjamins).

Question: What are your recommendations to write a world class case report in Linguistics? What essential components and factors must be there?


In Linguistics, a case report can be a means of alerting to signs for the need of special attention in a specific theme within this academic field; and can be a world class starting point from which a research article will develop. An example could have been a case report warning potential researchers from different language backgrounds to unsuitable directives for the assessment of English address pronoun ‘you’ as a first initiative preliminary to my “Beyond T and V...” article.

Question: What are your recommendations to write a world class review in Linguistics? What essential components and factors must be there?


As a critical appraisal of someone else’s published work in Linguistics, a review will be world class if it consists of objective opinions formulated according to sound theoretical guidelines applicable to linguistic phenomena in different languages. Stated comments, favourable and unfavourable, must endeavour to reward existing merit and promote scientific advance. This will not be achieved if a defective framework of assessment is being used by the reviewer as it should be evident in in relation to English address pronoun ‘you’ if this is discussed without a dimension of Neutrality being taken into account.

Question: What are your recommendations to improve employment and scope in Linguistics?


Employment and scope can be improved by promoting awareness that both universals and specific features exist in all languages humankind has devised in different geographical zones of this world we inhabit and that Linguistics provides the only really effective means of dealing with this reality.

Question: Which major challenges do you see to establish UK as world leader in Linguistics?


I would like to think in terms of co-operation rather than leadership. In both my “Beyond T and V...” article and my “N-V-T...” chapter, attention is drawn to the fact that English ‘you’ may be having a negative impact on second-person systems in different languages as a result of a generalised distorted linguistic interpretation of this pronoun of address. A goal of UK leadership might encourage this type of error in many other areas, but one of co-operation will encourage a better balanced view and a more realistic theoretical and practical approach to linguistic features in other languages.

The UK has ideal conditions to contribute to Linguistics in a fruitfully constructive manner that will consider alternative ways from different corners of the world. Potential for this positive contribution can be found in both governmental measures and society itself. At primary school level children are given a taste of a foreign language, customarily French; and the secondary school syllabus includes foreign languages. Also many languages are present amongst the population, where there are adult elements from various origins. For their children, secondary school examination is normally available for a wide range of languages. New generations are, therefore, growing up open to linguistic diversity. Some of their members will possibly choose Linguistics as an academic pursuit which should help the UK contribute to a theoretical renovation that will suitably consider all continents.

Question: What is Delicate Compromises in Linguistics?


When considering the role of Linguistics in relation to Delicate Compromises, we need to start by focusing on the respective object of study: language. For instance, an area in which Delicate Compromises can be particularly visible is that of translation between different languages.

Looking at language from a functional perspective, a good example can be found on international websites of multinational companies offering their products for online sale. What matters is to captivate the potential customer, leading on to the purchase. Instrumental will be the social orientation to the target audience through address. This will vary from language to language and country to country; and suitable encoding choices will be decisive. Obtaining a purchase may depend on polite social space, a matey tone or an uncommitted form of neutrality.

This is illustrative of compromises regarding adjustment to different sociolinguistic contexts. It is a situation – as many others – where Linguistics can provide research-based methodology that will assist in making the right choices.

Question: What is T and V Ambiguities in Linguistics?


T and V Ambiguities are double meanings in the use of T and V encoders, pronominal and other. Nominal forms are particularly rich in expressing ambivalence.

T may be associated with mutual affection and regard on equal terms – and thus be associated with solidarity – but not always. An example can be the use of “Darling” by the provider of a service in relation to the recipient of that service. Here the expression of endearment may be an act of false solidarity if the addresser means to belittle the addressee as someone who needs help.

V may be associated with social distance, hierarchy and veneration – and thus be associated with power recognition – but not always. An example can be the use of “Madam” (or “Ma’am”) towards an ex-friend who has re-established contact. This may then be a sarcastic pretence of power recognition by the addresser in an act of rejection intended to avoid closeness in relation to the addressee as someone deemed to no longer qualifying as a friend.

Question: Any other thing you would like to share?


You have prepared a very thorough questionnaire which looks at Linguistics from various angles and I just wish to thank you for this opportunity to share information and express my own point of view on different issues in this field.

Thank you very much.

Year 2019


Dr. Louis-Marie Moukala from Congo is the World Champion - 2019 in Physical Science (Duality field-matter)

Year 2018


Dr. Ingo Schmidt from Germany is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Rheumatology (metacarpophalangeal joints) World Cup

Dr. Yasin Idweini from Jordan is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Endoscopic Treatment World Cup

Dr. Yeting Zhou and Dr. Dao M Tong from China win World Championship -2018 in General Surgery (Acute Vertigo Syndrome) World Cup

Dr. Jubilee Purkayastha from India is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology World Cup

Dr. Yasin Idweini from Jordan is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Urology (Electrocoagulation) World Cup

World Championship is popularly known as World Science Festival in Europe and Asia

Dr. Zheng-Chuan Wang from China Wins World Championship -2018 in Physics (Spintronics) World Cup

Dr. Saadi bin Ahmad Kamaruddin from Malaysia is conferred with National Championship-2018 in Electrical Engineering (Evolutionary Algorithms) World Cup

Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Sofi from India is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Rheumatology (Molecular Biology) World Cup

Dr. Kenichi Meguro from Japan is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Geriatric Behavioral Neurology World Cup

Dr. Mitra Akbari and Ramin Elmi from Iran are conferred with World Championship -2018 in Medical Science (Immunology) World Cup

Dr Badade Zunjarrao Ganpat from India is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Biochemistry (Oxidative Stress) World Cup

Dr. Eng. Satoshi TAKEI from Japan is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Nanotechnology World Cup

Dr. Maryam Hassana Ati from Nigeria is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Morphology (Crop Production) World Cup

Dr G. Sreenivasan from India is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Electrical Engineering (Power Quality) World Cup

Dr. Rustam Effendi-YS from Indonesia is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Colorectal Cancer (Molecular Biology) World Cup

Dr. Shashi Khare from India is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Microbiology (Drug Resistance) World Cup

Dr. Manoj Gupta from Singapore is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Biomedical Science World


Dr. Sanit Srikoon from Thailand is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Learning World Cup

Prof Swapna Chaudhuri from India is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Oncology (Molecular Immunology) World Cup

Mr. Mohammedsaeed Ganjoor from Iran is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Genetics (Aquaculture) World Cup

Dr. Yasuko Fukaya from Japan is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Nursing (Clinical Communication) World Cup

Prof. Dr. B.M. Patil from India is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Proteomics (Mutation) World Cup

Prof., MD Tarık Kıvrak from Turkey is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Cardiology (Pulmonary Atherosclerosis) World Cup

Dr. Diouf cheikh from Senegal is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Surgery (Laparoscopy) World Cup

Dr. Charles E. Anyanechi from Nigeria is World Champion-2018 in Health Sciences (Chronic Periodontitis)

Dr. (Ms) Swapnali Hazarika from India is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Membrane Science World Cup

Dr. Ubogu Monday from Nigeria is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Biological Science World Cup

Dr. Halima Zugher Hussein from Iraq is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Agriculture (Detoxification) World Cup

World Championship in Software engineering

World Championship in Textile engineering

World Championship in Sports medicine

World Championship in Medical Devices

Where can we find transformation of universities by intellectual celebrity World Champion "Dr. Manuela Cook"

The Legend celebrity "Dr. Manuela Cook" is influencing all Academic Universities in U.K with world class achievements -

World Championship in Urology

World Championship in Psychiatry

World Championship in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

World Championship in Pediatrics

World Championship in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

World Championship in Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery

World Championship in Orthopaedics

World Championship in Ophthalmology

World Championship in Obstetrics and Gynecology

World Championship in Radiology

World Championship in Neurosurgery

World Championship in Family Medicine

World Championship in Medicine

World Championship in Occupational Health

World Championship in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

World Championship in Plastic Surgery

World Championship in Geriatrics

World Championship in Neurology

World Championship in Biochemistry and Biophysics

World Championship in Biomedical Engineering

World Championship in Cell Biology and Physiology

World Championship in Genetics

World Championship in Microbiology and Immunology

World Championship in Nutrition

World Championship in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

World Championship in Public Health

World Championship in Social Medicine

World Championship in Allied Health Sciences (AHS)

World Championship in Anesthesiology

World Championship in Dermatology

World Championship in Emergency Medicine

World Champions in Hematology

World Championship in Oncology

World Championship in Electrophysiology

World Championship in Pain medicine

World Championship in Neonatology

World Championship in Hospice & palliative care

World Championship in Headache medicine

World Championship in Genetics

World Championship in Developmental-behavioral pediatrics

World Championship in Transplant hepatology

World Championship in Sleep medicine

World Championship in Physics

World Championship in Chemical Science

World Championship in Commerce

World Championship in Economics

World Championship in Business Management

World Championship in Aeronautics

World Championship in Anthropology

World Championship in Biological Engineering

World Championship in Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences

World Championship in Computer Science

World Championship in History

World Championship in Humanities and Social Science

World Championship in Literature

World Championship in Anthropology

World Championship in Civil Engineering

World Championship in Electrical Engineering

World Championship in Linguistics and Philosophy

World Championship in Military Science

World Championship in Computational and Systems Biology

World Championship in Mathematics

World Championship in Astronautics

World Championship in Materials Science

World Championship in Political Science

World Championship in Naval Science

World Championship in Urban Studies and Planning

World Championship in Music and Theater Arts

World Championship in Nuclear Engineering

World Championship in Women's and Gender Studies

World Championship in Mechanical Engineering

World Championship in Astronautics

World Championship in Supply Chain Management

World Championship in Crystal engineering

World Championship in Electronics and Communication Engineering

World Championship in Genetic Engineering

World Championship in Biomaterials engineering

World Championship in Mechanical Engineering

World Championship in Process engineering

World Championship in Ceramic Engineering

World Championship in Electrical engineering

World Championship in Biomolecular engineering

World Championship in Polymer engineering

World Championship in Metallurgical Engineering

World Championship in Agricultural Engineering

World Championship in Civil Engineering

World Championship in Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering

World Championship in Biochemical Engineering

World Championship in Information Technology Engineering

World Championship in Architecture

World Championship in Mining Engineering

World Championship in Corrosion engineering

World Championship in Sports engineering

World Championship in Environmental engineering

World Championship in Optomechanical engineering

World Championship in Acoustical engineering

World Championship in Transport engineering

World Championship in Optical engineering

World Championship in Water resources engineering

World Championship in Power engineering

World Championship in Structural engineering

World Championship in Geotechnical engineering

World Championship in Thermal engineering

World Championship in Vehicle engineering

World Championship in Power plant engineering

World Championship in Energy engineering

World Championship in Applied engineering

World Championship in Railway engineering

World Championship in Biomedical nanoengineering

World Championship in Petroleum engineering

World Championship in Industrial engineering

World Championship in Project engineering

World Championship in Robotics

World Championship in Building services engineering

Dr. Kendre Govind Manikrao from India is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Pediatrics (Antiretroviral Therapy) World Cup

How to apply for World Championship in Arts, Science, Engineering, Management, Commerce and Medical Science-

Contact at plojindexing@gmail.com

World Championship in Radiation Oncology

World Championship in Surgery

World Championship in Cardiology

University of Strathclyde

St Salvator's Quad at the University of St Andrews

Foxhill House, home of the School of Law, at the University of Reading

The Founder's Building of Royal Holloway

The Parkinson Building at the University of Leeds

Imperial College London

The Old College of the University of Edinburgh

Earlham Hall at the University of East Anglia

Durham Castle, a building of Durham University

The iconic King's College Chapel of the University of Cambridge (centre), built between 1441 and 1515

University of Ulster, Belfast

Where can you find impact of grand leadership of U.K based world champion Dr. Manuela Cook?

" Dr. Manuela Cook" The Iconic Superstar in Linguistics (Neutrality) has established new milestones in all U.K Cities -

Name Population 2019

London 7,556,900

Birmingham 984,333

Liverpool 864,122

Nottingham 729,977

Sheffield 685,368

Bristol 617,280

Glasgow 591,620

Leicester 508,916

Edinburgh 464,990

Leeds 455,123

Cardiff 447,287

Manchester 395,515

World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook is Role Model for world class research among journals in Linguistics

List of journals in Linguistics:

The Journal of Language and Literature

The Journal of Journalism & Mass Communication

The Journal of Arts and Culture

Journal of Fine Arts

Fortunately, a complete or near-complete list of journals in Linguists means a considerable number of names, which points to the significant importance of this discipline. My recommendation to anyone interested in literature on Linguistics is that s/he narrows down the investigation to the particular point under consideration and then looks it up on the Web for publications where it may be included.

7 Famous Personalities from United Kingdom Who Changed World

Amy Jade Winehouse was an English singer and songwriter. She was known for her deep, expressive contralto vocals and her eclectic mix of musical genres, including soul, rhythm and blues, and jazz. Winehouse's debut album, Frank, was a critical success in the UK and was nominated for the Mercury Prize

Dr. Manuela Cook from U.K is World Champion- 2019 in Linguistics (Neutrality). World Champion DR. MANUELA COOK is most important asset for U.K, recognized by International Agency for Standards and Ratings. World Champion DR. MANUELA COOKis now recognized as Father of modern in Neutrality (Linguistics).

Sir Daniel Michael Blake Day-Lewis is a retired English actor who holds both British and Irish citizenship. Born and raised in London, he excelled on stage at the National Youth Theatre, before being accepted at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, which he attended for three years.

Sir Steven Geoffrey Redgrave CBE DL is a retired British rower who won gold medals at five consecutive Olympic Games from 1984 to 2000. He has also won three Commonwealth Games gold medals and nine World Rowing Championships golds

DescriptionRachel Hannah Weisz is a British-American actress. She is the recipient of an Academy Award, a BAFTA Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award

Johanna Konta is a British professional tennis player who represented Australia until 2012. She has won three singles titles on the WTA Tour, as well as 11 singles and four doubles titles on the ITF Women's Circuit. The current British number one reached her best singles ranking of world No. 4 on 17 July 2017.

Rosie Alice Huntington-Whiteley is an English model, actress, designer, and businesswoman. She is best known for her work for lingerie retailer Victoria's Secret, formerly being one of their brand

6 Famous Persons Who Changed The World

Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics. His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science.

Dr. Manuela Cook from U.K is World Champion- 2019 in Linguistics (Neutrality). World Champion DR. MANUELA COOK is most important asset for U.K, recognized by International Agency for Standards and Ratings. World Champion DR. MANUELA COOKis now recognized as Father of modern in Neutrality (Linguistics).

Hippocrates of Kos, also known as Hippocrates II, was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine. Hippocrates is credited with being the first person to believe that diseases were caused naturally, not because of superstition and gods.

Sir Isaac Newton (25 December 1642 – 20 March1726/27[1]) was an English mathematician, astronomer, theologian, author andphysicist (described in his own day as a "natural philosopher") who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time, and a key figure in the scientific revolution.

World Champion in Microbiology Louis Pasteur (December 27, 1822 – September 28, 1895) was a French biologist, microbiologist and chemistrenowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization. He is remembered for his remarkable breakthroughs in the causes and prevention of diseases, and his discoveries have saved many lives ever since.

Michael Faraday was born on 22 September 1791 in Newington Butts, which is now part of the London Borough of Southwark but was then a suburban part of Surrey. His family was not well off. His father, James, was a member of the Glassite sect of Christianity. James Faraday moved his wife and two children to London during the winter of 1790 from Outhgill in Westmorland, where he had been an apprentice to the village blacksmith.Michael was born in the autumn of that year. The young Michael Faraday, who was the third of four children, having only the most basic school education, had to educate himself.

Biopic of World Champion DR. MANUELA COOK from United Kingdom is top most prospective movie script in Hollywood after the recent release of Movies -

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field starred Lincoln (2012), Kevin Costner, Bruce Greenwood, Chip Esten starred Thirteen Days (2000), Richard Nixon, Dustin Hoffman, Robert Redford starred All the President's Men (1976), Anthony Hopkins, James Woods, Ed Harris starred Nixon (1995), Kevin Costner, Gary Oldman, Kevin Bacon starred JFK (1991), Kevin Bacon, Sam Rockwell, Michael Sheen starred Frost/Nixon (2008), Henry Fonda, Ward Bond, Donald Meek starred Young Mr. Lincoln (1939) and Greer Garson, Ralph Bellamy, Hume Cronyn starred Sunrise at Campobello cast (1960).

How can Government administration of United Kingdom encourage students and young scientists of United Kingdom through World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook?

United Kingdom can establish chair for research and conference in the honour of World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook. For inspiration and encouragement to young experts in Linguistics, countries can establish gardens, roads and statue of World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook.

Dr. Manuela Cook Garden

Dr. Manuela Cook Road

Dr. Manuela Cook Statue

Dr. Manuela Cook Circle

Dr. Manuela Cook Institute of Linguistics Research

Dr. Manuela Cook Scholarship program

Dr. Manuela Cook Community Hall

Dr. Manuela Cook Corridore

Dr. Manuela Cook Incubator Center

Dr. Manuela Cook Center for excellence

Can newspapers and news channels contact World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook for exclusive interview?

Yes, newspapers and news channels can seek appointment with World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook for current news on Linguistics and latest trends in food technology and Linguistics. Social media platforms Whatsapp, Youtube, Facebook groups and event page in the honour of World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook have the potential to disseminate the knowledge and skills in Linguistics.

There is shortage of skilled leaders to coordinate important projects in Linguistics. Can World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook be contacted to lead corporate institutions industries, educational organizations, academic societies working in Linguistics?

Yes, World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook can be contacted for coordination and administration. For effective implementation of national and international projects in Linguistics, Funding agencies can seek expert advice from World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook as coordinator, principal investigator and advisory board member. Multinational companies and start-ups can request for mentorship from World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook.

Can World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook be contacted to represent as brand ambassador?

Yes, World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook is media sensation across the world with highest honour in Linguistics. United Kingdomhas entered into elite group of countries due to contribution of great Dr. Manuela Cook.

How can we reach United Kingdom to interact with World Champion Dr. Manuela Cook?

The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe.

Who is most influential celebrity in Linguistics (Neutrality)?

World Champion DR. MANUELA COOK is most influential celebrity in Linguistics (Neutrality) in world among Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan The Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Democratic Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo Costa Rica Ivory Coast Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon The Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Holy See Honduras Hong Kong Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati North Korea South Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Samoa San Marino San Marino São Tomé and Príncip Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Saint Kitts Saint Lucia Saint Vincent Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe.

IASR is International Agency for Standards and Ratings. IASR officially sets standards in Malariology (Antiplasmodial Activity). IASR is world’s prominent developer of standards and ratings for products, services and good practices towards ease and efficiency. IASR is independent non government agency to ensure standards and ratings for safe, reliable, and good practices globally.

Eligibility for Honorary D.Sc.

Honorary D.Sc.

Honorary Doctor of Science (Latin: Scientiae Doctor), is usually abbreviated Sc.D., D.Sc., S.D., or D.S., is highest recognition for meritorious research scholars. Honorary Doctor of Science is superior in terms of honor and recognition compared to Doctor of Science earned through course work.

What is IASR ?

Eligibility for Honorary D.Sc.

A candidate who is awarded Honorary Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in the disciplines of Science, Engineering, Technology and other related areas by university or degree recognized equivalent thereto from any university may present his/her candidacy for the degree of Honorary Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) provided he/she must have:

Done Doctoral work in Science, Engineering, Technology and other related areas and have published 2 research papers in journals.


Post Ph.D. experience and have made a distinct contribution to the society and advancement of knowledge.


Post Ph.D. experience with at least three recommendations/ referrals of his / her research or contribution from nationally/ internationally recognized experts in the concerned field and his/her work and effort which should have made a distinct contribution to the society and advancement of knowledge.

How to apply for Honorary D.Sc

A candidate seeking to submit his candidacy for Honorary D.Sc.shall apply to Admission Department along with the following documents and requirements online at email plojindexing@gmail.com

Application Form for Honorary D.Sc

Name of Program: Honorary D.Sc

• Bio-data with full particulars (academic and research/ Industrial/ Administrative)

• A brief account of his/ her recent research work, contribution to society, innovation, advancement (in about 1000 words)

• List of publications, books, policy documents, newspaper articles, magazine articles etc.

• Reprints of best research papers, achievements in society, industry, academics and administration

• Details of contribution to society in any one or more areas – social, education, development and finance, global policy, international relations, health, environmental issues, politics, science and technology, innovation, industry and entrepreneurship and ethics etc.

• Copies of certificates in support of qualifications and experience

• Detail of Referrals/Recommendations, if any

• Proof of Patents, If any

Fill up above Application Form and submit online at Email


After scrutiny and evaluation of submitted Application Form for the candidacy of Honorary D.Sc. Once the Application is approved, the candidate will be allowed to register for Honorary D.Sc. by payment of registration fee.

Eligibility Guidelines


Honorary D.Sc.

Honorary D.Litt.

Honorary LL.D.

Honorary Ph.D

What are Honorary Degree?

Honorary Degree are awarded for recognizing distinguished contribution by reputed experts in their field. Honorary Degree are superior from academic degree, because they are earned from prestigious contribution, which sets standards for others to follow. Because of well established contribution of Legends, Honorary Degree do not require the candidate to complete course work, and course duration like in academic degree. Indeed, Honorary Degree is 'honor', the best a candidate can be recognized! Examples of Honorary Degree are Honorary Doctor of Science (D.Sc.), Honorary Doctor of Literature (D.Litt.), Honorary Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) and Honorary Ph.D. This page contains detailed information on how to apply for Honorary Degree and admission procedure.

What are highest post-doctoral degrees?

The Honorary Doctor of Science (D.Sc.), Honorary Doctor of Literature (D.Litt.), Honorary Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) and Honorary Ph.D are the highest post-doctoral degrees.

Applications are invited for award of Honorary D.Sc. Degree in the disciplines of Science, Engineering, Technology and other related areas.

Honorary D.Litt. are awarded in the disciplines of Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Design, Creative Arts and other related areas.

Honorary LL.D. in the discipline of Law and other related areas are awarded to a candidate whose work and research have made distinct contributions to the advancement of knowledge.

Honorary D.Litt.

Honorary Doctor of Letters (D.Litt., Litt.D., D. Lit., or Lit. D.; Latin Litterarum Doctor or Doctor Litterarum) is highest recognition for meritorious research scholars. Honorary Doctor of Letters is superior in terms of honor and recognition compared to Doctor of Letters earned through course work.

Eligibility for Honorary D.Litt.

A candidate who is awarded Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in the disciplines of Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Design, Creative Arts and other related areas by University or degree recognized equivalent thereto from any University may present his/her candidacy for the Honorary Doctor of Literature (D.Litt.) provided that he/she:

Done post-doctoral work in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Design, Creative Arts and other related areas and has published 2 research papers in journals.


Post Ph.D. experience of more than 2 years in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Design, Creative Arts and other related areas,


Ph.D. with at least three recommendations/ referrals of his research/ contribution from nationally/ internationally recognized experts of concerned field and his/her work and efforts has made distinct contributions to the society and advancement of knowledge.

How to apply for Honorary D.Litt.

A candidate seeking to submit his candidacy for Honorary D.Litt. shall apply to Admission Department along with the following documents and requirements online at email plojindexing@gmail.com

Application Form for Honorary D.Litt.

Name of Program: Honorary D.Litt.

• Bio-data with full particulars (academic and research/ Industrial/ Administrative)

• A brief account of his/ her recent research work, contribution to society, innovation, advancement (in about 1000 words)

• List of publications, books, policy documents, newspaper articles, magazine articles etc.

• Reprints of best research papers, achievements in society, industry, academics and administration

• Details of contribution to society in any one or more areas – social, education, development and finance, global policy, international relations, health, environmental issues, politics, science and technology, innovation, industry and entrepreneurship and ethics etc.

• Copies of certificates in support of qualifications and experience

• Detail of Referrals/Recommendations, if any

• Proof of Patents, If any

Fill up above Application Form and submit online at Email


After scrutiny and evaluation of submitted Application Form for the candidacy of Honorary D.Litt. Once the Application is approved, the candidate will be allowed to register for Honorary D.Litt. by payment of registration fee.

Honorary Ph.D

Applications are invited for Honorary Ph.D from eminent persons, who have made significant contribution. Honorary Doctor of Philosophy is superior in terms of honor and recognition compared to Doctor of Philosophy earned through course work.

Eligibility for Honorary Ph.D

A candidate who is awarded Masters degree in any discipline of Arts / Science / Management / Commerce / Engineering / Medical Science / Sports / Pharmacy / Law or other related areas by University or degree recognized equivalent thereto from any University may present his/her candidacy for the Honorary Ph.D provided that he/she has:

Minimum 2 years post Masters Degree experience or has published 3 research papers in journals.


Post Masters degree experience of more than 3 years in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, Design, Creative Arts and other related areas,


Masters degree with at least three recommendations/ referrals of his research/ contribution from nationally/ internationally recognized experts of concerned field and his/her work and efforts has made distinct contributions to the society and advancement of knowledge.

How to apply for Honorary Ph.D

A candidate seeking to submit his candidacy for Honorary Ph.D shall apply to Admission Department along with the following documents and requirements online at email plojindexing@gmail.com

Application Form for Honorary Ph.D

Name of Program: Honorary Ph.D

• Bio-data with full particulars (academic and research/ Industrial/ Administrative)

• A brief account of his/ her recent research work, contribution to society, innovation, advancement (in about 1000 words)

• List of publications, books, policy documents, newspaper articles, magazine articles etc.

• Reprints of best research papers, achievements in society, industry, academics and administration

• Details of contribution to society in any one or more areas – social, education, development and finance, global policy, international relations, health, environmental issues, politics, science and technology, innovation, industry and entrepreneurship and ethics etc.

• Copies of certificates in support of qualifications and experience

• Detail of Referrals/Recommendations, if any

• Proof of Patents, If any

Fill up above Application Form and submit online at Email


After scrutiny and evaluation of submitted Application Form for the candidacy of Honorary Ph.D Once the Application is approved, the candidate will be allowed to register for Honorary Ph.D by payment of registration fee.

Honorary LL.D.

Honorary Legum Doctor (Latin: "teacher of the laws") (LL.D.; Doctor of Laws in English) is highest recognition for meritorious research scholars. Honorary Legum Doctor of Science is superior in terms of honor and recognition compared to Legum Doctor earned through course work.

Eligibility for Honorary LL.D.

A candidate who is awarded Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in the discipline of Law and related areas by University or degree recognized equivalent thereto from any University may present his/her candidacy for the Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) provided that he/she has:

Minimum 2 years post Ph.D. teaching experience or Law practice in Court and has published 2 research papers in journals.


Have post Master of Laws (LLM), Legal Practice Course (LPC) and Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) experience of more than 2 years in the discipline of law and related areas, at least three recommendations/referrals of his work or contribution from nationally/internationally recognized experts of concerned field and his/her work and efforts has made distinct contributions to the society in the field of law.

How to apply for Honorary LL.D.

A candidate seeking to submit his candidacy for Honorary LL.D. shall apply to Admission Department along with the following documents and requirements online at email plojindexing@gmail.com

Application Form for Honorary LL.D.

Name of Program: Honorary LL.D.

• Bio-data with full particulars (academic and research/ Industrial/ Administrative)

• A brief account of his/ her recent research work, contribution to society, innovation, advancement (in about 1000 words)

• List of publications, books, policy documents, newspaper articles, magazine articles etc.

• Reprints of best research papers, achievements in society, industry, academics and administration

• Details of contribution to society in any one or more areas – social, education, development and finance, global policy, international relations, health, environmental issues, politics, science and technology, innovation, industry and entrepreneurship and ethics etc.

• Copies of certificates in support of qualifications and experience

• Detail of Referrals/Recommendations, if any

• Proof of Patents, If any

Fill up above Application Form and submit online at Email


After scrutiny and evaluation of submitted Application Form for the candidacy of Honorary LL.D. Once the Application is approved, the candidate will be allowed to register for Honorary LL.D. by payment of registration fee.

Application for Admission

A candidate seeking to submit his candidacy for Honorary D.Sc./ Honorary D.Litt./ Honorary LL.D. / Honorary Ph.D shall apply to Admission Department along with the following documents and requirements online at email plojindexing@gmail.com

Name of Program: ?

• Bio-data with full particulars (academic and research/ Industrial/ Administrative)

• A brief account of his/ her recent research work, contribution to society, innovation, advancement (in about 1000 words)

• List of publications, books, policy documents, newspaper articles, magazine articles etc.

• Reprints of best research papers, achievements in society, industry, academics and administration

• Details of contribution to society in any one or more areas – social, education, development and finance, global policy, international relations, health, environmental issues, politics, science and technology, innovation, industry and entrepreneurship and ethics etc.

• Copies of certificates in support of qualifications and experience

• Detail of Referrals/Recommendations, if any

• Proof of Patents, If any

After scrutiny and evaluation of submitted proposal for the candidacy of Honorary D.Sc./ Honorary D.Litt./ Honorary LL.D. / Honorary Ph.D Once the proposal is approved, the candidate will be allowed to register for Honorary D.Sc. / Honorary D.Litt. / Honorary LL.D. / Honorary Ph.D by payment of registration fee.

Admission Department


Contact "World Championship" at plojindexing@gmail.com