Lionel Messi, Dr. Melike Elif Teker from Turkey, and Manuel Peter Neuer German professional footballer declared as Icons of sanctuary

Manuel Peter Neuer is a German professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper and captain for both German club Bayern Munich and the Germany national team.

Manuel Neuer is back! Not that we're counting or anything, but by the time the Bayern Munich, Germany and world No.1 takes to the field.

Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward and captains both Spanish club Barcelona and the Argentina national team.

As of 23rd April 2016, from the time he made his senior debuts for Barcelona and Argentina, Messi has scored 507 goals in 644 games. 39 goals in 54 Copa Del Rey matches. Other (Super cup, World Club championship) - 19 goals in 22 matches.

Manuel Peter Neuer was born on 27 March, 1986 in Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, in Germany.

Cristiano Ronaldo has scored 34 La Liga hat-tricks, making him the player with the most hat-tricks in La Liga history.

Lionel Messi, Dr. Melike Elif Teker from Turkey, and Manuel Peter Neuer German professional footballer declared as Icons of sanctuary by International Agency for Standards and Rating.

Dr. Melike Elif Teker from Turkey wins World Championship - 2018 in Aortic Coarctation

World champion Dr. Melike Elif Teker


The Pride of Turkey

World Champion Dr. Melike Elif Teker is most important asset for Turkey, recognized by International Agency for Standards and Ratings. World Champion Professor Dr. Melike Elif Teker is now recognized as Father of modern Aortic Coarctation. The purpose of the award is to identify brilliant scientists and academicians around the world through World Championship. The World Championship is organized by International Agency for Standards and Ratings at international level. Dr. Melike Elif Teker, (World Champion and Fellow, Directorate of Cardiology, IASR) plays a vital role in advancement of scientific knowledge in Aortic Coarctation. World Championship-2018 in Aortic Coarctation acknowledges the outstanding international contributions and is selected based on international meritorious competition. IASR extends best wishes for your endeavours enlightening scientific domain with your efforts. Your research article is winner among 5965 nominations from 96 countries, screened for the World Championship-2018 in Aortic Coarctation.IASR recognizes Dr. Melike Elif Teker among World's 500 Most Influential Experts in Cardiology for the Year 2018 on Earth.

What is Aortic Coarctation ?

Coarctation of the aorta is a congenital (present at birth) heart defect involving a narrowing of the aorta. The aorta is the large artery that carries oxygen-rich (red) blood from the left ventricle to the body. In some cases, coarctation is noted in infancy.

What are the major branches in Aortic Coarctation?

There are three types of aortic coarctations: Preductal coarctation: The narrowing is proximal to the ductus arteriosus. Ductal coarctation: The narrowing occurs at the insertion of the ductus arteriosus. Postductal coarctation: The narrowing is distal to the insertion of the ductus arteriosus.

World Champion Dr. Melike Elif Teker is international asset for Brazil

World champion Dr. Melike Elif Teker endorses scientific meetings and conferences on Aortic Coarctation, and can be contacted for key note speeches on Aortic Coarctation and industrial collaborations. The World Championship is organized by International Agency for Standards and Ratings at international level. Universities are in a race to reconstruct their syllabus by adding applications of scientific contribution by World champion- Dr. Melike Elif Teker. Under expert guidance of World champion Dr. Melike Elif Teker, Universities can now contribute better in nation building. Proper supervision by World champion Dr. Melike Elif Tekerwill help to allocate public funds and research grants more focused. Universities can contact world champion Dr. Melike Elif Tekerfor selection committees/ board on promotion and recruitment. The world champion Dr. Melike Elif Tekercan be contacted for execution of programs related to Aortic Coarctation. Researchers and students can enjoy expert career guidance on latest trends, jobs and career opportunities from world champion Dr. Melike Elif Teker.

Thesis and dissertations on Aortic Coarctation could now have expert guidance and supervision of Dr. Melike Elif Teker, World champion in Aortic Coarctation. It will bring advancement in research in Aortic Coarctation.

Reference and text books on Aortic Coarctation can now have exclusive chapters to orient students to perform application based high quality research as guided by world champion Dr. Melike Elif Teker. World champion Dr. Melike Elif Teker endorses scientific meetings and conferences on Aortic Coarctation, and can be contacted for key note speeches on Aortic Coarctation and industrial collaborations. Newspapers and news channels/ international media agencies can seek expert opinion from world champion Dr. Melike Elif Tekeron important national and international issues.

World champion Dr. Melike Elif Teker

1. Name/Surname: World champion Melike Elif Teker

2. Date of birth: 26.06.1982

3. Title: Cardiovascular Surgery Doctor

4. Education status of World champion Dr. Melike Elif Teker:

Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl




UNIVERSITY 2001-2007






5. Academic Units: Doctor

6 .Master Theses: Investigation of theımpact of Flaxseed(LinumUsitatissimum ) on LowerExtremityIschemia/ReperfusionInjury in a HypercholesterolemicRat Model 20014

7. Publications by World champion Dr. Melike Elif Teker

7.1. Articles published in internationally acclaimed journals (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities)

• Surgical treatment of lower limb ischemia in diabetic patients – long-term results, BekirInan, UnalAydin, Murat Ugurlucan, CemalettinAydin, and Melike Elif Teker, International Surgery 100 (7-8):1249- 1254 ,JULY 2015

• Effects of ischemic preconditioning and iloprost on myocardial ischemia-reperfusion damage in rats.Yasin Ay, Ibrahim Kara, CemalettinAydin, Nuray Kahraman Ay, MelikeElifTeker,SerkanSenol, BekirInan, Halil Basel, Omer Uysal, and RahmiZeybek, International Journal of Stroke 9:148,October 2014

• Straight versus S-shaped sternotomy: a histologic study in the sheep model, BekirInan, FatihKucukdurmaz, SebnemKarakan, MelikeElifTeker, Caner Akcan, Gulay B Dilek, and KenanDaglioglu, J Cardiothorac Surg. 2014; 9: 173

• Surgical treatment of aortoiliac occlusive disease with concomitant superficial femoral artery occlusion.Inan B , Aydin U , Ugurlucan M , Aydin C , Sen O , Teker ME , Zeybek R. BezmiAlem University, Cardiovascular Surgery Department, Istanbul, Turkey.ActaChirurgicaBelgica [2014, 114(5):304-308

7.2. Articles published in other international lyac claimed journals

• An alternative method that reduces homologous blood use In open heart surgery; cell saver.MelikeElifTeker, İ Bayer Cınar.Cardiovascular System;1-5

• A New Approach to Myocardial Revascularization in Patients with Severe Carotid Lesions: Simultaneous Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Local Carotid Endarterectomy. Melike Elif Teker. Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases & Diagnosis.2017/7/5;1-4

• Debranching in a Case of Malformation in Association with Aortic Coarctation: A Rare Case. MelikeElifTeker. American Journal of Medical Case Reports,2017;141-143

• Investigation of theImpact of Flaxseed (LinumUsitatissimum) on theLowerExtremityIschemia/ReperfusionInjury in a HypercholesterolemicR at Model. Journal of Vascular Medicine & Surgery.Melike Elif Teker, Bekir İnan, Öznur İnan. 2017, Vol 5(5): 338

7.3. Proceedings presented at international scientific meetings and published in proceedings

• Surgical Treatment of Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease with Concomittant Superficial Femoral Artery Occlusion.BekirInan, UnalAydın, Murat U˘gurlucan, Cemalettin Aydın, MelikeElifTeker,RahmiZeybek. ASVS FREE PAPERS. Oral Presentation. October 27

• Surgical treatment of carotıs body tumor. B.İnan, Ü.Aydın, ME TEKER, K.Erkalp, T.Yaşar. 11. cardiac surgery congress 2010

• The creation of the basilica and fistulaBinan, ME Teker, . T Yaşar. 11. Türk cardıac surgery congress 2010

• It is the condition of carotıd body tumor embolizatıon ? B. İnan, ME Teker, C. Aydın, R. Zeybek15. Internatıonal Vascular surgery congress 2011

• A comparative method of fistula thrombosis in radiocephalic: again fistula, thrombolysis and thrombectomy. B. İnan, ME Teker, C. Aydın, R. Zeybek15. Internatıonal Vascular surgery congress 2011

• Our experience aneurysms arterıovenous fistula surgery .ME Teker, B İnan, Y Ay, C Aydın, R Zeybek. 16. InternatıonalVascular surgery congress 2013

• Investigation of the ımpact of Flaxseed (LinumUsitatissimum ) on Lower Extremity Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in a Hypercholesterolemic Rat Model .MelikeElifTeker, bekirinan, yasin ay, rahmizeybek. 13. Türk cardıac surgery congress 2014

• We apply our method to treat telangiectasia sclerotherapy. MelikeElifTeker,Bekirİnan, Gül Mehmet Yılmaz. 13. Türk cardıac surgery congress 2014

• Straight versus S-shaped sternotomy: a histologic study in the sheep model, Bekirinan, faith küçükdurmaz, şebnemkarahan, MelikeElifTeker, caner akcan, gülaybilirdilek, kenandağıoğlu. 13. Türk cardıac surgery congress 2014

• Our experience upper extremity deep venous thrombosis MelikeElifTeker,gülmehmetyılmaz, bekirinan ,yasin ay, cemalettinaydın, Hayrettin tekümit, rahmizeybek. 13. Türk cardıac surgery congress 2014

7.4. Written international books orsections in boks

7.5. Articlespublished in nationally-respectedjournals

• Our experience popliteal arterial aneurysms surgery .Bekirİnan, MelikeElifTeker,Yasin Ay, CemalettinAydın, Halil Başel, Rahmi Zeybek, Bezmi Alem University, Cardiovascular Surgery Department, Istanbul, Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi 29(2):89-93, 2013

• Surgical Management of Isolated Bilateral Iliac Aneurysm. Bekir İnan, MelikeElifTeker, Yasin Ay, CemalettinAydın, Rahmi Zeybek, BezmiAlem University, Cardiovascular Surgery Department, Istanbul,, causepediahakemliolgudergisi, e-ISSN:2147- 2181

• Evaluation of patients with upper extremity deep vein thrombosis,Melike Elif Teker, Feyzullah Gümüşçü, Mehmet EmreElçi, Malatya Governmental Hospital , Cardiovascular Surgery Department ,Dicle Medical Journal 2015; 42 (1): 41-45

• Our Experience on Splenic Artery Aneurysms, Bekir İNAN, MelikeElifTEKER,Yasin AY, Cemalettin AYDIN, RahmiZEYBEKBezmiAlem University, Cardiovascular Surgery Department, Istanbul, DamarCerDerg 2013;22(3):257-262

• Early and late complications of arteriovenous fistula Bekirİnan, MelikeElifTeker, Yasin Ay, CemalettinAydın, RahmiZeybek,BezmiAlem University, Cardiovascular Surgery Department, Istanbul, DamarCerrahisiDergisi 2014;23(3):143-7.

• Arteriovenous Fistula Causing Upper Extremity Distal Ischemia: A Case Report MelikeElifTeker, Bekirİnan. Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi 32(2):115-117, 2016

• KaraciğerNakliYapılmışBirHastadaAçıkKalpCerrahisi: OlguSunumu.MelikeElifTeker, ÖnderTeskin. Dergipark 2017/12/1

• Aortic Dissection In Case with Chronic Kidney Disease. Banu Buyukaydin, Murat Alay, Rumeyza Kazancioglu, Aycan Ugur, Muhammed Tunc, Melike Elif Teker, BekirInan, RehaErkoc. BEZMIALEM SCIENCE. 2017/10/1; 186-188

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Winners of World Championship -2018

Winners of World Championship- 2017

Winners of World Championship- 2016

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Year 2013


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Year 2018


Dr. Ingo Schmidt from Germany is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Rheumatology (metacarpophalangeal joints)

Dr. Yasin Idweini from Jordan is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Endoscopic Treatment

Dr. Yeting Zhou and Dr. Dao M Tong from China win World Championship -2018 in General Surgery (Acute Vertigo Syndrome)

Dr. Jubilee Purkayastha from India is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

Dr. Yasin Idweini from Jordan is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Urology (Electrocoagulation)

Dr. Zheng-Chuan Wang from China Wins World Championship -2018 in Physics (Spintronics)

Dr. Saadi bin Ahmad Kamaruddin from Malaysia is conferred with National Championship-2018 in Electrical Engineering (Evolutionary Algorithms)

Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Sofi from India is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Rheumatology (Molecular Biology)

Dr. Kenichi Meguro from Japan is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Geriatric Behavioral Neurology

Dr. Mitra Akbari and Ramin Elmi from Iran are conferred with World Championship -2018 in Medical Science (Immunology)

Dr Badade Zunjarrao Ganpat from India is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Biochemistry (Oxidative Stress)

Dr. Eng. Satoshi TAKEI from Japan is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Nanotechnology

Dr. Maryam Hassana Ati from Nigeria is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Morphology (Crop Production)

Dr G. Sreenivasan from India is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Electrical Engineering (Power Quality)

Dr. Rustam Effendi-YS from Indonesia is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Colorectal Cancer (Molecular Biology)

Dr. Shashi Khare from India is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Microbiology (Drug Resistance)

Dr. Manoj Gupta from Singapore is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Biomedical Science

Dr. Sanit Srikoon from Thailand is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Learning

Prof Swapna Chaudhuri from India is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Oncology (Molecular Immunology)

Mr. Mohammedsaeed Ganjoor from Iran is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Genetics (Aquaculture)

Dr. Yasuko Fukaya from Japan is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Nursing (Clinical Communication)

Prof. Dr. B.M. Patil from India is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Proteomics (Mutation)

Prof., MD Tarık Kıvrak from Turkey is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Cardiology (Pulmonary Atherosclerosis)

Dr. Diouf cheikh from Senegal is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Surgery (Laparoscopy)

Dr. (Ms) Swapnali Hazarika from India is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Membrane Science

Dr. Ubogu Monday from Nigeria is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Biological Science

Dr. Halima Zugher Hussein from Iraq is conferred with World Championship -2018 in Agriculture (Detoxification)

Dr. Kendre Govind Manikrao from India is conferred with World Championship-2018 in Pediatrics (Antiretroviral Therapy)