Spalding and District Council of Churches was set up in 1954, following the formation of the British Council of Churches in 1942. Earlier national ecumenical bodies included the Councils of Christian Congregations.

'An exploratory meeting was held in the Grammar School Library on the 16th February, chaired by Mr S W Woodward - headmaster of the Grammar School. The congregations/councils of the eight churches represented all later agreed to become part of the Spalding Council of Churches. St Mary & St Nicolas, St John the Baptist, St Paul's, The Baptist Church, The Congregational Church, Broad Street, St Thomas's Road and The Crescent Methodist Churches.'

'October 24th. At an Inaugural Public Meeting the Revd M H R Synge - St Mary & St Nicolas Church, was elected vice-chairman. The Society of Friends and The Salvation Army (both joined later) were invited to support the work of the Council. The Anglican churches were invited to participate in the already established Free Church week of prayer in Spalding.'

See also the change to 'Churches Together', the Anglo-Methodist Covenant and the inauguration of Churches Together in Spalding and District in 1991.