April 2022
A selection of events as advised by churches across the area; please contact us to add or update details. Services, events, dates and times are subject to late changes due to Covid-19 restrictions - please check with the church for latest details, reserving or booking places or tickets, See also our News pages and Facebook page 'Hope4Spalding' and Googlemap. Apologies for errors and omissions. Bold = ecumenical Churches Together events. Entries in italics = awaiting confirmation
4:00pm: Messy Church, St Mary's, Cowbit (ACNY) tbc
Flower Festivals from 22/4; see also May, June and www.facebook.com/SouthHollandChurchFestivals
Opening times: most festivals open around 10:00am, some with changes on Sundays; please check with individual churches for times and any late changes
Saturday 23 April - Sunday 24 April: Flower Festival at St Peter & St Paul, Wigtoft ACNY PE20 2NJ
Saturday 23 April - Monday 2 May: Flower Festival 'Pastimes', St Laurence Surfleet (FB) PE11 4AB / PE11 4DA
Saturday 23 April to Monday 2 May: Flower Festival 'Scarecrows visit London' at St Mary's, Sutterton (FB) PE20 2JH
Wednesday 27 April - Monday 2 May: Flower Festival 'A festival of flowers', St Bartholomew (FB) West Pinchbeck PE11 3QG
Thursday 28 April - Monday 2 May: Flower Festival 'Let us give thanks' at Gosberton Methodist (FB, FB2, FB3); Sunday 1/5, 4:30pm: festival service PE11 4NQ
Thursday 28 April - Monday 2 May: Flower Festival '300 years', St James Moulton Chapel (Elloe Stone group) PE12 0XQ
Thursday 28 April - Monday 2 May: Flower Festival, St Mary & the Holy Rood, Donington ACNY PE11 4UA
Thursday 28 April - Monday 2 May: Flower Festival 'And I think to myself... What a Wonderful World...', St Mary's (FB) Pinchbeck PE11 3UA
Thursday 28 April - Monday 2 May: Flower Festival 'We go together', St Peter & St Paul, Gosberton (FB) PE11 4EW
Friday 29 April - Monday 2 May: Flower Festival, 'My favourite book', Moulton Chapel Methodist; Sunday 1/5, 3:00pm: Festival service PE12 0XR
Friday 29 April - Monday 2 May: Flower Festival, 'Favourite Hymns', Sutterton Methodist, near PE20 2EY
Friday 29 April - Tuesday 3 May: Flower Festival 'The Life and Times of St Mary's Long Sutton' St Mary's (FB) ACNY PE12 9JJ
Saturday 30 April - Sunday 1 May: Flower Festival at St Peter & St Paul, Wigtoft ACNY PE20 2NJ
Saturday 30 April - Monday 2 May: Flower Festival at All Saints, Holbeach (FB, FB public group) PE12 7LL
Saturday 30 April - Monday 2 May: Flower Festival at Fleet Baptist with Songs of Praise - Sunday 1/5 at 3:30pm PE12 8LL
Saturday 30 April - Monday 2 May: Flower Festival at St John the Evangelist, Weston Hills, PE12 6DQ (near PE12 6DS)
Saturday 30 April - Monday 2 May: Food and Craft festival, St Mary Magdalene, Fleet PE12 8NN
Easter Day, Resurrection Sunday, 17 April:
5:30am: Sunrise service, Priory, Deeping St James (FB)
5:45am: Dawn service, bonfire, All Saints, Holbeach (FB public group) ACNY
5:45am: Dawn service, Long Sutton St Mary (FB) ACNY
6:00am: Sunrise service on Stamford Meadows; more info via Stamford Methodist Circuit (FB)
6:00am: Sunrise service at Thurlby Manor followed by breakfast at Thurlby Methodist (Circuit)
7:00am: First Communion of Easter, St John the Baptist (FB - public; FB - private group)
7:45am: Easter Day Holy Communion, Crowland Abbey St Mary & St Bartholomew & St Guthlac (FB) ACNY
8:00am: Holy Communion, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
8:00am: Holy Communion (BCP), St Michael and All Angels, Langtoft (FB)
9:00am: Holy Communion, Broad Street Methodist (FB): (Circuit website)
9:00am: Holy Communion with breakfast, Gosberton Methodist (FB, FB2, FB3) (Circuit website)
9:00am: Mass, Holy Trinity RC, Holbeach
9:00am: Resurrection Sunday at Lighthouse church (FB)
9:00am: BCP Communion, Priory, Deeping St James (FB)
9:00am: Easter Day Eucharist, Holbeach Marsh, St Mark with St Matthew
9:00am: Easter at St Laurence, Surfleet (FB) ACNY The Glen Group
9:15am: Easter Holy Communion, St Paul's (FB)
10:00am: Holy Communion, Moulton All Saints (FB) ACNY (Elloe Stone benefice)
10:00am: Sung Eucharist, Bourne Abbey ACNY
10:00am: Holy Communion, St Firmin's, Thurlby in The Ness Group (FB)
10:00am: All Age Holy, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB) ACNY
10:00am: Easter Day Communion, Priory, Deeping St James (FB)
10:00am: Easter Communion, Holbeach St John's (Elloe Stone benefice)
10:00am: Easter Holy Communion, St John the Baptist (FB - public; FB - private group)
10:00am: Holy Communion, St John's, Baston in The Ness Group (FB)
10:00am: Holy Communion, St Margaret's Quadring (FB) for the Gosberton Group
10:00am: Eucharist, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) ACNY
10:00am: Holy Communion, St Michael and All Angels, Langtoft (FB)
10:00am: Easter Day at Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
10:15am: 'All Age and Adult' service at Spalding Baptist
10:30am: Easter with Darren Charlton, Broad Street Methodist (FB): (Circuit website)
10:30am: Holy Communion, All Saints, Holbeach (FB, FB public group) ACNY
10:30am: Calvary Baptist (FB)
10:30am: Holy Communion, Deepings Methodist (Circuit) (FB)
10:30am: Meeting for worship, Friends Meeting House (Quakers)
10:30am: Gosberton Baptist
10:30am: Gosberton Clough Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
10:30am: Harvest Church (FB) at The Polka Dot Academy, PE11 2AE
10:30am: Holy Communion, Holbeach Methodist (FB)
10:30am: Holy Communion, Moulton Chapel Methodist
10:30am: Pinchbeck Baptist (FB)
10:30am: South Holland Community Church (FB - private group; see also Ground Level) at The Vista
10:30am: Easter with visiting preacher at Spalding United Reformed Church
10:30am: Holy Communion, Sutterton Methodist
10:30am: St Bartholomew's, West Pinchbeck (FB) ACNY The Glen Group
10:30am: Holy Communion, Long Sutton St Mary (FB) ACNY
10:30am: Holy Communion, St Mary's Whaplode (FB) (Elloe Stone benefice)
10:30am: Family Communion, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
10:30am: Holy Communion, Thurlby Methodist (Circuit)
10:45am: Easter Sunday with Derek Skinner, Bourne United Reformed Church
10:45am: Easter Sunday, Sutton St James - Baptist (FB)
11:00am: Easter Day Holy Communion, Crowland Abbey St Mary & St Bartholomew & St Guthlac (FB) ACNY
11:00am: Communion, St Mary Magdalene, Gedney ACNY
11:00am: Easter service, St Michael & All Angels, Uffington ACNY (FB)
11:00am: Mass, The Immaculate Conception & St Norbert (FB)
11:30am: Resurrection Sunday Easter Celebration at Lighthouse church (FB)
11:30am: Extended communion, Lutton, St Nicholas
11:30am: Easter Egg trail, Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
3:00pm: All Age Eucharist and Baptism, St Mary's (FB) Pinchbeck
3:30pm: All Age Easter celebration, St John the Baptist (FB - public; FB - private group)
4:00pm: Easter Songs of Praise, St Mary & the Holy Rood, Donington ACNY
6:00pm: South Holland Methodist Circuit Holy Communion at Bicker Methodist
6:00pm: Choral Evensong, Priory, Deeping St James (FB)
6:30pm: Holy Communion, St James, Moulton Chapel (Elloe Stone benefice)
6:30pm: Evensong, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
Easter Eve, Holy Saturday, 16 April:
10:00am: Puppet making workshops organised by Elloe East Youth & Children's Work at St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) ACNY
10-1pm: Traditional Polish blessing of food [baskets] The Immaculate Conception & St Norbert (FB)
10:30am - 2:30pm: Easter Community Day, organised by Long Sutton Baptist (FB)
11:00am - 1:00pm: Easter Egg hunt, refreshments, St Firmin's, Thurlby in The Ness Group (FB)
3:00pm: Puppet rehearsal followed by 4:00pm Easter service, organised by Elloe East Youth & Children's Work at St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) ACNY
7:00pm: St Mary's, Pinchbeck (FB) ACNY, The Glen Group
7:30pm: Easter Vigil, All Saints, Holbeach (FB, FB public group) ACNY
8:00pm: Service of Light and Easter Vigil, The Immaculate Conception & St Norbert (FB)
8:00pm: Holy Saturday Vigil, lighting of the New Fire and Holy Communion, Crowland Abbey St Mary & St Bartholomew & St Guthlac (FB) ACNY
8:30pm: Vigil, First Eucharist of Easter, Bourne Abbey ACNY
8:30pm: Blessing of the new fire of Easter and paschal candle and first Mass of Easter, Long Sutton St Mary (FB) ACNY
Good Friday, 15 April:
9:15am: Walk of Witness starting at Wilsthorpe church, 10:15am Braceborough church, 11:00am Greatford, 12 noon at Barholm, then arriving around 2:15pm at Uffington church ACNY (FB)
9:30am: Walk of Witness from Bourne United Reformed Church (see also 10:00am, Bourne RC)
9:30am: Stations of the Cross, St John the Baptist (FB - public; FB - private group)
10:00am: Elloe Stone benefice service at Moulton All Saints (FB) ACNY
10:00am: Bourne Walk of Witness starting at Bourne Catholic church, visiting Bourne Methodist, Bourne Abbey and the Wellhead in the park
9:45am/10:00am: Market Deeping Walk of Witness leaving St Guthlac's (FB) ACNY, finishing at Deepings Methodist (FB); see also Churches Together in the Deepings FB
10:00am: Elloe Stone group service at Moulton All Saints (FB) ACNY
10:00am: Peterborough Walk of Witness from Stanley Recreation Ground to Cathedral Square, orgnaised by Churches Together in Central Peterborough
10:00am: Stations of the Cross followed by Walk of Witness, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) ACNY
10:00am: Long Sutton Walk of Witness leaving the church hall, organised by Long Sutton Baptist (FB) and St Mary (FB) ACNY
10:15am: Good Friday at Spalding Baptist
10:00am, 10:10am & 10:15am: Walk of Witness leaves St Norbert's and Spalding parish church for Hall Place by 10:30am, organised by St Mary & St Nicolas (FB) and The Immaculate Conception & St Norbert (FB)
10:30am: Calvary Baptist (FB)
10:30am: Worship at Deepings Methodist (Circuit) (FB)
10:30am: Hot Cross buns at St Bartholomew's, followed by Stations of the Cross at 11:00am, West Pinchbeck (FB) ACNY The Glen Group
10:30am: Broad Street Methodist (FB): (Circuit website)
10:30am: March of Witness from Gosberton parish church to the Baptist church, organised by Gosberton Baptist (FB)
10:30am: Good Friday at Holbeach Methodist (FB), then joining the Churches Together in East Elloe Walk of Witness in Holbeach
10:30am: Good Friday at Lighthouse church (FB)
10:30am: Reflective service, Pinchbeck Baptist (FB)
10:30am: Children's Way of the Cross, The Immaculate Conception & St Norbert (FB)
11:00am: Crowland Walk of Witness starts at Trinity Bridge; more info via Crowland Abbey (FB), Crowland Methodist (FB) or Holy Trinity RC
12 noon: Holbeach Walk of Witness from Holy Trinity RC to All Saints, Holbeach (FB), organised by Churches Together in East Elloe
12 noon: Stamford Walk of Witness on the High Street, organised by Churches Together in Stamford (FB)
1:00pm: Soup lunch, ÂŁ3, proceeds to DEC, All Saints, Holbeach (FB public group) ACNY
1:30pm: Easter craft session at the Green school, Market Deeping, organised by St Guthlac's (FB) ACNY
2:00pm: At the foot of the cross, All Saints, Holbeach (FB, FB public group) ACNY
2:00pm: Sung Eucharist, Bourne Abbey ACNY
2:00pm: Music and Reflection, St Firmin's, Thurlby in The Ness Group (FB)
2:00pm: Good Friday service, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB) ACNY
2:00pm: Reflective hour at the Cross, St James, Moulton Chapel (Elloe Stone benefice)
2:00pm: Last Hour meditation, St John the Baptist (FB - public; FB - private group)
2:00pm: St Laurence, Surfleet (FB) ACNY The Glen Group
2:00pm: Last hour at the Cross, liturgy and ante-communion, Long Sutton St Mary (FB) ACNY
2:00pm: Reflective hour at the Cross, St Mary's Whaplode (FB)
2:00pm: Communion at the Cross, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
2:00pm: Good Friday at Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
2:30pm: Good Friday meditation, St Mary & the Holy Rood, Donington ACNY
3:00pm: Solemn proclamation of the Passion, Holy Trinity RC, Holbeach
3:00pm: Solemn proclamation of the Passion, The Immaculate Conception & St Norbert (FB)
Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion at 3:00pm, Crowland Abbey St Mary & St Bartholomew & St Guthlac (FB) ACNY
4:00pm: Meditation, Priory, Deeping St James (FB)
5:00pm: Stations of the Cross, St Mary Magdalene, Fleet
6:00pm: Stations of the Cross, Holy Trinity RC, Holbeach
7:30pm: Polish service, The Immaculate Conception & St Norbert (FB)
8:00pm: Taizé, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
Maundy Thursday, 14 April:
9:30am: Coffee Morning followed by Eucharist at 11:00am, St Bartholomew's, West Pinchbeck (FB) ACNY The Glen Group
9:30am: Communion service, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) ACNY
10:30am: Stories, crafts and songs organised by Elloe East Youth & Children's Work at St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) ACNY
10:45am: 15 minute service, Holbeach Methodist (FB)
11:00am: service following 9:30am 'Thirsty on a Thursday', St Bartholomew (FB) West Pinchbeck
5:00pm: Mass of the Lords's Supper, Holy Trinity RC, Holbeach; adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 7:00pm
6:00pm: Holy Communion, St Michael and All Angels, Langtoft (FB)
6:30pm: Sung Eucharist and Vigil, Bourne Abbey ACNY
6:30pm: Communion, St Mary Magdalene, Gedney ACNY
6:30pm: Agape supper in Lutton village gall, organised by Lutton, St Nicholas
7:00pm: Tenebrae service, Bourne Methodist (FB) (Stamford Circuit) - with Thurlby and Deepings Methodist congregations
7:00pm: Maundy Thursday meal and Holy Communion, Gosberton Methodist (Circuit website) (FB, FB2, FB3)
7:00pm: Holy Communion, St John the Baptist (FB - public; FB - private group)
7:00pm: Passover service in the Elloe Stone benefice at St Mary's, Whaplode (FB) ACNY
7:00pm: Eucharistic Meal, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
7:00pm: Holy Week at Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
7:00pm: Meal and Holy Communion, Sutton St James - Baptist (FB)
7:30pm: Communion with foot washing, All Saints, Holbeach (FB, FB public group) ACNY
7:30pm: Mass of the Lord's Supper, The Immaculate Conception & St Norbert (FB) followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 9:30pm
7:30pm: Foot Washing and Holy Communion, Crowland Abbey St Mary & St Bartholomew & St Guthlac (FB) ACNY
7:30pm: Holy Communion followed by Watch, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB) ACNY
7:30pm: Holy Communion, Priory church, Deeping St James (FB), ACNY
7:30pm: Holy Communion followed by Prayer Vigil until midnight Compline, Long Sutton St Mary (FB) ACNY
9:00pm: Vigil until Midnight, Crowland Abbey St Mary & St Bartholomew & St Guthlac (FB) ACNY
Wednesday, 13 April:
10:00am: Holy Week Prayer Labyrinth; more info via Churches Together in Stamford (FB)
10:30am: Holy Communion, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB) ACNY
5:00pm: Evening Prayer with Reflection, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
6:00pm: Holy Week service, St John's, Baston in The Ness Group (FB)
6:30pm: Compline, Bourne Abbey ACNY
7:00pm: Stations of the Crosss, Broad Street Methodist (FB)
7:00pm: Holy Communion, St John the Baptist (FB - public; FB - private group)
7:00pm: Holy Communion, Long Sutton St Mary (FB) ACNY
7:00pm: Holy Week at Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
7:30pm: Compline, All Saints, Holbeach (FB, FB public group) ACNY
7:30pm: Compline, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB) ACNY
7:30pm: Evening Prayer and Meditation, Priory, Deeping St James (FB)
Stations of the Cross and Holy Communion at 7:30pm, Crowland Abbey St Mary & St Bartholomew & St Guthlac (FB) ACNY
7:30pm: Stations of the Cross, Long Sutton St Mary (FB) ACNY
Tuesday, 12 April:
9:15am: Prayer Group, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) ACNY
9:30am: Mass, The Immaculate Conception & St Norbert (FB)
5:00pm: Evening Prayer with Reflection, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
6:00pm: In Hope interactive service, St Firmin's, Thurlby in The Ness Group (FB)
6:30pm: Compline, Bourne Abbey ACNY
6:30pm: Holy Communion, Crowland Abbey St Mary & St Bartholomew & St Guthlac (FB) ACNY
7:00pm: Holy Communion, St John the Baptist (FB - public; FB - private group)
7:00pm: Holy Communion, Long Sutton St Mary (FB) ACNY
7:00pm: Holy Week at Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
7:30pm: Compline, All Saints, Holbeach (FB, FB public group) ACNY
7:30pm: Compline, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB) ACNY
7:30pm: Evening Prayer and Meditation, Priory, Deeping St James (FB)
7:30pm: Stations of the Cross, Long Sutton St Mary (FB) ACNY
Monday, 11 April:
9:30am: Service of the Word and Holy Communion, The Immaculate Conception & St Norbert (FB)
10:00am: Puppet making workshop organised by Elloe East Youth & Children's Work at St Matthew's Sutton Bridge (FB) ACNY
2:00pm: Bible Study, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) ACNY
5:00pm: Evening Prayer with Reflection, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
5:00pm: Student's Cross, on pilgrimage to Walsingham; Polish Mass, The Immaculate Conception & St Norbert (FB)
6:00pm: Mass, Holy Trinity RC, Holbeach
6:00pm: Evening Prayer, St Michael and All Angels, Langtoft (FB)
6:30pm: Compline, Bourne Abbey ACNY
6:30pm: Holy Communion, Crowland Abbey St Mary & St Bartholomew & St Guthlac (FB) ACNY
7:00pm: Holy Communion, St John the Baptist (FB - public; FB - private group)
7:00pm: Holy Communion, Long Sutton St Mary (FB) ACNY
7:00pm: Holy Week at Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
7:30pm: Compline, All Saints, Holbeach (FB, FB public group) ACNY
7:30pm: Compline, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB) ACNY
7:30pm: Evening Prayer and Meditation, Priory, Deeping St James (FB)
7:30pm:, Long Sutton St Mary (FB) ACNY
Palm Sunday, 10 April:
7:45am: Palm Sunday Holy Communion, Crowland Abbey St Mary & St Bartholomew & St Guthlac (FB) ACNY
8:00am: Said Communion, St John the Baptist (FB - public; FB - private group)
9:00am: Breakfast Fellowship, Broad Street Methodist (FB): (Circuit website)
9:00am: Mass, Holy Souls, Holy Trinity RC, Holbeach
9:00am: Palm Sunday at Lighthouse church (FB)
9:45am: Palms and Procession from Market Deeping Market Place to St Guthlac's (FB) ACNY
10:00am: Holy Communion, Christ Church, Gedney Dawsmere
10:00am: Holy Communion, St Firmin's, Thurlby in The Ness Group (FB)
10:00am: Family service, St John's, Baston in The Ness Group (FB)
10:00am: Holy Communion, St John the Baptist (FB - public; FB - private group)
10:00am: Communion, Priory church, Deeping St James (FB), ACNY
10:00am: Palm Sunday Walk of Witness leaves Pinchbeck village hall for St Mary's, Pinchbeck (FB) ACNY, The Glen Group
10:00am: Eucharist and Baptism, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) ACNY
10:00am: Morning service, St Michael and All Angels, Langtoft (FB)
10:15am: Procession with palms from the Old Library to All Saints, Holbeach (FB) ACNY
10:15am: Dedication service at Spalding Baptist
10:30am: Broad Street Methodist (FB): (Circuit website)
CTSD service (Holland Market and procession; see our archives)
10:30am: Deepings Methodist (Circuit) (FB)
10:30am: Meeting for worship, Friends Meeting House (Quakers)
10:30am: Gosberton Baptist
10:30am: Gosberton Methodist (FB, FB2, FB3)
10:30am: Harvest Church (FB) at The Polka Dot Academy, PE11 2AE
10:30am: Holbeach Methodist (FB)
10:30am: Holy Communion, Holbeach Drove Methodist
10:30am: Moulton Chapel Methodist
10:30am: Palm Sunday at Pinchbeck Baptist (FB)
10:30am: South Holland Community Church (FB - private group; see also Ground Level) at The Vista
10:30am: Palm Sunday at Spalding United Reformed Church
10:30am: Blessing of Palm Crosses, Long Sutton St Mary (FB) ACNY
10:30am: St Mary's, Pinchbeck (FB) ACNY, The Glen Group (Walk of Witness leaves the village hall at 10:00am)
10:30am: Parish Eucharist, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
10:30am: Sutterton Methodist
10:30am: Thurlby Methodist (Circuit)
10:45am: Palm Sunday with Rev Geoffrey Clarke, Bourne United Reformed Church
11:00am: Palm Sunday Holy Communion, Crowland Abbey St Mary & St Bartholomew & St Guthlac (FB) ACNY
11:00am: Mass, Ukraine, The Immaculate Conception & St Norbert (FB)
11:30am: Palm Sunday in church and livestream at Lighthouse church (FB)
4:00pm: Evening Prayer, St John the Baptist (FB - public; FB - private group)
6:00pm: Bicker Methodist
6:30pm: The Way of the Cross, readings and music for Holy Week, Bourne Abbey ACNY
6:30pm: Evensong, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
Thursday 7 April, 10:30am: Stories, crafts and songs organised by Elloe East Youth & Children's Work at St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) ACNY
Saturday 2 April, 12 noon: Churches Together in the Deepings (FB) Lent Lunches supporting Christian Aid and CAFOD - Our Lady & St Guthlac, Deeping St James. See also March
Saturday 2 April, 10::00am: Spring Fayre, Broad Street Methodist (FB): (Circuit website)
Friday 1 April, 6:00pm: Ecumenical prayer meeting for the wider church and community hosted by Broad Street Methodist (FB)
See also:
The Church of England ACNY pages (www.achurchnearyou.com) include many events and services hosted by local churches over Easter.
The South Holland Methodist Circuit Plan, listing local services, is available via www.shollandmethodist.org.uk
See also local Churches Together groups across the area:
Churches Together in All Lincolnshire (FB)
Churches Together in Boston (FB)
Churches Together in Bourne (URC)
Churches Together in Crowland / via Crowland Abbey
Churches Together in the Deepings (FB)
Churches Together in Grantham (FB)
Churches Together in Stamford / Stamford Foodbank (FB)
Churches Together in Sleaford
Churches Together in King's Lynn
Churches Together in Wisbech (FB)