News from local churches and brief CTSD council meeting notes & links; this page has been edited following maintenance and upgrade in September 2021
Christmas service listing available along with downloadable brochure; A5 Poster available for download at the foot of this page
Thursday 12 September, 7:30pm: CTSD meeting at St John's; agenda included Lay chair, Finance, CTSD Pentecost 65th anniversary celebration (23/6), URC 200 anniversary Christian Aid and coffee morning (23/10), Pause for Hope, Autumn Preacher exchange, CAP relaunch (October), Street Pastors (10pm-2am Fridays & Saturdays, volunteers needed), Zozulenka (25/10), David Sandhu Lighthouse senior pastor (14-15/9), Palm Sunday 2020, Christian Aid local account, Christmas services and Christmas outreach at Springfields
Monday 11 November, 7:30pm: CTSD meeting at Lighthouse; agenda included Lay Chair vacancy, Finance & subs, Preacher Exchange review, CAP, General Election Hustings organised by St Mary & St Nicolas (22/11 at The Vista), Christmas Outreach at Springfields (/Market), URC changes2020 meetings (21/1, 11/3, 6/5, 7/7, 7/9 & 18/11)
The Hope4Spalding.org.uk web address lapsed on 6 September; archives remain on Hope 2018 Archives
New service times at St John's from 7 July, including main service at 10:00am
CTSD 65th Anniversary celebration with guest speaker Kevin Smithbone with the roadHoG bus at 3:00pm on Sunday 23 June at Lighthouse, PE11 2XP
Wednesday 8 May, 7:30pm: CTSD meeting at St Paul's; agenda included Pause for Hope, Lent Lectures review, Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Pentecost, CTSD 65th anniversary celebration on 23/6, Lay Chair/changes to CTSD meetings (July 2019 cancelled)
Hope 2018 Archives remain while the Hope4Spalding.org.uk web address is to lapse
Good Friday: CTSD Processions of Witness start at 10:00am from both St Norbert's RC and St Mary & St Nicolas parish churches, converging for an Open Air service in Hall Place at 10:30am, all welcome. Poster was available for download at the foot of this page
Palm Sunday: CTSD procession and service poster was made available for download at the foot of this page
CTSD Lent Talks summaries available
Wednesday 13 March, 7:30pm: CTSD meeting at Spalding Baptist; agenda included Spalding in Bloom, Lay chair, Christian Aid, Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Pentecost, CTSD 65th anniversary, Easter services, Bishop Rob Gillion - St John's
Job vacancy Karis House, closing date 13 February; more info via Lighthouse
29 January 2019 Day of Prayer and Fasting
Christian Aid loose change fortnight from 27 January
Preacher Exchange Sunday 20 January 2019
CTSD AGM 7:30pm, Monday 21 January 2019, Broad Street Methodist; agenda included Annual Reports, Deputy chair and Lay chair, Treasurer & Secretary, subs changes; followed by Council meeting: Lent 2019 'Songs of the Cross', Palm Sunday, Good Friday CTSD with hot cross buns and service sheet-pamphlet, Pentecost, Autumn preacher exchange and 2019 financial budget
18-25 January: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Only Justice; CTBI resources
Council meetings:
Wednesday 13 March, Spalding Baptist
Wednesday 8 May, St Paul's
Tuesday 2 July, Spalding URC cancelled (8/5)
Thursday 12 September, St John's
Monday 11 November, Lighthouse
Prayer meetings for the wider church at Broad Street Methodist start at 6:00pm on the first day of each month - unless a Sunday, in which case on the following Monday; "God shapes the world by prayer. The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil." (E.M.Bounds, extract)
See also our News archives, including News from 2018 and 2017