
A selection of events as advised by churches across the area; please contact us to add or update details. Entries in italics = awaiting confirmation

Thursday 20 August, 11:00am, provisional arrangement, awaiting confirmation: Prayer walk around Bicker; meet at the church; organised by the Methodist church

10-14 August: Holiday Club for all ages, especially 5-11; more info and links via organisers Spalding Baptist (FB)

Sundays from 2 August: Spalding churches open for public worship; please check with individual churches direct for late changes. All due apologies for errors or omissions

Broad Street Methodist (FB): digital service; doors open around 9:30am with the service following some half hour later

Calvary Baptist (FB): open, public service at 10:30am

Friends Meeting House (Quakers): open, public meeting at 10:30am

Harvest Church (FB): services online

Lighthouse (FB): phased re-opening from 5/7; Sunday worship livestream online during transition for 11:30am open, public service

South Holland Community Church (FB - private group): date for reopening awaited

Spalding Baptist (FB): date for doors opening awaited; Sunday services continue online from 10:00am

Spalding United Reformed Church (FB): open, public service at 10:30am with guest preachers Pat Gooding, the Baldwins, Geoffrey Ware & Rev David Curran

St John the Baptist (FB - public; FB - private group): open, public service at 10:00am

St Mary & St Nicolas (FB): open, public service at 10:30am; readings and sermon available in advance online; the recording of the service is made available later

The Immaculate Conception & St Norbert (FB): book places at 11:00am Mass (and midweek Masses) in advance direct with the church; most Sunday & midweek Masses available livestream

St Paul's (FB): open, public service at 9:15am

Midweek pattern over recent weeks; most services available via Facebook:

Almost daily: Mass from St Norbert's, livestream

Monday: morning prayer from All Saints Moulton/St Mary's Whaplode* (* until 19/8)

Tuesday: devotions from Lighthouse church

Wednesday: midweek reflections from St Mary & St Nicolas; morning prayer from All Saints Moulton/St Mary's Whaplode* (* until 19/8)

Thursday: devotions from Lighthouse church

Friday: Midday prayers via Zoom led by Sutton St James Baptist Church

Sunday: Services, reflections, livestream and pre-recorded

Saturday 1 August, 6:00pm: Prayer for the wider church via Zoom; more info via Broad Street Methodist