Christmas 2015

Christmas services, concerts and events advised or published by churches across the area, in addition to their usual service times and diary events for November and December; pictures and posters on Facebook. Downloadable brochure available at the foot of this webpage

Please see our Church Listings pages for church locations) Italics = awaiting confirmation; all due apologies for errors and omissions.

First Sunday in Advent: 29 November

4:00pm (previously advertised as 3:00pm): Advent service together; organised by CT Gosberton

6:30pm Advent Carols, St Mary & St Nicolas

6:30pm Advent Carols, St Mary's, Pinchbeck

Monday 30 November

6-7pm Advent study course, St Matthew's vicarage, Sutton Bridge

Saturday 5 December

10-3pm Christmas Tree Festival and Fayre, donations from festival for Mission Direct; Traidcraft, cakes, gifts, plants, hampers, preserves and more; 10-12: Christmas crafts for kids; Broad Street Methodist.

10-4pm Christmas Fayre, soup lunches and refreshments, Gosberton church hall

11-4pm Christmas Tree Festival, Kirton parish church

2-4pm Christmas Fayre, St John's

5:00pm Family Christmas party, 'The Pirates of the curry sauce' - booking details from Spalding Baptist

7:30pm Royal British Legion Christmas Concert, Quadring church hall, ÂŁ6

Second Sunday in Advent: 6 December

10-4pm Christmas Fayre, soup lunches and refreshments, Gosberton church hall

12-4pm Christmas Tree Festival, Kirton parish church

1-5pm Carols, cakes and crafts at Holbeach and East Elloe hospital, followed by Carols by Candlelight at 4:45pm

3:00pm Christingle, collection for Action for Children; Broad Street Methodist

3:00pm Christingle, St Bartholomew, West Pinchbeck

3:00pm Advent, St Norbert's

Monday 7 December

6-7pm Advent study course, St Matthew's vicarage, Sutton Bridge

7:00pm Parish Reconciliation service, St Norbert's

Tuesday 8 December

7:30pm Carols at the Duke of York, Risegate supporting Centrepoint; organised by CT Gosberton

Thursday 10 December

11:00am Matt's Mum's Party, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge

7:00pm Christmas Concert, St Mary's, Pinchbeck

Friday 11 December

3:15pm Messy Church at Gosberton Clough Methodist church, shoe box nativity (FB)

6:00pm Christmas meal, St Paul's

Saturday 12 December

10:00am - 2:00pm: CTSD mince pie mission outreach in the marquee at Springfield Gardens

10-3pm Christmas Tree Festival and Fayre, donations from festival for Mission Direct; Traidcraft, cakes, gifts, plants, hampers, preserves and more; Broad Street Methodist.

11-4pm Christmas Tree Festival, St Mary's, Weston

11-4pm Christmas Tree Festival, Kirton parish church

11:30am-3:00pm: Christmas Tree Festival & Christmas Fayre, Pinchbeck Baptist

Third Sunday in Advent: 13 December

10:30am Carol service, Harvest at Monkshouse school10:30am Christingle, South Holland Community Church, followed by SHCC Children's Christmas Party and seasonal refreshments; Ayscoughfee School, PE11 2TE

10:30am Christingle, St Mary's, Pinchbeck

11:00am Family Christmas service, followed by refreshments; Lighthouse

11-4pm Christmas Tree Festival, St Mary's, Weston

12-4pm Christmas Tree Festival, Kirton parish church

2:30pm Carols at Lutton Marsh Methodist

3:00pm Carols at Sutterton Methodist

4:00pm Carols by Candlelight, Tydd St Mary's

6:00pm Carols by Candlelight, with St John's church choir, followed by refreshments, St Gilbert & St Hugh, Gosberton Clough

Monday 14 December

10-1pm Christmas workshop at the Curlew Centre, organised by St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge

6-7pm Advent study course, St Matthew's vicarage, Sutton Bridge

Tuesday 15 December

6:00pm Carols, St Paul's (Not as advertised - service took place on Sunday 13/12)

Thursday 17 December

2:30pm Carols at Lutton Marsh Methodist

7:00pm Carols by Candlelight, Gosberton Baptist

Friday 18 December

6:30pm Carols at Moulton Methodist church

6:30pm Brass Band and Carols, Tydd St Mary's

7:00pm Christmas Pageant, with the choir of St Mary's, Pinchbeck at Ss Peter & Paul Gosberton

Saturday 19 December

11-4pm Christmas Tree Festival, St Mary's, Weston

11:30am-3:00pm: Christmas Tree Festival & Christmas Fayre, Pinchbeck Baptist

Fourth Sunday in Advent: 20 December

10:00am Nativity service; Broad Street Methodist

10:30am Morning worship with carols, Gosberton Baptist

10:30am Family service, Harvest at Monkshouse school

10:30am Christmas Family service, carols and nativity followed by seasonal refreshments, Spalding Baptist

10:30am Carol service, followed by seasonal refreshments, South Holland Community Church; Ayscoughfee School, PE11 2TE

10:30am Carol service, Spalding United Reformed Church

11-4pm Christmas Tree Festival, St Mary's, Weston

2:30pm Carols at Gosberton Clough Methodist church

2:30pm Carols at Holbeach Drove Methodist

3:00pm Carols at Holbeach Methodist

3:00pm Nine Lessons and Carols, St Mary's, Pinchbeck

3:00pm First Holy Communion Children Christmas Production, St Norbert's

4:00pm Christingle service, Gosberton Methodist

6:00pm Carols by Candlelight, followed by refreshments; Lighthouse

6:00pm Carols by Candlelight, followed by refreshments, St Margaret's, Quadring

6:00pm Candlelight Carols; St Thomas's Road Methodist

6:30pm Carols by Candlelight, Pinchbeck Baptist

6:30pm Carols by candlelight, followed by seasonal refreshments, Spalding Baptist

6:30pm Nine Lessons and Carols, St John's

6:30pm Carols by Candlelight, followed by mulled wine and mince pies, St Mary's, Weston

6:30pm Carols, St Mary & St Nicolas

6:30pm Carols by Candlelight, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge

Monday 21 December

6-7pm Advent study course, St Matthew's vicarage, Sutton Bridge

Christmas Eve: 24 December

9:00am Morning Mass, St Norbert's

2:00pm Quiet Christmas, St Mary & St Nicolas

3:00pm Christmas family service, Sutterton Methodist

4:00pm Crib service, St John's

4:00pm Angels everywhere, St Mary & St Nicolas

4:00pm Crib service, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge

4:00pm Nativity, Ss Peter & Paul Gosberton

4:00pm Crib service, Tydd St Mary's

4:30pm Christmas family service, Moulton Chapel Methodist

4:30pm First Mass of Christmas, St Norbert's

6:00pm Christmas Eve family service, Holbeach Methodist

6:00pm Carols around the tree, followed by mulled wine and mince pies, Spalding United Reformed Church

7:30pm Candlelight Carol service; Broad Street Methodist.

9:30pm 'Midnight Mass', St Paul's

10:00pm Christmas Eve Eucharist, Tydd St Mary's

11:15pm Holy Communion, Bicker Methodist

11:15pm Carols, St Norbert's

11:30pm Midnight Communion, Pinchbeck Baptist

11:30pm Midnight Mass, St John's

11:30pm Midnight Mass, St Mary's, Weston

11:30pm Midnight Mass, St Mary & St Nicolas

11:30pm Christmas Eve Eucharist, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge

11:30pm Midnight Mass, united service at Gosberton parish church

11:45pm Christmas Eve communion, Spalding United Reformed Church

12:00am Midnight Mass, St Norbert's

Christmas Day: 25 December

Services celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, God's Son

8:00am Holy Communion, St Mary & St Nicolas

8:00am Mass, St Norbert's

9:00am Holy Communion, St Gilbert & St Hugh, Gosberton Clough

9:30am Holy Communion, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge

9:30am Christmas Day worship, St Paul's

10:00am Christmas morning worship at Gosberton Baptist

10:00am Christmas morning at Gosberton Methodist

10:00am Christmas morning at Holbeach Methodist

10:00am Family service, Pinchbeck Baptist

10:00am All Age Communion, St John's

10:00am Family Communion, St Mary & St Nicolas

10:00am Christmas Day service; St Thomas's Road Methodist

10:30am Christmas Morning Family service, Spalding Baptist

10:30am Christmas Day Family service, Spalding United Reformed Church

10:30am Christmas morning at St Mary's, Weston

11:00am Christmas Morning worship service until 12 noon; Lighthouse

11:00am Mass, St Norbert's

11:00am Holy Communion, Tydd St Mary's


Sunday 27 December

10:30am United service with Broad Street Methodist and St Thomas's Road Methodist at Spalding United Reformed Church

10:30am United service at Gosberton Clough Methodist

New Year's Eve, 31 December

7:00pm Mass, St Norbert's

11:00pm New Year's Eve worship and Communion service; Lighthouse


Downloadable brochure available below