April 2025
A selection of events and posters as advised by churches across the area in addition to - or replacing usual service times; please contact us to add or update details. Services, events, dates and times during Lent and Holy Week are subject to late changes - please check with the church for latest details, reserving or booking places or tickets. See also our News pages and Facebook page 'Hope4Spalding'. Apologies for errors and omissions. Bold = ecumenical events supported or organised by churches working together; Entries in italics = awaiting confirmation
Use: ⋮ / Find in page / CTRL+F / ⌘+F to search for individual churches on this page
Further details and services awaited; see also the Church Listings pages for links to churches for their usual weekly services
Tuesday 29 April: Bible course, eight weeks at Lighthouse Pentecostal (FB)
🎵Sunday 27 April, 7:00pm: Celebrating 800 years: Eddie Seales Big Band, £10 - £25; pre-booking required, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
🪡Saturday 26 April, 10:00am: Celebrating 800 years: Sashiko, Japanese darning and embroidery, £15; pre-booking required, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
🌷 Saturday 26 April - Monday 5 May: Flower Festival 'A Great Day Out', St Laurence, Surfleet (FB) ACNY (The Glen Group) PE11 4AB/PE11 4DA
Friday 25 April,1:00pm: Card Making in the Maples Room, £10; more info via St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
🎵Friday 25 April, 7:30pm: Celebrating 800 years: Flatworld (FB) in concert, £12.50, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
Easter Day, Resurrection Sunday 20 April
Further service details awaited
5:35am: Easter Dawn service, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
9:15am: All Age Holy Communion, St George's, Stamford (FB) ACNY
9:15am: Informal service, St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank, (FB)
10:00am: All Age Holy Communion with Easter Eggs and a fire, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
10:15am: Easter Day at Spalding Baptist (FB)
10:30am: Holy Communion for Easter Day, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
10:30am: Holy Communion, Bicker Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
10:30am: Holy Communion, Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
10:30am: Easter at Deepings Methodist (Circuit) (FB)
10:30am: Easter Praise, Gosberton Baptist (FB)
10:30am: Holy Communion, Gosberton Methodist (FB)
10:30am: Easter at Holbeach Baptist Church (FB)
10:30am: Holy Communion, Holbeach Methodist (FB)
10:30am: Morning Worship, Humby chapel ACNY (North Beltisloe Group)
10:30am: Holy Communion, Moulton Chapel Methodist
10:30am: Easter Sunday at Open Door Baptist church, Deeping St James (FB)
10:30am: Easter Day at Sutterton Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
10:30am: Holy Communion led by Rev Barbara Hutchinson, St Mary Long Sutton, (FB) ACNY
10:30am: Morning Prayer, St Peter's, Lenton ACNY (North Beltisloe Group)
10:45am: Holy Communion, St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank, (FB)
11:00am: Easter at Crowland Abbey (FB) ACNY PE6 0EN
11:00am: All Age Holy Communion, St George's, Stamford (FB) ACNY
11:00am: Easter Communion, St Mary Magdalene, Gedney (ACNY) (Mid Elloe Group)
11:00am: Morning Worship, St Margaret's, Braceby ACNY North Beltisloe Group
11:00am: North Beltisloe Benefice Communion, St Peter's, Ropsley (FB) ACNY
2:00pm: Afternoon Tea, Easter Egg hunt and church tower open, St Margaret's, Quadring (FB) ACNY
3:00pm: Special Thanksgiving service, Fleet Baptist
6:00pm: Songs of Praise, St Mary Magdalene, Old Somerby ACNY (North Beltisloe Group)
6:30pm: Choral Evensong, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
6:30pm: Evening worship, St George's, Stamford (FB) ACNY
Easter Eve, Holy Saturday, 19 April
2:00pm: Messy Church at Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
2:00pm: Messy Church, Church Street rooms; more info via St John the Evangelist, Corby Glen / Link (ACNY)
6:00pm: Easter Fire, followed by sausgae supper and Easter Egg hunt; more info: St James the Great, Aslackby, Gilbertine Benefice (Village FB) ACNY
6:00pm: The New Fire, St Nicholas, Sapperton ACNY (North Beltisloe Group)
Good Friday, 18 April
Further service details awaited
9:45am: Churches Together in the Deepings (FB) Walk of Witness starts at St Guthlac's Market Deeping (FB)
10:00am: Messy Church, Jesus' last meal with his friends; in the church hall at Bourne Abbey (FB) ACNY
🏖️10:00am: Good Friday workshop, Easter crafts and more, All Saints, Stamford ACNY
10:00am: Churches Together in Bourne Walk of Witness leaves St Gilbert's RC, Bourne (FB), finishing at Bourne Baptist (FB)
10:30am: March of Witness from Gosberton Baptist (FB)
10:30am: All Age service, St George's, Stamford (FB) ACNY
12:00pm: Churches Together in Holbeach Walk of Witness from Holy Trinity RC to All Saints, Holbeach (FB), refreshments at 1:00pm
12:00pm: Churches Together in Stamford (FB) Walk of Witness starts in the High Street
2:00pm: At the Foot of the Cross, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
2:00pm: An Hour at the Cross, St George's, Stamford (FB) ACNY
2:00pm: Reflective service, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
2:00pm: Hour at the Cross, St Peter's, Ropsley (FB) ACNY (North Beltisloe Group)
3:00pm: Holy Communion, Sutterton Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
3:00pm: Solemn Liturgy, St Martin's, Stamford Baron ACNY
5:00pm: Stations of the Cross, St Mary Magdalene, Fleet (Mid Elloe group)
7:00pm: Stations of the Cross, St Peter's, Lenton ACNY (North Beltisloe Group)
Ash Wednesday 5 March - Good Friday 18 April, 10:00am - 5:00pm: 'Make the Circle Wide', a thought provoking paper trail; St James the Great, Aslackby, Gilbertine Benefice (Village FB) ACNY
Maundy Thursday, 17 April
Further service details awaited
🏖️9:00am: LegoBible Holiday Club at the Unity Centre; more info via All Saints, Stamford ACNY
10:00am: Holy Communion, St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank, (FB)
tba: Eucharist with Watch of Prayer with St Martin's, Stamford Baron ACNY at St Mary's, Stamford (FB) ACNY
6:30pm: Communion, St Mary Magdalene, Gedney (ACNY) (Mid Elloe Group)
tba: Deepings Methodist (Circuit) (FB)
7:00pm: Holy Communion, Gosberton Baptist (FB)
7:00pm: Passover Supper, Open Door Baptist church, Deeping St James (FB)
7:00pm: Holy Communion in the context of a meal, starting in The Green School, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
7:00pm: Evening Prayer, St Mary Magdalene, Old Somerby ACNY (North Beltisloe Group)
7:30pm: Holy Communion with Foot Washing, All Saints, Holbeach (FB), Vigil
7:30pm: Maundy Thursday at All Saints, Stamford ACNY
7:30pm: Maundy Thursday at Bourne Baptist (FB)
7:30pm: Maundy Thursday Communion, St George's, Stamford (FB) ACNY
Wednesday 16 April
🏖️9:00am: Holiday Club, Open Door Baptist church, Deeping St James (FB) also 15 April
12:00pm: Holy Communion, St George's, Stamford (FB) ACNY
7:00pm: Lent course at the Vicarage; more info via The Ness Group (FB) ACNY
7:30pm: Compline with short meditation, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
7:30pm: Compline, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
Tuesday 15 April
🏖️9:00am: Holiday Club, Open Door Baptist church, Deeping St James (FB) also 16 April
🥣12:00pm: Elloe Fen Benefice Lent course and Soup lunch, Sutton St James church hall, ACNY
7:00pm: Compline during Lent, St Laurence, Surfleet (FB) ACNY (The Glen Group)
7:30pm: Compline with short meditation, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
7:30pm: Compline, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
Monday 14 April
7:30pm: Compline with short meditation, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
7:30pm: Compline, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
Palm Sunday, 13 April
Further service details awaited
8:00am: Holy Communion, St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank, (FB)
9:00am: Breakfast Fellowship, Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
9:15am: Morning worship, St George's, Stamford (FB) ACNY
9:15am: Informal service, St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank, (FB)
10:00am: Procession of the Palms, St Bartholomew's, Ingoldsby ACNY (North Beltisloe Group)
10:00am: Palm Sunday procession from the Rectory paddock to St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
10:15am: Procession with palms and donkey from outside the library to All Saints, Holbeach (FB) for 10:30am service with. dramatised reading
10:15am: Palm Sunday at Spalding Baptist (FB)
10:30am: Holy Communion, Bicker Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
10:30am: Morning service, Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
10:30am: Morning worship, Gosberton Baptist (FB)
10:30am: Palm Sunday at Gosberton Methodist (FB)
10:30am: Palm Sunday at Holbeach Baptist Church (FB)
10:30am: Morning worship, Holbeach Methodist (FB)
10:30am: Palm Sunday at Gosberton Methodist (FB)
10:30am: Palm Sunday at Moulton Chapel Methodist
10:30am: Palm Sunday at Open Door Baptist church, Deeping St James (FB)
10:30am: Holy Communion, Sutterton Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
10:45am: Holy Communion, St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank, (FB)
11:00am: Messy Church 'Palm Sunday', Spalding United Reformed Church (FB)
11:00am: Morning worship, St George's, Stamford (FB) ACNY
11:00am: Communion, St Mary Magdalene, Gedney (ACNY) (Mid Elloe Group)
☕2:00pm: Refresh Café (FB), paper doves for VE Day, St Firmin's, Thurlby (FB) in The Ness Group (FB)
3:00pm: Messy Church at West Deeping Village Hall; ACNY FB
6:30pm: Choral Evensong, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
6:30pm: Evening worship, St George's, Stamford (FB) ACNY
🎶Saturday 12 April: 'Come and Sing!' a day of learning Fauré Requiem, Bourne Abbey (FB) ACNY
Saturday 12 April, 10:00am: Messy Church, St Bartholomew's, Ingoldsby ACNY (North Beltisloe Group)
Saturday 12 April, 7 for 7:30pm: Easter Quiz, £5, St Gilbert & St Hugh, Gosberton Clough (FB) ACNY
Friday 7 March, 10:00am: Mass, followed by Stations of the Cross, St Mary & St Augustine, Stamford
🥣☕Friday 11 April, 11:30am: Lent lunch of Soup, bread roll and cheese, suggested donation £5, St Laurence, Surfleet (FB) ACNY (The Glen Group)
🥣Friday 11 April, 12:30pm: Lent lunch of Soup, bread roll and cheese, suggested donation £4 to Christian Aid, meeting in the parish hall, St Mary & St Augustine, organised by Churches Together in Stamford (FB)
Friday 11 April, 7:00pm: Stations of the Cross, Sacred Heart & St Gilbert, Bourne (FB)
Thursday/Friday 10/11 April tbc: Quiz Night, St Norbert's Community Hall, The Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham, South Holland (FB)
🏖️9:00am: LegoBible Holiday Club at the Unity Centre; more info via All Saints, Stamford ACNY
🥣Thursday 10 April, 10:15am: Mass during Lent followed by discussion looking at the previous week's Gospel, concluding with soup, bread & cheese lunch supporting Christian Aid, St Andrew's, Witham on the Hill ACNY (FB)
🥣Thursday 10 April, 12:00pm: Mission Matters Lent lunch, Priory church hall, £5/£6, Deeping St James (FB), ACNY, followed at 2:30pm by Lent group
🥣Thursday 10 April, 12:00pm: Lent lunch, £6.50, St John's, Baston (FB) in The Ness Group (FB)
Thursday 10 April, 3:30pm: Lent course in the Rectory, Folkingham; more info via St Andrew's, South Lafford ACNY
Thursday 10 April, 7:00pm: Lent course 'Teach us to pray', All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
Thursday 10 April, 7:00pm: Lent devotions, the Beltisloe Deanery Lent Course, hosted by Edenham Retreat House ACNY (FB)
Thursday 10 March, 7:30pm: Lent course 'The Rest is Worship', Bourne Baptist (FB)
Wednesday 9 April, 2:00pm: Lent course 'Teach us to pray', All Saints, Holbeach (FB) in the Vicarage
Wednesday 9 April, 7:00pm: A History in Pictures, £5, Moulton Chapel Methodist,
Wednesday 9 April, 7:00pm: Lent course 'Teach us to pray', Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
Wednesday 9 April, 7:00pm: Lent course at the Vicarage; more info via The Ness Group (FB) ACNY
🍴Tuesday 8 April, 11:30am: Light lunch, Gosberton Methodist (FB)
🥣Tuesday 8 April, 12:00pm: Elloe Fen Benefice Lent course and Soup lunch, St John the Baptist, Whaplode Drove Churchroom (FB) (Gedney Hill FB) ACNY
Tuesday 8 April, 7:00pm: Compline during Lent, St Laurence, Surfleet (FB) ACNY (The Glen Group)
🍴Monday 7 April, 11:00am: Lent course 'What is the Church for?' followed by Lent lunches at St Gilbert's, organised by Churches together in Bourne; more info via Sacred Heart & St Gilbert, Bourne (FB) series started Monday 10 March
Monday 7 - Friday 11 April Spring Harvest 2025: 'No greater story' (FB), Skegness
Fifth Sunday in Lent, 6 April
🎶1:30pm: Stainer's Crucifixion rehearsal with Stamford Choral (FB) at St John's, Peterborough (FB/Events FB) ACNY; performance 4:00pm
3:00pm: Communion, Rev Nick Ashton, Fleet Baptist
🎵4:00pm: Stainer's Crucifixion with Stamford Choral (FB) at St John's, Peterborough (FB/Events FB) ACNY; audience or singer (see 1:30pm) £5/£0 under 18/student
5:00pm: Lent group on the theme 'Prayer', St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
🍴9:00am: Prayer Breakfast, Open Door Baptist church, Deeping St James (FB)
🪡Saturday 5 April, 10:00am: Celebrating 800 years: Slow Hand Stitch Landscape, £15; pre-booking required, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
Saturday 5 April, 10:00am: Easter Craft Market, Crowland Methodist (FB) (Peterborough Circuit)
Saturday 5 April, 10:00am: Ladies Refresh Conference 'God delights in you', Peterborough, £18; more info via Bourne Baptist (FB)
Saturday 5 April, 10:30am: Messy Church, Stamford Methodist Church
🥣Saturday 5 April, 12:00pm: Churches Together in the Deepings (FB) Lent Lunch at Open Door Baptist church Deeping St James (FB)
Friday 7 March, 10:00am: Mass, followed by Stations of the Cross, St Mary & St Augustine, Stamford
🥣Friday 4 April, 12:30pm: Lent lunch of Soup, bread roll and cheese, suggested donation £4 to Christian Aid, meeting in the parish hall, St Mary & St Augustine, organised by Churches Together in Stamford (FB)
Friday 4 April, 6:30pm: New Horizons for the young people of SSJBC and those in years 6-13; more info via Sutton St James Baptist (FB)
Friday 4 April, 7:00pm: Stations of the Cross, Sacred Heart & St Gilbert, Bourne (FB)
🥣Thursday 3 April, 10:15am: Mass during Lent followed by discussion looking at the previous week's Gospel, concluding with soup, bread & cheese lunch supporting Christian Aid, St Andrew's, Witham on the Hill ACNY (FB)
🥣Thursday 3 April, 12:00pm: Mission Matters Lent lunch, Priory church hall, £5/£6, Deeping St James (FB), ACNY, followed at 2:30pm by Lent group
🥣Thursday 3 April, 12:00pm: Lent lunch, £6.50, St John's, Baston (FB) in The Ness Group (FB)
Thursday 3 April, 3:30pm: Lent course in the Rectory, Folkingham; more info via St Andrew's, South Lafford ACNY
Thursday 3 April, 6:00pm: Ecumenical prayer meeting, hosted by Broad Street Methodist (FB); see also Prayer for Spalding (FB)
Thursday 3 April, 7:00pm: Lent course 'Teach us to pray', All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
Thursday 3 April, 7:00pm: Lent devotions, the Beltisloe Deanery Lent Course, hosted by Edenham Retreat House ACNY (FB)
Thursday 2 April, 7:30pm: Lent course 'The Rest is Worship', Bourne Baptist (FB)
Wednesday 2 April, 2:00pm: Lent course 'Teach us to pray', All Saints, Holbeach (FB) in the Vicarage
Wednesday 2 April, 7:00pm: Lent course 'Teach us to pray', Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
Wednesday 2 April, 7:00pm: Lent course at the Vicarage; more info via The Ness Group (FB) ACNY
🥣Tuesday 1 April, 12:00pm: Elloe Fen Benefice Lent course and Soup lunch, Holy Trinity, Gedney Hill Community Hall (ACNY) (FB)
Tuesday 1 April, 7:00pm: Compline during Lent, St Laurence, Surfleet (FB) ACNY (The Glen Group)
Tuesday 1 April, 7:00pm: Jubilee Lenten Mass with Rt Rev Patrick McKinney at St Norbert's, The Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham, South Holland (FB) (YouTube)
🪡Tuesday 4 March - Tuesday 1 April: 'The Longest Yarn', 80 metre long knitted and crocheted scenes of the D Day landings, suggested donation £2.50, Peterborough Cathedral (FB) ACNY