A selection of events as advised by churches across the area; please contact us to add or update details
Christian Aid Loose change fortnight - at various times this month
Wednesday 25 October, 10:00am - 11:30pm: Coffee Morning supporting Christian Aid at Spalding United Reformed Church
Saturday 21 October, 6:30pm: Autumn Concert, with the Sutton Bridge Community Choir; tickets £5 St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge
Thursday 19 October, 2:30pm: Healing Service at Swineshead Methodist chapel (PE20 3LH)
Sunday 15 October, 6:30pm: Taizé at St John's
Sunday 15 October, 6:00pm: Taizé at St James the Great, Aslackby
Thursday 12 October, 10-3: 'Brexit and the Lincolnshire Economy'; Market House, Long Sutton (PE12 9DD). More info from Social Issues in the Fens / FB
Wednesday 11 October, 7:00pm: Local CT Groups meeting at Horncastle Methodist (LN9 6BD); organised by CTAL; meeting postponed to 20 November at Wragby Methodist (CTSD advised on 16/10)
Sunday 8 October: CTSD Autumn Preacher Exchange
Monday 2 October, 6:00pm: Prayer meeting for the wider church at St Thomas's Road Methodist