Brief diary dates for 2023; more details to be added to the diary pages for the month as they are made available.  Entries in italics = awaiting confirmation

December: Christmas Day, Monday 25 December
First Sunday in Advent, 3 December

November: Christmas Coffee Mornings, Bazaars

October: Harvest Festivals; Preacher Exchange

September: Harvest Festivals

August: Feast of the Assumption, Tuesday 15/8; Holiday Clubs; Harvest Festivals

July: Sea Sunday, 10/7

June: Flower Festivals

May: Coronation (6/5); Flower Festivals from April; Spalding Flower Parade (13/5); Thy Kingdom Come; Ascension Day, 18/5; Christian Aid Week (15/5-21/5); Pentecost Sunday 28/5

April: Palm Sunday, 2/4; Good Friday, 7/4; Easter Day, Resurrection Sunday, 9/4; Flower Festivals

March: WWDP - 'I have heard about your faith', Taiwan, Friday 3 March; Ecumenical Lent [home] groups (tbc)

February: Candlemas, Thursday 2/2, World Day of Prayer (WWDP) preparation day at Spalding Baptist 3/2; Snowdrop walks; Racial Justice Sunday, 12/2; Ash Wednesday 22/2; Ecumenical Lent [home] groups (tbc)

January: CTSD AGM; WPCU, 18-25 January - 'Be-Longing: Praying for Unity amongst Injustice' (CTBI) prepared by the churches of Minneapolis; Preacher Exchange

See also our Churches Together Facebook page Hope4Spalding for further news and links

Ecumenical prayer meetings are on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00pm for an hour, hosted by Broad Street Methodist