
A selection of events as advised by churches across the area; please contact us to add or update details. Entries in italics = awaiting confirmation

Saturday 30 November, 11:00am: Santa Marta group - 'human trafficking / modern day slavery' volunteer training at St Norbert's Community Hall, St Thomas's Road, PE11 2XX; more info: Fr Jim at St Norbert's

Saturday 30 November, 10-2: Christmas Tree Festival & Fayre, donations to agape+care foodbank; children's crafts 10-12, Parish Church of England Day School choir at 11:30am; at Broad Street Methodist

Friday 29 November - Sunday 1 December: Christmas Tree Festival at St Peter & St Paul, Wigtoft

Friday 29 November, 7:00pm: Approaching Advent - a service of meditation and prayer at Broad Street Methodist

Saturday 23 November, 10-2:15pm: Victorian Christmas Fayre, Spalding United Reformed Church

Friday 22 November, 7:30pm: General Election Hustings at The Vista, PE11 2PB; further info from organisers St Mary & St NicolasCandidates listed by Spalding Voice: Sir John Hayes (Conservative), Mark Popple (Labour), Davina Kirby (Lib Dem), Martin Blake (Green) and Rick Stringer (Independent)

Friday 15 November, 3:30pm: Messy Church at Gosberton church hall

Monday 11 November, 7:30pm: CTSD Council meeting, Lighthouse

Sunday 10 November, 9:00am: Breakfast fellowship - a time of food, fellowship, chat, music and reflection; activities for younger children too; at Broad Street Methodist

Sunday 10 November, 6:30pm: OMG, St Michael & All Angels, Langtoft, PE6 9LP (Ness group)

Wednesday 6 November, 8:00pm: Grow Academy with Dr John Andrews and John Pettifor; £10, Lighthouse PE11 2XP (series started 2 October)

Monday 4 November, 11:00am: Prayer walk around Gosberton; meet at the Methodist chapel

Saturday 2 November, 10-4pm: Church sound training day with Ben Stacey; free entry and refreshments at Lighthouse (PE11 2XP)

Friday 1 November, 6:00pm: Prayer for the wider church, Broad Street