August 2024
A selection of events as advised by churches across the area; please contact us to add or update details. Services, events, dates and times are subject to late changes - please check with the church for latest details, reserving or booking places or tickets, See also our News pages and Facebook page 'Hope4Spalding'. Apologies for errors and omissions. Bold = ecumenical events supported or organised by churches working together; Entries in italics = awaiting confirmation
☕🍰Saturday 31 August, 10:00am: Coffee and Cake, Priory church hall, Deeping St James (FB), ACNY
☕Saturday 31 August, 10:00am: Emporium, Gosberton Methodist (FB)
☕Saturday 31 August, 10:00am: Refreshments, books and more, Pinchbeck Baptist (FB)
Friday 30 August, 5:30pm: 'Trek' youth club at St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank (FB); also 2/8 & 16/8
Friday 30 August, 6:30pm: Open Doors evening at Calvary Baptist (FB)
🍰Thursday 29 August, 10:00am: Bake Sale for Macmillan, Tallington Village Hall; more info via St Lawrence of Rome, Tallington (FB) ACNY, Uffington Group (FB)
🏖️Thursday 29 August, 10:00am: Kids Drop In Fun Day, Open Door Baptist church, Deeping St James (FB) (WP)
🏖️Wednesday 28 August, 10:00am and 1:00pm: Child's Play, £1, Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website); see also 7, 14 & 21 August and 24 July
Wednesday 28 August, 2:00pm: South Holland Methodist Circuit Bible Study - The Romans Course at Holbeach Methodist (FB); also 31/7, 14/8, 11/9, 25/9, 9/10, 23/10, 6/11, 20/11 & 4/12
Tuesday 27 August: Prayer Walking in Spalding town centre; more info from Harvest Church (FB)
Monday 26 August, 6:45pm: Film night, Sacred Heart & St Gilbert, Bourne (FB)
Sundays in August: 9:30am Morning Worship at Bourne Baptist (FB)
Sunday 25 August: 10:00am: Holy Communion and Children's groups, St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank, (FB) ACNY
Sunday 25 August, 11:00am: All Age service, Crowland Abbey (FB) ACNY
🎪Sunday 25 August, 11:00am: Spalding Town Fête, Ayscoughfee Hall Gardens; more info via Spalding Flower Parade (FB)
Sunday 25 August, 2:30pm: South Holland Methodist Circuit service with musicians from Spalding Baptist at Gosberton Clough Methodist (FB)
☕🍰🥂🎵Sunday 25 August, 3:00pm: Afternoon Tea with Bucks Fizz, St Mary's, Sutterton (FB) ACNY
Sunday 25 August, 6:30pm: Peterborough City Praise (FB) at St Mark's, Lincoln Road, PE1 2SN
🍳Saturday 24 August, 8:30am: Men's breakfast at Sutton St James Baptist (FB)
☕🍰Saturday 24 August, 3:00pm: Grand Afternoon Tea, £10 advance bookings, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) (ACNY)
🌷Saturday 24 - Monday 26 August: *Flower Festival 'All God's Creatures Great and Small', Gosberton Baptist (FB), PE11 4NP (Note: there are two versions of their poster with different timings; please check with Gosberton Baptist (FB))
🌷Friday 23 - Monday 26 August: *Flower Festival 'My Favourite Book', St Nicholas, Lutton (FB) PE12 9HP; Sunday, 6:30pm: Songs of Praise (poster: 6:00pm)
Friday 23 - Monday 26 August: Youth 2000 Summer Festival in the grounds of Ampleforth School; more info via St Norbert's, The Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham, South Holland (FB)
☕🍰Thursday 22 August, 10:00am: Coffee, Cake and Conversation, Deeping Baptist (FB), (non-CTiD)
🏖️Wednesday 21 August, 10:00am and 1:00pm: Child's Play, £1, Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website); see also 24 July
Wednesday 21 August, 3:30pm: Cool Space, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) (ACNY)
🏖️Tuesday 20 - Thursday 22 August, 10:00am: Seaside Rock Holiday Club at Spalding Baptist (FB)
Tuesday 20 August: Prayer Walking in Spalding town centre; more info from Harvest Church (FB)
Sunday 18 August: 9:15am: Patronal and Benefice service at St Mary's, Cowbit ACNY (FB)
Sundays in August: 9:30am Morning Worship at Bourne Baptist (FB)
Sunday 18 August, 10:00am: Morning Worship outside All Saints, Moulton, celebrating wisdom and God's creation (FB) ACNY (Elloe Stone group)
Sundays in August: 10:30am at Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website) - 9:00am informal service taking a summer break
Sunday 18 August, 10:30am: Family Communion with Commemoration of VJ Day, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
🥪Sunday 18 August, 1:00pm: Picnic at the Vicarage, All Saints, Moulton (FB) ACNY (Elloe Stone group)
Sunday 18 August, 3:00pm: 'Running the Race for God - Philip' Five Star service and Pastor Ross Dean retirement at Fleet Baptist PE12 8LH; more info via Holbeach Baptist Church (FB) / Long Sutton Baptist (FB) / Sutton St James Baptist (FB) or Wisbech Baptist; see also 21/4, 12/5, 9/6 & 14/7
🥪🏏Saturday 17 August, 9:30am/10:30am: Who let the Dads Out?! launch - Barbecue and Field Games at Northgate House, Pinchbeck PE11 3SQ; more info via St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank, (FB)
☕🍰🥪Saturday 17 August, 10:00am: Cake and bacon butty morning, St Michael and All Angels, Langtoft (FB) - The Ness Group (FB) ACNY
Saturday 17 August, 12:00pm: Assumptiontide Festival of Faith Formal Procession, All Saints Wainfleet (FB) ACNY; more info via St Mary's Stamford (FB)
Saturday 17 August, 2:00pm: Messy Church at Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
☕🍰Saturday 17 August, 2:30pm: Special Afternoon Tea, Sutton St Edmund ACNY (see also Sutton St Edmund Village Life FB)
☕🍰Friday 16 August, 2:00pm: Drop in Centre at Tydd St Mary village hall; more info via Tydd St Mary (FB) ACNY (Gedney Hill FB) (Elloe Fen group)
Friday 16 August, 5:30pm: 'Trek' youth club at St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank (FB); also 2/8 & 30/8
Thursday 15 August: Feast of the Assumption
Thursday 15 August, 9:30am: Mass, St Norbert's, The Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham, South Holland (FB)
Thursday 15 August, 10:00am: Said Eucharist, All Saints, Stamford (FB) ACNY
Thursday 15 August, 10:00am: Said Eucharist BCP, Bourne Abbey ACNY
Thursday 15 August, 10:00am: Mass, The Assumption of Our Lady, Sacred Heart & St Gilbert, Bourne (FB)
Thursday 15 August, 10:00am: Mass, St Mary & St Augustine, Stamford
🏖️Thursday 15 August, 10:30am: Go for Gold holiday club with an Olympic theme, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) (ACNY) (started 25/7)
🏖️Thursday 15 August, 2:00pm: Go for Gold holiday club, St Mary's, Whaplode (FB) ACNY (Elloe Stone group) (also 1/8 & 8/8)
Thursday 15 August, 6:00pm: Mass, St Mary & St Augustine, Stamford
Thursday 15 August, 6:00pm: Adoration, 7:00pm: Mass, Holy Trinity, Holbeach; more info via The Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham, South Holland (FB)
Thursday 15 August, 7:00pm: The Assumption of Our Lady, Our Lady & St Guthlac, Deeping St James, (FB)
🏖️Wednesday 14 August, 10:00am and 1:00pm: Child's Play, £1, Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website); see also 24 July
Wednesday 14 August, 2:00pm: South Holland Methodist Circuit Bible Study - The Romans Course at Holbeach Methodist (FB); also 31/7, 28/8, 11/9, 25/9, 9/10, 23/10, 6/11, 20/11 & 4/12
Wednesday 14 August, 6:00pm: Adoration and 7:00pm: Vigil Mass of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Norbert's, The Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham, South Holland (FB)
Wednesday 14 August, 7:00pm: Vigil Mass, The Assumption of Our Lady, Sacred Heart & St Gilbert, Bourne (FB)
🎵Wednesday 14 August, 7:00pm: 5 Year Celebration concert by the Spalding Community Choir (web) (FB), £7, at Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
🏖️Tuesday 13 August, 10:00am: Go for Gold holiday club with an Olympic theme at the Church Hall, Bells Drove, Sutton St James (Summer Church Club FB); more info via Sutton St James Baptist (FB) or Sutton St James, ACNY, (Gedney Hill FB) (Elloe Fen group); also 23/7, 30/7 and 6/8
🏖️Tuesday 13 August, 2:00pm: Care Home service 'Holidays & The Beach', All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
🔹Tuesday 13 August, 2:00pm: Mothers' Union Garden Party; more info via All Saints, Moulton (FB) ACNY (Elloe Stone group)
Tuesday 13 August: Prayer Walking in Spalding town centre; more info from Harvest Church (FB)
🔹Monday 12 August, 2:30pm: Mothers' Union in the Coffee Lounge, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
🏖️Sunday 11 August, 9:15am: Bible Beach Party Holiday Club Celebration, St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank (FB)
Sunday 11 August, 9:15am: Patronal Festival Service of the Word, St Laurence, Surfleet (FB) ACNY (The Glen Group)
Sundays in August: 9:30am Morning Worship at Bourne Baptist (FB)
Sundays in August: 10:30am at Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website) - 9:00am informal service taking a summer break
☕🍰Sunday 11 August, 2:00pm: New churchyard information boards; refreshments; more info via St Firmin's, Thurlby (FB) in The Ness Group (FB)
🚜🌻Sunday 11 August, 2:00pm: Sunflower Tractor Run at Vine House Farm, £10 / £5; more info via Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
Sunday 11 August, 4:00pm: Taizé worship, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
☕🍰Saturday 10 August, 10:00am: Coffee Morning, St Mary's, Whaplode (FB) ACNY (Elloe Stone group)
Saturday 10 August, 10:00am: Dog Show and Family Fun Day at Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
🔹☕Friday 9 August, 10:15am: Mothers' Union celebration of Mary Sumner Day in The Green School, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
🏖️Thursday 8 August, 10:30am: Go for Gold holiday club with an Olympic theme, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) (ACNY) (started 25/7)
🏖️Thursday 8 August, 2:00pm: Go for Gold holiday club, St Mary's, Whaplode (FB) ACNY (Elloe Stone group) (also 1/8 & 15/8)
🏖️Wednesday 7 August, 10:00am and 1:00pm: Child's Play, £1, Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website); see also 24 July
☕🍰Wednesday 7 August, 1:30pm: Tea and Cake, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
Tuesday 6 August: Transfiguration of the Lord
🏖️Tuesday 6 August, 10:00am: Go for Gold holiday club with an Olympic theme at the Church Hall, Bells Drove, Sutton St James (Summer Church Club FB); more info via Sutton St James Baptist (FB) or Sutton St James, ACNY, (Gedney Hill FB) (Elloe Fen group); also 23/7, 30/7 & 13/8
Tuesday 6 August: Prayer Walking in Spalding town centre; more info from Harvest Church (FB)
🏖️Monday 5 - Friday 9 August: Livewire (FB) at Impact; more info via Lighthouse Pentecostal (FB)
🏖️Monday 5 - Friday 9 August: New Dawn conference at Walsingham; more info via St Norbert's, The Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham, South Holland (FB)
🏖️Monday 5 - Wednesday 7 August, 9:00am: Bible Beach Party summer holiday club at St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank (FB)
🎨Sunday 4 - Saturday 10 August: 'Turin Shroud' Exhibition [*Art Exhibition] with Knights Templars (FB), Crowland Abbey (FB) ACNY PE6 0EN
Sunday 4 August, 9:15am: Glen Group Benefice Service of the Word, St Laurence, Surfleet (FB) ACNY
Sundays in August: 9:30am Morning Worship at Bourne Baptist (FB)
Sundays in August: 10:30am at Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website) - 9:00am informal service taking a summer break
🛶Sunday 4 August: Deepings Raft Race; church stall organised by Bourne and Deeping Catholic communities (Our Lady & St Guthlac, Deeping St James, (FB)) from 10:30am
🌽Sunday 4 August, 3:00pm: Harvest in the Field, Chapel Farm PE11 3DS; more info via Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
☕🍰Sunday 4 August, 4:15pm: Tea and Cake before Praise@4:30pm, All Saints, Moulton (FB) ACNY
☕🍰Saturday 3 August, 10:00am: Coffee morning, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) (ACNY)
Saturday 3 August: Gazebo in the Market Place, Spalding; more info from Harvest Church (FB)
🍰Friday 2 August, 10:00am: Cake stall and refreshments, St Mary's Stamford (FB)
☕🍰Friday 2 August, 2:00pm: Drop in Centre at Tydd St Mary village hall; more info via Tydd St Mary (FB) ACNY (Gedney Hill FB) (Elloe Fen group)
Friday 2 August, 5:30pm: 'Trek' youth club at St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank (FB); also 16/8 & 30/8
❓Thursday 1 August (started 2 May), 7:00pm: Alpha concluding at Gedney with Rev Sherine Angus and Rev Paul Carey-Slater; venues and sign up via flyer/poster/Facebook; more info via All Saints, Holbeach (FB) or St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) (ACNY)
🏖️Thursday 1 August, 10:30am: Go for Gold holiday club with an Olympic theme, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) (ACNY) (started 25/7)
🏖️Thursday 1 August, 2:00pm: Go for Gold holiday club with an Olympic theme, St Mary's, Whaplode (FB) ACNY (Elloe Stone group) (also 8/8 & 15/8)
Thursday 1 August, 6:00pm: for an hour: Ecumenical prayer meeting for the wider church and community, hosted by Broad Street Methodist (FB); see also Prayer for Spalding (FB)