Wednesday 28 March, 7:30pm: Presence at St John's church lounge, PE11 1JQ. On the theme 'From birth to life', reflecting on scenes from the life and death of Christ based on 'The Nail' by Bishop Stephen Cottrell
Monday 26 March, 7:30pm: Rev David Sweeting, licensing service at St Mary's, Pinchbeck
Monday 26 March, 7:30pm: CTSD Lent Lectures 'Seven Words from the Cross': Light at the tunnel's end. With Rev Steve Weatherly-Barton; at Spalding Baptist church, PE11 1BT. Followed by refreshments; all welcome. Poster available at the foot of this page
Monday 19 March, 7:30pm: CTSD Lent Lectures 'Seven Words from the Cross': The journey into darkness. With Rev Steve Weatherly-Barton; at Spalding Baptist church, PE11 1BT. Followed by refreshments; all welcome.
Saturday 17 March, 10-2:30pm: Scripture Union Children's work resourcing and equipping workshop; £5, drinks provided, please bring own lunch. Oundle Road Baptist church, Peterborough, PE2 9PB. More info: 01353 666901
Friday 16 March, 4:00pm: Messy Church at Quadring church hall (opp PE11 4PW)
Tuesday 13 March, 7:30pm: CTSD Meeting, St Mary & St Nicolas, Maples Room
Monday 12 March, 7:30pm: CTSD Lent Lectures 'Seven Words from the Cross': The beating heart of love. With Rev Steve Weatherly-Barton; at Spalding Baptist church, PE11 1BT. Followed by refreshments; all welcome.
Thursday 8 March, 7:30pm: CT around Gosberton, Gosberton Risegate Methodist church (PE11 4EY)
Monday 5 March, 7:30pm: CTSD Lent Lectures 'Seven Words from the Cross': The outstretched arms of mercy. With Rev Steve Weatherly-Barton; at Spalding Baptist church, PE11 1BT. Followed by refreshments; all welcome. Poster available at the foot of this page
Friday 2 March: Women's World Day of Prayer 2012 'Let Justice Prevail': 10:30am, Spalding Baptist with Rev Margaret Mwailu and 7:30pm, St Norbert's with Rev Rosamund Seal
Friday 2 March, 7:00pm: Lincolnshire Evening with speaker Rev Steve Weatherly-Barton; Gosberton Clough church hall (PE11 4JR), tickets £8
Thursday 1 March, 7:30pm: Rev Dr Lynda Pugh (previously The Glen Group) licensing to the benefice of Ringstone in Aveland