Christmas services: this website's listing was updated throughout December with edits and last-minute changes to events and service times - including Quadring carols changed to the church hall, 6pm Sunday 16th (advised 13/12)

Tulip Radio Sunday Starter programme, 8:00am: downloadable poster attached at the foot of this page from new presenter Steve Weatherly-Barton

Tuesday 13 November, 7:30pm: CTSD Meeting, Maples Room (St Mary & St Nicolas church hall); agenda included: CTSD AGM 10 January 2013, CTSD united service for Pentecost 19 May 2013, Finance, St Barnabas Hospice, CTSD Officer Vacancies, (Publicity Officer, Lay Chairperson), GSUS Live or Life exhibition, 2014(?) – Year of Mission, Christian Aid.

Christmas services details invited to Christmas@CTSpad...

Anti-Slavery Day, 18 October; resources include video and further materials

The Redeemed Theatre Company's production 'Channel God' concluded its tour on Friday 12 October 2012; more info available on the October diary page of this website.

Monday 17 September, 7:30pm: CTSD Meeting, Broad Street Methodist, including Christian Aid initiatives, noting the success of the 2011 Loose Change Fortnight, Publicity Officer, Preacher Exchange, Karis House (Charity 1135706, in association with Lighthouse church), future plans including mission and HOPE 2014 (also HOPE 2014/Future) 20 January 2013 WPCU preacher exchange, next CTSD meetings. Christmas services details invited to Christmas@CTSpad...

July 2012: Lincolnshire FEAST launched a website supporting Fresh Expressions initiatives across the county, along with a Facebook page and Twitter feed

Flower Festivals: dates of local church flower festivals are available on this website

Thursday 5 July, 7:30pm: CTSD Meeting, St Paul's, PE11 2HY: Finance, Space4U, Publicity Officer (possibly to be a shared role), Congregation feedback from previous CTSD meeting discussion, Christian Aid initiatives, Preacher Exchange (9 September), Lent Lectures (Mondays 25/2/13 - 25/3/13) at Spalding Baptist, SADOS 'The Vigil' over Easter 2013, Pentecost 2013 options, HOPE 2014. Next 2012 CTSD meetings (17/9 & 13/11)

Wednesday 9 May, 7:30pm: CTSD Council Meeting, Spalding Baptist: CFCEP (PR), Facilities & Services for the Homeless, Christian Aid initiatives, Finance (some subs awaited), South Holland Community Furniture Recycling Project, discussion on future developments for CTSD and confirmation of speaker Ian Coffey for Palm Sunday 2013.

Future 2012 CTSD meetings (5/7, 17/9 & 13/11)

Easter church services; a list of services from Palm Sunday through to Easter Day remains available, including downloadable posters for CTSD services on Palm Sunday and Good Friday

Christian Research (a business unit of Bible Society Enterprise) survey on 'Your experience of Church' available until midnight on Wednesday 4 April

March: Musician for Connect

Tuesday 13 March, 7:30pm: CTSD council meeting, St Mary & St Nicolas, Maples Room:

Agenda includes Finance, Christian Aid with Nick Thorley, Lent lectures, Palm Sunday and Easter arrangements (inc 2013/2014), Chappell Centre, The Big Lunch in June and 'More than Gold'. 2012 CTSD meetings (9/5, 5/7, 17/9 & 13/11)

Spalding Christian Bookshop Sale starts 1 March. Open hours: 10-4, Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Part of the ministry of Lighthouse Pentecostal church, PE11 2XP

The Connect congregation of St Mary & St Nicolas is looking for a guitarist and/or keyboard player for lively, modern music worship [Hillsong, Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin...] with or without additional leadership responsibility. If this grabs you contact Miles Green (see pic, left)

Karis House: opening in March 2012, offering a home for young women affected by addictions, self-harm, eating disorders, depression and more; a registered charity 1135706 in association with Lighthouse church. Poster available for download at the foot of this webpage.

Messy Church at Quadring church hall: dates for 2012 now available (20/2/12): Fridays: 17 February, 16 March, 18 May, 22 June, 20 July, 17 August, 14 September, 19 October & 16 NovemberThe Messy Church® logo is a registered word mark and the logo is a registered device mark of The Bible Reading Fellowship, © 2013

Clergy moves: Rev Mike Chesher to be inducted at St Paul's on 27 February and Rev David Sweeting to be installed at St Mary's, Pinchbeck on 26 March; Rev Dr Lynda Pugh to be priest in charge of the benefice of Ringstone in Aveland.

Mondays in March, 7:30pm: CTSD Lent Lectures 'Seven Words from the Cross' with Rev Steve Weatherly-Barton at Spalding Baptist church, PE11 1BT. Followed by refreshments, all most welcome; the talks also available to download, courtesy Spalding Baptist church AV team. Poster available along with details of the theme 'Reflections for the Way' inspiring the South Holland Methodist Circuit this Lent.

Monday 23 Janaury, 7:30pm: WPCU service at St Norbert's RC, PE11 2XX, followed by refreshments in their church hall

Sunday 22 January, Preacher Exchanges and special services, part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

18-25 January: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 'We will all be changed'

Gracious God, we gather, united in praise, longing for heavenly greatness in our earthly lives: serving one another in the way of Jesus, finding the overflowing joy of unity, so to scatter, united in service

Radio microphone frequency changes deadline has been extended to 31 December 2012. More info JFMG

St Mary & St Nicolas church website has a new address: www.stmaryandstnicolas.org.uk

9:30am St John’s, Cool Communion: informal discussion followed by communion with Rev Margaret Mwailu and Rev Peter Garland9:30am St Mary and St Nicolas Communion, preacher: Kevin Taylor10:30am South Holland Community Church with Lesley Pemberton10:30am St Thomas’ Road with Peter Gorton10:30am URC with Paul Whiteley... Moulton All Saints with Rev David Curran11:00am Connect with Rev Robert Sheard

3:00pm St Gilbert & St Hugh, Gosberton Clough* (organised by churches in the Glen and Gosberton groups) with Rev Tony Kinnersley, Rev Maurice Perry, Rev Ian Walters and Rev Steve Weatherly-Barton

Thursday 12 January, 7:30pm: CTSD AGM, Spalding United Reformed Church:

Agenda includes Appointment of Officers, Finance (Accounts), Christingle service, Chappell Centre, Christian Aid, Preacher Exchange, WPCU, Lent lectures (initially cancelled for 2012), Palm Sunday and Easter arrangements, AgapeCare and The Big Lunch in June. The AGM also includes an update of the CTSD Contacts list.

2012 CTSD meetings (13/3, 9/5, 5/7, 17/9 & 13/11)

This page has been edited following maintenance and upgrade in September 2021