
A selection of midweek meetings; our apologies for errors and omissions.  Services, events, dates and times are subject to late changes due to Covid-19 restrictions - please check with the church for latest details, reserving or booking places or tickets,  See also our News pages and Facebook page 'Hope4Spalding'. italics = awaiting confirmation; this page last updated before Covid, all due apologies

 Warm Spaces in Churches (November 2022): 

Broad Street (Mondays from 7/11, 10:00am - 4:00pm)
Lighthouse (Wednesdays, 9:30am - 12:30pm, 3:00pm - 6:00pm)
St John's (Thursdays from 3/11, midday - 5:30pm)
Spalding Baptist (Fridays from 18/11, 9:30am - 2:30pm)
St Norbert's (Sunday lunchtime, Project St Thomas) 


9:30-10:30am Ladies keep fit at Spalding Baptist

2-3pm All Saints' Church, Moulton TotZone for babies/preschool children with their parents/carers (held fortnightly)



8:30am: Coffee Morning, St John's

10am-12noon Broad Street Methodist Church Coffee Morning [and Coffee & Age UK Helpdesk], weekly (10.45am Shoppers' Service)

1:30pm: Poppy's Pop In, Tea, Coffe, Chat, crafts, games, Friends Meeting House (Quakers) 

2.30pm All Saints' Church, Moulton Mothers' Union (last Tuesday of month)

2:30pm T4U, usually the first Tuesday each month, plentiful tea and home made cakes, Pinchbeck Baptist (2010)

7:30pm Online Broad Street Methodist Church, Bible Space, usually term time


8:45am Little Steps Toddler Group at St John's, term time

10:00am Broad Street Methodist Church, Bible Space, usually term time

10:00am Coffee Morning, Calvary Baptist

10:00am Mums and Toddlers, Lighthouse church

3:00pm Choir Club, St Mary & St Nicolas

7:30pm Broad Street Methodist Church, Midweekers 


10:00am Holy Communion in the Lounge at St John's, often followed by Bible Study

6:00pm Superclub for 5-11, Lighthouse church

6:30pm - 8:00pm: TCP (Tea, Coffee, Prayer) at Pinchbeck Baptist (2017-...)



10:00am Broad Street Methodist Church, Knit and Natter 

10:00am Mums and Toddlers, Lighthouse church

10:00am Rendezvous at Spalding Baptist

3.15pm All Saints' Church, Moulton Thank God It's Friday (TGIF) geared to the under 10's and their families (last Friday of month) (2010)

3:30pm RAW after schools club for 11-16; Livewire café 5-6pm for 11-18 and Livewire youth club 6-9pm for 11-18, Lighthouse church



9am Mens Prayer Breakfast at The Ivy Wall, Spalding (1st Saturday of the month)

10am-12noon All Saints' Church, Moulton Coffee Morning (1st Saturday of month)

10am-12noon Broad Street Methodist Church Coffee Morning (1st Saturday of month)

10:00am Coffee Morning, Spalding United Reformed Church