June 2024
A selection of events as advised by churches across the area; please contact us to add or update details. Services, events, dates and times are subject to late changes - please check with the church for latest details, reserving or booking places or tickets, See also our News pages and Facebook page 'Hope4Spalding'. Apologies for errors and omissions. Bold = ecumenical events supported or organised by churches working together; Entries in italics = awaiting confirmation
Sunday 30 June, 10:00am: The Ness Group (FB) Holy Communion, St John's, Baston (FB)
Sunday 30 June, 10:00am: All Age Communion, St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank, (FB)
Sunday 30 June, 10:30am: Holy Communion, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
Sunday 30 June, 10:30am: Ordination of Deacons, Lincoln Cathedral (FB)
☕Sunday 30 June, 10:30am: Café Church, Pinchbeck Baptist (FB)
Sunday 30 June, 10:30am: Haven Group service at St Mary's, Sutterton, (FB) ACNY
Sunday 30 June, 10:30am: Parish Eucharist, Rev John Bennett 40th anniversary of ordination, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
☕🥐Sunday 30 June, 10:30am: Café church patronal celebration with the Bishop of Grantham Rt Rev Nicholas Chamberlain, St Peter's, Ropsley (FB) ACNY (North Beltisloe Group)
Sunday 30 June, 11:00am: Benefice service at St John the Baptist, Whaplode Drove (Schoolroom FB) (Gedney Hill FB) ACNY (Elloe Fen group) also advertised as 2:00pm
Sunday 30 June, 11:00am: Benefice service, Holbeach, St Mark's (Friends group FB)
Sunday 30 June, 11:00am: Joint Resource Area service with Rev Clare Davison at Spalding United Reformed Church (FB) followed by bring-your-own picnic
Sunday 30 June, 11:00am: Eucharist, St Andrew's, Rippingale (FB) in the Ringstone in Aveland Group (FB)
Sunday 30 June, 11:00am: The Glen Group Eucharist, St Laurence, Surfleet (FB) ACNY
Sunday 30 June, 11:00am: Sung Eucharist, Patronal Festival, Bourne Abbey St Peter & St Paul ACNY
Sunday 30 June, 1:00pm: Parish Barbecue at Morton House, £15/£5; more info via Sacred Heart & St Gilbert, Bourne (FB)
☕Sunday 30 June, 2:00pm: Repair Café at Thurlby Methodist; more info via St Firmin's, Thurlby (FB) in The Ness Group (FB)
☕🍰Sunday 30 June, 3:00pm: Patronal Communion, St Peter's, Lenton ACNY (North Beltisloe Group), followed by cream tea
Sunday 30 June, 3:00pm: Welland Local Mission Partnership (LMP FB) joint service at Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
☕🍰Sunday 30 June, 4:30pm: Afternoon Tea, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
Sunday 30 June, 6:30pm: Healing and Wholeness service, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
Sunday 30 June, 6:30pm: Evensong, Farewell to Rev John & Mary Bennett, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
Saturday 29 & Sunday 30 June, 1:00pm 29/6 to 1:00pm 30/6: National Pilgrim Virgin Statue and Relics of Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto to visit Sacred Heart & St Oswald’s, Peterborough PE4 6AE
Sunday 30 June, 10:45am: Procession from St Oswald's to Sacred Heart school for outdoor Mass at 12 noon; picnic after Mass; more info via Sacred Heart & St Gilbert, Bourne (FB)
Saturday 29 June, 10:00am: Patronal Festival Open Day, Bourne Abbey ACNY
☕🍰Saturday 29 June, 10:00am: Emporium, Gosberton Methodist (FB)
☕🍰Saturday 29 June, 10:00am: Coffee and cake, Priory church hall, Deeping St James (FB), ACNY
☕🍰Saturday 29 June, 10:00am: Spring Fayre, Holbeach Methodist (FB)
☕Saturday 29 June, 10:00am: Books, refreshments and more, Pinchbeck Baptist (FB)
Saturday 29 June, 10:30am: Ordination of Priests, Lincoln Cathedral (FB)
🌷🎪Saturday 29 June, 1:00pm: Rose and Sweet Pea show and Garden Fête, Priory church, Deeping St James (FB), ACNY
☕🍓Saturday 29 June, 1:00pm: Strawberry Tea, St Polycarp's, Holbeach Drove, ACNY, (FB) (Elloe Fen group)
☕🍰Saturday 29 June, 2:00pm: Afternoon Tea supporting Tearfund's worrk in Karamoja, St George's, Stamford (FB) ACNY
🎖️☕🍰Saturday 29 June, 2:30pm: Afternoon Tea, celebrating Armed Forces Day and 80th anniversary of D Day, £8 & £4, St Michael and All Angels, Langtoft (FB) - The Ness Group (FB) ACNY
Saturday 29 June, 6:00pm: Vigil Mass of St Peter & St Paul, Sacred Heart & St Gilbert, Bourne (FB)
🎵Saturday 29 June, 7:00pm: Ein Deutsches Requiem and Songs of the Fleet, £15, Oswald Elliott Hall, Stamford School
🔵🔴🟡🟢⚪Thursday 27 June, 7:00pm: General Election Hustings at St George's, Stamford (FB) ACNY, PE9 2BN, organised by Churches Together in Stamford (FB) (Rutland and Stamford constituency)
Thursdays from 2 May, 7:00pm: Alpha with Rev Sherine Angus and Rev Paul Carey-Slater; venues and sign up via flyer/poster/Facebook; more info via All Saints, Holbeach (FB) or St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) (ACNY)
☕Wednesday 26 June, 10:00am: Coffee Morning - 2024 Poppies, Bicker Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
🔵🔴🟡🟢⚪Tuesday 25 June, 6:30pm: General Election Hustings at All Saints', Oakham (FB) LE15 6AA (Rutland and Stamford constituency)
🎖️Tuesday 25 June, 11:00am: Armed Forces parade in the Market Place; refreshments afterwards at St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
🔵🔴🟡🟢⚪Monday 24 June, 7:30pm: General Election Hustings at St Wulfram's, Grantham (FB) NG31 6RR (Bourne and Grantham constituency)
🏖️Sunday 23 June: Away Day on the beach at Sutton-on-Sea; more info Harvest Church (FB)
☕🍰Sunday 23 June, 1:00pm: Afternoon Tea and Quiz, £12 pp, teams of four, at the village hall; more info via St Bartholomew's, West Pinchbeck, (FB) The Glen Group
Sunday 23 June, 2:30pm: Craft afternoon, St John's, Baston (FB) in The Ness Group (FB); see also 13/14 July
🔵🔴🟡🟢⚪Sunday 23 June, 4:00pm: General Election Hustings at Centenary Methodist , Boston (FB) PE21 6NY (Boston and Skegness constituency)
Sunday 23 June, 6:30pm: Peterborough City Praise (FB) at St Mark's, Lincoln Road, PE1 2SN
☕Saturday 22 June, 10:00am: 'Under the Sea' free crafts and refreshments, Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
Saturday 22 June, 2:00pm Mothers' Union Summer Council at Horncastle Methodist LN9 6BD; more info via St Firmin's, Thurlby/Ness Group (FB)
Saturday 22 June, 2:00pm: Messy Church at Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
☕🍓Saturday 22 June, 4:00pm: Strawberry Tea, £8, Moulton Chapel; more info via South Holland Methodist Circuit
🎵Saturday 22 June, 6:00pm: An Evening of Music in aid of Alzheimer's UK, £5, at Broad Street Methodist (FB)
🎵Saturday 22 June, 7:00pm: Military Wives Choir, £10, All Saints, Moulton (FB) ACNY (Elloe Stone group) PE12 6QB
🎵🥂Saturday 22 June, 7:00pm: Music and Poetry with Pimms, Priory church, Deeping St James (FB), ACNY
🎵🍿Saturday 22 June, 7:00pm: A Night at the Movies with Spalding Community Choir, £7, free popcorn, St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank, (FB)
🎵Saturday 22 June, 7:30pm: Pot of Gold Shanty Crew, a Maritime Adventure in Shanty songs and Folk songs, £10, Emmanuel Church, Parson Drove, PE13 4JA (FB) (ACNY) (St John's FB) (Murrow FB)
Saturday 22 - Sunday 23 June: Feast Weekend, St John's, Baston (FB) in The Ness Group (FB)
🎨☕🍰Saturday 22 - Sunday 23 June: Sutterton Open Gardens weekend (gardens admission £5); Art Exhibition in church plus plants for sale, ploughman's lunches and more, St Mary's, Sutterton, (FB) ACNY
Friday 21 June, 1:00pm: Card Making in the Maples Room, £10; more info via St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
☕🍰Friday 21 June, 2:00pm: Drop in Centre at Tydd St Mary village hall; more info via Tydd St Mary (FB) ACNY (Gedney Hill FB) (Elloe Fen group)
🌷Friday 21 - Sunday 23 June: Flower Festival 'Nursery Rhymes', Sutton St James (Elloe Fen group) near PE12 0EF
🎵🥂🍓Friday 21 June, 7:30pm: Summer concert with Whittlesey Concert Band, £8, interval Pimms and strawberries, Tydd St Mary (FB) ACNY
Thursday 20 June: World Refugee Day (/Week); prayer resources via Louth Churches for Refugees (pdf)
Thursday 20 June, 7:00pm: Fr Ed Martin to be licenced at St Mary's, Stamford as minister in charge of Stamford St Mary and St Martin's ACNY (FB) (Rector designate of Stamford St Mary and St Michael) by the Bishop of Lincoln Rt Rev Stephen Conway and installed by the Archdeacon of Boston Ven Justine Allain Chapman; sermon on the life of the disciple in the Catholic tradition by the Bishop of Oswestry Rt Rev Paul Thomas. The role is alongside Incumbent of Edenham, Witham-on-the-Hill and Chair of the Society Local Mission Partnership and Clerical chair of Lincoln Forward in Faith
Wednesday 19 June, 3:30pm: Cool Space, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge (FB) (ACNY)
General Election Hustings
🔵🔴🟡🟢⚪Tuesday 18 June, 7:00pm: General Election Hustings at Open Door Baptist church, Deeping St James (FB) PE6 8NJ, organised by Churches Together in the Deepings (FB) (South Holland and the Deepings constituency)
🔵🔴🟡🟢⚪Thursday 20 June, 7:30pm: General Election Hustings at Holbeach Methodist (FB) PE12 7DR (South Holland and the Deepings constituency)
🔵🔴🟡🟢⚪Sunday 23 June, 4:00pm: General Election Hustings at Centenary Methodist , Boston (FB) PE21 6NY (Boston and Skegness constituency)
🔵🔴🟡🟢⚪Monday 24 June, 7:30pm: General Election Hustings at St Wulfram's, Grantham (FB) NG31 6RR (Bourne and Grantham constituency)
🔵🔴🟡🟢⚪Tuesday 25 June, 6:30pm: General Election Hustings at All Saints', Oakham (FB) LE15 6AA (Rutland and Stamford constituency)
🔵🔴🟡🟢⚪Thursday 27 June, 7:00pm: General Election Hustings at St George's, Stamford (FB) ACNY, PE9 2BN, organised by Churches Together in Stamford (FB) (Rutland and Stamford constituency)
See also https://churcheselection.org.uk
Details awaited of NFU Hustings
Tuesday 18 June, 2:00pm: Bible Month, Genesis 37-50, Sutterton Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
Tuesday 18 June, 2:15pm: Mothers' Union at Almond Court, Northorpe; more info via St Firmin's, Thurlby (FB) in The Ness Group (FB)
☕Tuesday 18 June, 2:30pm: Mothers' Union Tea Party in The Green School, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
🌷Saturday 15 - Sunday 16 June: Flower Festival celebrating the first year of the reign of King Charles III, St John the Baptist, Whaplode Drove (Schoolroom FB) (Gedney Hill FB) ACNY (Elloe Fen group); Sunday 16/6, 2:30pm: Praise service PE12 0TN
Father's Day, Sunday 16 June
9:00am: Mass, Holy Trinity Holbeach
9:00am: Informal service, Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
9:00am: Lighthouse Pentecostal (FB)
9:15am: Informal All Age service, St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank, (FB), bacon rolls from 8:45am
9:15am: Service of the Word, St Laurence, Surfleet (FB) ACNY (The Glen Group)
9:15am: Morning service, St Paul's (FB)
9:30am: Holy Communion, Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
10:00am: Morning worship, All Saints, Moulton (FB) ACNY (Elloe Stone group)
10:00am: Holy Communion, St Andrew's, Billingborough (Gilbertine Benefice) ACNY
10:00am: The Ness Group (FB) Holy Communion at St Firmin's, Thurlby (FB)
10:15am: Morning worship, Spalding Baptist (FB)
10:30am: Father's Day family service, football shirts optional, Bourne Baptist (FB)
10:30am: Morning service - favourite team shirt, scarf, badge - raising awareness of homelessness, Bourne Salvation Army (FB)
10:30am: Morning service, Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
10:30am: Worship at Calvary Baptist (FB)
10:30am: Meeting for Worship, Friends Meeting House (Quakers)
10:30am: Sunday at Harvest Church (FB)
10:30am: Morning service, Pinchbeck Baptist (FB)
10:30am: Family service, Spalding United Reformed Church (FB)
10:30am: Parish Eucharist, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
10:45am: Holy Communion, St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank, (FB)
11:00am: Father's Day All Age service, Bourne Baptist (FB)
11:00am: Morning service, Crowland Abbey (FB) ACNY
11:00am: Family service, Fenlands church, Tydd Gote (FB)
11:00am: All Age Eucharist, St Bartholomew's, West Pinchbeck in the Glen Group (FB)
11:00am: Eucharist, St John the Baptist, Morton (FB) Ringstone in Aveland Group (FB)
11:00am: Morning Prayer with hymns, Tydd St Mary (FB) ACNY (Gedney Hill FB) (Elloe Fen group)
11:00am: Morning sevice, St Mary's, Weston (FB)
11:00am: Mass, St Norbert's in The Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham, South Holland (FB)
11:00am: Father's Day service, followed by prosecco, St Michael & All Angels, Uffington ACNY (FB) Group (FB)
11:30am: Sunday worship, Lighthouse Pentecostal (FB)
2:30pm: Flower Festival Praise service, St John the Baptist, Whaplode Drove (Schoolroom FB) (Gedney Hill FB) ACNY (Elloe Fen group) PE12 0TN
☕🍰🚗3:00pm: Dementia Car Rally and Afternoon Picnic Tea, £7.50; more info via Aslackby village (FB)
6:00pm: Praise and Prayer, Deepings Methodist (Circuit) (FB)
6:15pm: Evening service - favourite team shirt, scarf, badge - raising awareness of homelessness, Bourne Salvation Army (FB)
See our Church Listings pages for links to more churches across the area
Saturday 15 June: Nottingham Diocese Pilgrimage to Walsingham; more info via The Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham, South Holland (FB) / The Immaculate Conception & St Norbert (FB) or Sacred Heart & St Gilbert, Bourne (FB)
Saturday 15 June: Family Fun Day, Holy Trinity Holbeach
🎖️Saturday 15 June: D Day celebrations, Thurlby
☕🍓Saturday 15 June: Strawberry Tea, St Peter & St Paul, Wigtoft; more info via ACNY
Saturday 15 June, 9:30am: Who let the Dads Out? Crowland Methodist (FB) (Peterborough Circuit)
☕🍰Saturday 15 June, 10:00am: Cake and bacon butty morning, home made cake sale, St Michael and All Angels, Langtoft (FB) - The Ness Group (FB) ACNY
Saturday 15 June, 10:00am and 1:30pm: 'Five books to rule them all' with Dr Paul J Davies, £5, Bourne Baptist (FB)
Saturday 15 June, 10:00am: Fen Day Fun at Crowland Abbey (FB) ACNY
Saturday 15 June, 2:00pm: Messy Church, Church Street rooms; more info via St John the Evangelist, Corby Glen / Link (ACNY)
Saturday 15 June, 2:30pm: Messy Church in The Green School, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
Saturday 15 June, 7:00pm: Worship Evening with speaker Mark Castleton, St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank, (FB) PE11 1JQ
🎵Saturday 15 June, 7:00pm: Salvation Army Symphonic Wind Ensemble, £5, Boston Salvation Army (FB) PE21 8ST
🎵Saturday 15 June, 7:30pm: 'Some Enchanted Evening' with Catherine May (Soprano), Dan Joy (Tenor) and Nigel Stark (piano), £15, St Mary's Stamford (FB)
Friday 14 June, 7:00pm: Games evening, St John the Baptist, Hawthorn Bank, (FB)
☕Thursday 13 June, 9:30am: Pop In, Gosberton Methodist (FB)
Tuesday 11 June, 12:00pm: Funeral, Robert Molson, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
Tuesday 11 June, 2:00pm: Bible Month, Genesis 25-36, Sutterton Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
🔹Monday 10 June, 2:30pm: Mothers' Union in the coffee lounge, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
Sunday 9 June, 10:00am: Holy Communion, All Saints, Moulton (FB) ACNY (Elloe Stone group)
Sunday 9 June, 10:00am: Civic service, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
Sunday 9 June, 10:30am: Praise in the Park at the Wellhead; more info via Bourne Baptist (FB)
Sunday 9 June, 11:00am: Joint service with Crowland Methodist (FB) (Peterborough Circuit) at Crowland Abbey (FB) ACNY
Sunday 9 June, 11:30am: Morning worship with guest speaker Pastor Stuart Bell, Lighthouse Pentecostal (FB)
Sunday 9 June, 1:00pm: Barbecue, £11; more info via St John's, Holbeach Fen, St John PE12 8RS (Elloe Stone group)
☕🍰Sunday 9 June, 2:00pm: Refresh Café - Nature's treasures, St Firmin's, Thurlby in The Ness Group (FB) PE10 0EH; Village Treasure Hunt starts (concludes 14 July)
Sunday 9 June, 3:00pm: Messy Church at Uffington Village Hall; more info via the Uffington Group ACNY (FB) Group (FB)
Sunday 9 June, 3:30pm: Jelly Church, St Mary's, Sutterton (FB) ACNY
Sunday 9 June, 4:00pm: Pet service, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
Sunday 9 June, 5:30pm for 6:30pm: 'Running the Race for God - Mary Magdalene' Five Star service at Long Sutton Baptist (FB); more info via Sutton St James Baptist (FB); see also 21/4, 12/5, 14/7 & 18/8
Sunday 9 June, 6:30pm: Evensong to celebrate the 100th anniverary of Stanford, All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
D Day 80th anniversary (6 - 8 June)
☕🍰Saturday 8 June: Coffee Morning with Count on Nature in the churchyard, St Guthlac's, Market Deeping (FB)
☕Saturday 8 June, 10:00am: Coffee Morning supporting Don't lose hope, Gosberton Methodist (FB)
🎖️Saturday 8 June, 2:15pm: D Day anniversary celebration - more info via Billingborough Village Hall
🎪Saturday 8 June, 12:00pm: Pinchbeck Baptist (FB) stall at the Pinchbeck Carnival
Saturday 8 June, 4:00pm: Messy Church in Crowland (FB) at Crowland Methodist (FB) (Peterborough Circuit)
🎵Saturday 8 June, 7:30pm: Coningsby Miltary Wives Choir, £10, St Mary & the Holy Rood, Donington ACNY PE11 4UA
🎨Friday 7, Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June, 10:00am: Patchwork and Quilting exhibition at Fleet Baptist, PE12 8LH / PE12 8LL
🎵🍺Friday 7, Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June: Beer at the Priory (FB), various bands and performances, concluding on Sunday at 3:45pm with Churches Together in the Deepings (FB) worship bands, Deeping St James (FB), ACNY PE6 8HD
Friday 7 June, 12:00pm: Friday lunch in the Fraiser Room, £8; more info and bookings via St Laurence, Surfleet (FB) ACNY (The Glen Group)
☕🍰Friday 7 June, 2:00pm: Drop in Centre at Tydd St Mary village hall; more info via Tydd St Mary (FB) ACNY (Gedney Hill FB) (Elloe Fen group)
🍷🧀Friday 7 June, 7:30pm: Cheese and Wine evening, £10; more info via St Mary's, Sutterton, (FB) ACNY
Thursday 6 June, 10:00am: Mass (St Norbert) at Sacred Heart & St Gilbert, Bourne (FB)
🎖️Thursday 6 June, 10:45am for 11:00am: Ayscoughfee memorial service
🎖️Thursday 6 June, 11:00am: Holbeach memorial service outside All Saints, Holbeach (FB)
Thursday 6 June, 12:00pm: Mass (St Norbert) at St Norbert's in The Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham, South Holland (FB)
🎖️Thursday 6 June, 5:00pm: D Day anniversary at the Recreation Ground, Stamford; 9:15pm Lighting of the Beacon;
🎖️Thursday 6 June, 5:45pm: Remembrance service, Holy Trinity, Gedney Hill (ACNY) (FB) (Elloe Fen group)
Thursday 6 June, 6:00pm: for an hour: Ecumenical prayer meeting for the wider church and community, hosted by Broad Street Methodist (FB); see also Prayer for Spalding (FB)
🎖️Thursday 6 June, 6:30pm: D Day anniversary - displays in Holbeach St Mark's village hall (Friends group FB); 8:15pm: Lighting the beacon
🎖️Thursday 6 June, 6:30pm: D Day anniversary - meet at church for bell ringing, meal in village hall, and 9:15pm Lighting of the Beacon; (Sutton St Edmund Village Life FB)
🎖️Thursday 6 June, 6:45pm for 7:00pm: D Day anniversary service at Pinchbeck Memorial, with Pinchbeck Baptist (FB)
🎖️Thursday 6 June, 7:30pm: D Day anniversary celebrations 'When Enigma was NOT secure enough', £5, St Peter's, Ropsley (FB) ACNY (North Beltisloe Group)
🎖️Thursday 6 June, 8:15pm for 8:30pm: Lantern Parade from Moulton Mill to Broad Lane for 9:15pm Lighting of the Beacon; more info via Moulton All Saints (FB) ACNY or the Moulton Celebration Committee (FB); celebrations continue on Saturday 8/6
☕Wednesday 5 June, 10:00am: Midweek Eucharist followed by coffee, St John the Baptist, Morton (FB) Ringstone in Aveland Group (FB)
☕🍰Wednesday 5 June, 1:30pm: Tea and Cake, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB)
☕Tuesday 4 June, 10:30am: Dementia Café, Bourne Salvation Army (FB)
Tuesday 4 June, 2:00pm: 'A Load of Rubbish' - Friendship Group at Spalding United Reformed Church (FB)
Tuesday 4 June, 2:00pm: Bible Month, Genesis 12-25, Sutterton Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
Sunday 2 June, 10:30am: United service with Spalding United Reformed Church (FB) at Broad Street Methodist (FB
Sunday 2 June, 10:30am: Parish Eucharist with Rt Rev Stephen Conway, St Mary & St Nicolas (FB), followed by parish lunch at 12:30pm, £15
Sunday 2 June, 11:00am: Thank you for the Scarecrows service, St Michael & All Angels, Uffington ACNY (FB) Group (FB) (see also 5 & 6 May)
Sunday 2 June, 11:00am: First Holy Communion, Corpus Christi, St Norbert's in The Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham, South Holland (FB)
Sunday 2 June, 1:30pm: Lithuanian Mass at St Norbert's; more info Lithuanian FB (see also The Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham, South Holland (FB) (cancelled 29/5)
Sunday 2 June, 2:30pm: Pet service, Gosberton Clough Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
Sunday 2 June, 4:30pm: Confirmation and Baptism with the Bishop of Grantham, along with All Saints, Holbeach (FB) at All Saints, Moulton (FB) ACNY
Saturday 1 June, 11:00am: Polish community First Holy Communion Mass, St Norbert's in The Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham, South Holland (FB)
🎪Saturday 1 June, 2:00pm: Aslackby village (FB) church fête
🎪Saturday 1 June: Deeping St Nicholas village fête - with stall by Deeping St Nicholas, (FB) ACNY
Saturday 1 June: Gazebo in the Market Place, Spalding; more info from Harvest Church (FB)
🎵Saturday 1 June, 7:00pm: Ukulele concert for Citizen's Advice, £12; Broad Street Methodist (FB)
🎵Saturday 1 June, 7:00pm: Afro Caribbean evening with Pilgrim Steel Band and Sleaford Training Band, £10 & £5, St John the Baptist, Morton (FB) Ringstone in Aveland Group (FB)