Christmas 2016

Collation commenced Oct 2016, listing Christmas services, concerts and events advised or published by churches across the area, in addition to their usual service times and diary events for November and December; pictures and posters on Facebook. You may wish to check with individual churches to confirm events or for any late changes. Downloadable brochure at the foot of this page.

Please see our Church Listings pages for church locations and websites, where available.

Italics = awaiting confirmation; all due apologies for errors and omissions.

First Sunday in Advent: 27 November

8:00am Mass, The Immaculate Conception and St Norbert

9:00am Broad Street Methodist

9:30am Mass, Holy Trinity, Holbeach

10:30am Broad Street Methodist

10:30am Gosberton Clough Methodist

10:30am Holbeach Drove Methodist

10:30am Moulton Chapel Methodist

10:30am St Thomas Road Methodist

10:30am Sutterton Methodist

11:00am Mass, The Immaculate Conception and St Norbert

2:30pm Moulton Methodist

3:00pm Bicker Methodist

4:00pm Advent service together at Gosberton parish church; organised by CT Gosberton

4:00pm Advent Carol service, St Mary's, Pinchbeck

6:00pm St Thomas Road Methodist

6:30pm Deanery Advent Carol service for Elloe East, All Saints Moulton

6:30pm Advent Songs of Praise, Holbeach Methodist

6:30pm Advent Carol service, St Mary & St Nicolas

Thursday 1 December

6:30pm Children's & Teenager's Christmas Party at the Fun Farm in Weston; free entry by invitation only or prior booking (South Holland Community Church). All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult

Friday 2 December

3:15pm Messy Church 'Messy Nativity' at Gosberton Clough Methodist church

7:30pm Brass band concert, hot soup and refreshments, Tydd St Mary's

Saturday 3 December

10:00am - 3:00pm Christmas Tree Festival and Fayre in aid of Barnabas Support; cakes, crafts, gifts, preserves, plants, hampers, refreshments and snack lunches at Broad Street Methodist. 12 noon: Ukulele orchestra, 10-12 Children's activities

Second Sunday in Advent: 4 December

In addition to normal services:

3:00pm Christingle, St Bartholomew's, West Pinchbeck

4:00pm Christingle, All Saints, Holbeach

4:00pm Christingle at Broad Street Methodist

Monday 5 December

2 for 2:15pm Advent service for Union of Catholic Mothers, Holy Trinity, Holbeach

Tuesday 6 December

10:00am - 12:00 noon Christmas Tree Festival at Broad Street Methodist

Wednesday 7 December

3:00pm Christingle, Tydd St Mary's

Saturday 10 December

10:00am - 3:00pm Christmas Tree Festival and Fayre in aid of Barnabas Support; cakes, crafts, gifts, preserves, plants and more, refreshments and snack lunches at Broad Street Methodist. 12 noon: U3A Choir

11-3 Christmas tree festival, Pinchbeck Baptist

7:30pm Winter Wonderland, a concert for the festive season, with the South Holland Singers at St John's, £8

Third Sunday in Advent: 11 December

In addition to normal services:

10:30am Nativity service, Spalding United Reformed Church

10:30am Christingle, St Mary's, Pinchbeck

11:00am Family Christmas celebration, Lighthouse

11-4 daily until 23 December: Christmas tree festival, St Mary's, Weston

3:00pm Carol service, Holbeach Methodist

6:00pm Carols by Candlelight, St Gilbert & St Hugh with St John's choir, Gosberton Clough

Tuesday 13 December

10:00am - 12:00 noon Christmas Tree Festival at Broad Street Methodist

Wednesday 14 December

6:30pm Carol singing at The Bull, organised by the Glen Group

7:30pm Carol singing at The Mermaid, organised by the Glen Group

Thursday 15 December

11:00am Matt's Mum's party, St Matthew's Sutton Bridge

2:00pm MU Carol concert, St Mary's, Pinchbeck

2:30pm Carol service, Lutton Marsh Methodist

7:00pm Carols by Candlelight and fairylights, Christmas trees and other decorations, Gosberton Baptist

Friday 16 December

7:00pm Carol service, Moulton Methodist

Saturday 17 December

10-4 Christmas tree festival at Spalding United Reformed Church

11-3 Christmas tree festival, Pinchbeck Baptist

4:00pm Mass, Holy Trinity, Holbeach

7:30pm Christmas Carol service with Holbeach Brass Band, with English & Polish carols tbc, Holy Trinity, Holbeach

Fourth Sunday in Advent: 18 December

As advised and updated to 15/12:

10:00am Family Nativity, Broad Street Methodist

10:30am Christmas carols, Gosberton Baptist

10:30am Carol service, Moulton Chapel Methodist

10:30am Christmas Family service, Spalding Baptist

10:30am Carol service, Spalding United Reformed Church

10:30am Carol service followed by seasonal refreshments, South Holland Community Church; Ayscoughfee Hall School, PE11 2TE

10:45am Impromptu Nativity Pageant, Fenlands church, Tydd Gote

11:00am Nine lessons and carols, Tydd St Mary's

12:30pm Christmas roast lunch at Spalding United Reformed Church, bookings 766403

2-4pm Christmas tree festival at Spalding United Reformed Church

2:30pm Quiet Christmas, All Saints, Holbeach

2:30pm Carol service, Holbeach Drove Methodist

3:00pm Nine Lessons and Carols, St Bartholomew's, West Pinchbeck

3:00pm Carol Service, St John's Holbeach Fen

3:00pm Carol service, Sutterton Methodist

4:00pm Christingle, family service, Gosberton Methodist

6:00pm Carol service, Bicker Methodist

6:00pm Carol service, Gosberton Methodist

6:00pm Candlelight service, multi-media presentation, carols, singing items, drama & dance, Lighthouse

6:00pm Nine Lessons and Carols, St Laurence, Surfleet

6:00pm Carols by Candlelight, St Margaret's, Quadring

6:00pm Carol service, St Paul's

6:30pm Town carol service by candlelight at All Saints, Holbeach

6:30pm Carol service, All Saints, Moulton

6:30pm Christmas concert with the Mirinesse Singers at Holbeach Methodist

6:30pm Carols by Candlelight, Long Sutton Baptist

6:30pm Carols by Candlelight, Pinchbeck Baptist

6:30pm Carols by Candlelight, Spalding Baptist

6:30pm Nine Lessons and Carols, St John's

6:30pm Carols by Candlelight, mulled wine and mince pies, St Mary's, Weston

6:30pm Christmas Carol service, St Mary & St Nicolas

6:30pm Carols by Candlelight, St Matthew's Sutton Bridge

6:30pm Carol service, St Thomas's Road Methodist

Monday 19 December

6:30pm Casual carols with hot soup and refreshments, Tydd St Mary's

Tuesday 20 December

10:00am - 12:00 noon Christmas Tree Festival at Broad Street Methodist

10:00am School carols, Tydd St Mary's

7:30pm Carols at the Duke of York, Risegate; organised by CT Gosberton

Wednesday 21 December

12 noon Christmas soup lunch, St Matthew's Sutton Bridge

2:00pm St Paul's school Christingle at the parish church

6:00pm Carols around the churchyard Christmas tree with Holbeach town band at All Saints, Holbeach

Christmas Eve: Saturday 24 December

As advised to 12/12/16:

2:00pm Quiet Christmas service, St Mary & St Nicolas3:00pm Christmas service, Sutterton Methodist

3:30pm Nativity, St Mary's Long Sutton

4:00pm Crib service, All Saints, Holbeach

4:00pm Crib service, All Saints, Moulton

4:00pm Christmas Present, a family service, Broad Street Methodist

4:00pm Crib service, St John's

4:00pm Crib service, St Mary's, Pinchbeck

4:00pm Almost Christmas, St Mary & St Nicolas

4:00pm Crib service, St Matthew's Sutton Bridge

4:00pm Nativity service, St Peter & St Paul, Gosberton

4:00pm Crib service, Tydd St Mary's

4:30pm Family service, Holbeach Methodist

4:30pm Family service, Moulton Chapel Methodist

4:30pm Mass, The Immaculate Conception and St Norbert

6:00pm Christmas Eve family service, Spalding United Reformed Church including carols chosen by the congregation

6:00pm Crib service, St Laurence, Surfleet

6:30pm Carols, optional communion, St John's Holbeach Fen

6:30pm Contemplative Holy Communion, St Mary's Long Sutton

6:30pm Carols by Candlelight, St Mary's, Pinchbeck

7:30pm Candlelight carols, Broad Street Methodist

10:00pm Christmas Eucharist, Tydd St Mary's

11:15pm Communion, Bicker Methodist

11:30pm Midnight Mass, All Saints, Holbeach

11:30pm Midnight Mass, All Saints, Moulton

11:30pm Midnight communion, Pinchbeck Baptist

11:30pm Midnight Mass, St Bartholomew's, West Pinchbeck

11:30pm Midnight Mass, St John's

11:30pm Midnight Mass, St Mary's Long Sutton

11:30pm Midnight Mass, St Mary & St Nicolas

11:30pm Midnight Mass, St Matthew's, Sutton Bridge

11:30pm Midnight Mass, St Paul's

11:30pm Midnight Mass, St Peter & St Paul, Gosberton

11:45pm Midnight communion service together with Methodist congregations at Spalding United Reformed Church

11:30pm Carols at The Immaculate Conception and St Norbert, followed by:

12:00am Midnight Mass, The Immaculate Conception and St Norbert

Christmas Day: 25 December

As advised to 12/12/16:

8:00am Christmas communion, St John's

8:00am Holy Communion, St Mary & St Nicolas

9:00am Christmas Morning Communion, St Gilbert & St Hugh, Gosberton Clough

9:00am Mass, The Immaculate Conception and St Norbert

9:30am Holy Communion, St Matthew's Sutton Bridge

10:00pm Christmas morning together with Clough at Gosberton Methodist

10:00am Christmas celebration, Harvest Church

10:00am Family service, Pinchbeck Baptist

10:00am Christmas Eucharist, St John's

10:00am Christmas communion by extension, St Laurence, Surfleet

10:00am Holy Communion, St Mary's Long Sutton

10:00am Family Communion, St Mary & St Nicolas

10:30am All Age Communion, All Saints, Holbeach

10:30am Meeting for Worship, Friends' Meeting House

10:30am Christmas morning at Gosberton Baptist; followed by Christmas lunch for those in need

10:30am Christmas communion, Holbeach Methodist

10:30am Christmas Day Family service, Spalding Baptist

10:30am Christmas Day at Spalding United Reformed Church

10:30am Eucharist, St Mary's, Pinchbeck

10:30am Christmas morning together at St Thomas's Road Methodist

10:30am Benefice Communion together at St Mary's Whaplode (All Saints Moulton, St John's Holbeach Fen & St James Moulton Chapel)

11:00am Christmas morning worship, Lighthouse

11:00am Holy Communion, Tydd St Mary's

11:00am Mass, The Immaculate Conception and St Norbert

New Year's Eve: Saturday 31 December

11:00pm New Year's Eve worship and Communion service following the church party (7:30pm), Lighthouse11:40pm Prayer for the New Year, St Mary & St Nicolas


The Church of England launched a new directory of Christmas services on 1 December 2016 (; some local church services are included.

The South Holland Methodist Circuit Plan, listing local services, is available from


Events and services brochure; click on the blue arrow (below, right) to download >>>