August 2025
A selection of events and posters as advised by churches across the area in addition to - or replacing usual service times; please contact us to add or update details. Services, events, dates and times are subject to late changes - please check with the church for latest details, reserving or booking places or tickets. See also our News pages and Facebook page 'Hope4Spalding'. Apologies for errors and omissions. Bold = ecumenical events supported or organised by churches working together; Entries in italics = awaiting confirmation
Use: ⋮ / Find in page / CTRL+F / ⌘+F to search for individual churches on this page
Further details and services awaited; see also the Church Listings pages for links to churches for their usual weekly services
🌷Saturday 23 - Monday 25 August: Flower Festival, 'Countries of the World' Thorney Abbey (FB)
🌷Friday 22 - Monday 25 August, Flower Festival, Crowland Abbey (FB) ACNY PE6 0EN
Friday 22 - Tuesday 26 August: Awaken festival (FB); more info via Groundlevel
🪡Friday 4 July - Sunday 31 August: 'Threads Through the Bible - Creation + Cross + Revelation' by Jacqui Parkinson Textiles (FB) at Lincoln Cathedral (FB)
Feast of the Assumption, Thursday 15 August
Holiday Clubs
Saturday 16 August, 2:00pm: Messy Church at Broad Street Methodist (FB) (Circuit website)
Thursday 7 August, 6:00pm: Ecumenical prayer meeting, hosted by Broad Street Methodist (FB); see also Prayer for Spalding (FB)
Sunday 4 - Saturday 10 August: 'Turin Shroud' Exhibition with Knights Templars (FB), Crowland Abbey (FB) ACNY PE6 0EN
Sunday 3 - Sunday 10 August: Taizé Youth Pilgrimage for 18-30; more info via Lincoln Diocese
Wednesday 30 July - Monday 4 August: New Wine (FB)