Club Information

Meeting Dates (dates & locations subject to change): 



Meeting Time: Meetings run from 2:30 pm - 4 pm. 

Club Requirements:

1. Attend at least 6 meetings per year

2. Volunteer in at least 2 in person events (service projects at club meetings do not count) OR 

volunteer in at least 1 in person event AND participate in at least 1 donation event 

3. Earn a minimum of 10 hours by May 10th**

4. Hand in a contract via google forms before you start volunteering by 12/19. 

5. Complete Pay-to-Participate and hand in receipt by 12/19. 

6. Hand in club dues of $10 by 12/19. 

7. Attend Paint Night (unless you emailed us and we approved your reason for not attending) - DATE TBA

**Note: Hours earned after this date cannot be used to fulfill the 10 hours that club membership requires. These extra hours (say you earned 30 hours, 20 hours would be your "extra hours") are what you can use for NHS, etc.**