Care for Community Subcommittee Fundraiser

Care for Community would like to put together care packages for orphanages including items we hope kids would enjoy. Items in these packages include puzzles, books, and toys/stuffed animals, which we would like to collect from the members of Viking Volunteers. We will be collecting these donations at our April 5th meeting. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please drop off your donations at Ms. Marcella's office in SPS. There are 3 options:

  • Option 1: Donating 2 items (either books or toys/stuffed animals) and $5 would earn members 1 hour

  • Option 2: Donating 2 homemade puzzles (either crossword puzzles or word searches) and $5 would earn members 1 hour

  • Option 3: Donating 3 homemade puzzles (either crossword puzzles or word searches) and $10 would earn members 2 hours

There are two google forms posted below: one for the item donation, and one for the homemade puzzle donation. If you are interested in option 1, fill out the item donation form. If you are interested in options 2 or 3, fill out the homemade puzzle donation form.

Options 2 or 3 are limited to the first 25 people that fill out the form. If the form is full and you still want to participate, you have to do option 1.

Important Notes:

- The crossword puzzles and word searches can be made through an online generator. The words used can follow any theme as long as they are appropriate and easy to follow.

- The books do not have to be brand-new as long as they are in good condition and do not have marks, stains, annotations, etc. on them

- The toys and stuffed animals must be in good condition (no loose stuffing, no stains, no marks, etc.)