
We have released Viking Volunteers shirts!

Please read all the information below before placing your order.

  • The base price of the shirt is $12.37 + $0.49 (processing fee).

  • If you would like to personalize your shirt, it will be an additional $4.50. You can add your last name to the "Name on Shirt" portion of the order form. Your total will then be $16.87 + $0.49. Below the order link is an example of a shirt with a last name.

  • If you would like the back of shirt to be blank, leave the "Name on Shirt" portion blank. Your total will then be $12.37 + $0.49.

  • The last day to order is November 26th. Once the shirts arrive in mid-December, there will be Remind sent out with pick-up information.

  • If you have any questions or concerns about your order, please email In the subject, please mention T-Shirt Order so we can get back to you ASAP.

Here is the link to order:

This is an example of what the back of the shirt would look like with a name.