Blacklight dance

Description: The school's Blacklight Dance is the Friday before Spring Break! This year the proceeds of the dance to the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation. Tickets are $10 in advance for a single, and $8 in advance for a team (3+ people). We strongly encourage anyone participating to register in a team ahead of time as tickets are $12 at the door. Everyone is encouraged to wear neon or white clothing so that they glow in the blacklight. Students will receive 3 service hours for attending the event.

Every team is encouraged to collect donations. There is a prize for the team with the most donations!

We have the registration form linked below that you must fill out and submit to activities with your fees by Friday, April 8th @2:30 pm. Cash or Check must be made payable to SBHS Student Council.

In order to get club credit for the dance, you must sign in with Ms. Marcella, who will be attending the event. After the event ends and you get a certificate for your hours, you must submit it at the next meeting for your grade level (4/26 for seniors and sophomores and 5/17 for juniors and freshmen). You must do both in order for it to be added to the membership directory!

Date: Friday, April 8th

Hours: 6-9 pm

Location: Freshman Cafeteria

# of Volunteers: Unlimited

Flyer with Information: Flyer

Registration Packet