Pregnant Women

Pregnant women who suffer from homelessness

There are many pregnant women around the world who face difficulties because they have little to no income, no education, and no support. One of the leading causes of homelessness in pregnant women is domestic and sexual violence. Most women who experience abuse do not report it. Around 20-50% of homeless women and children are homeless due to domestic/sexual violence. Other causes are unemployment, lack of education/job skills, lack of social support, and substance abuse. Approximately 53% of homeless women do not receive a high school diploma, meaning they are not able to take on proper jobs with high income, and do not earn enough money for their children or themselves. These women are usually undernourished, depressed, stressed, and homeless because they cannot buy the supplies necessary to take care of their children or themselves. Often times, the infants have lower birth weights than normal because their mothers do not eat enough. Certain organizations, like Good Counsel and the Alpha House of Tampa, help homeless pregnant woman by providing the support needed to keep themselves and their children healthy and safe.

Good Counsel

    • has programs that help in budgeting, parenting, nutrition, teach mothers about health/AIDS, and have a referral program for abortion guidance (Lumina)

      • Lumina helps in post-abortion healing - most women experience stress, anxiety, grief, guilt, panic, and shame, so the program provides therapy

    • 52% of the women under their care received education and employment

    • provided shelter for 7,314 homeless women since 1985

Alpha House of Tampa

    • provides emergency shelters, helps in housing and employment search

    • case management program that helps in family planning for education, employment, financial management aid, medical and dental care, and more

    • aftercase management program that provides support after a family has moved out of an emergency shelter - encourages and leads them to independence

    • child development services which ensures the development of infants and children

    • housing search services assists in finding proper and adequate housing