South Brunswick Winter Drive

The Interact Club will be hosting a district wide clothing and toiletry drive, and there will be three boxes kept at different locations in the high school.

Date: The drive will be open for donations from March 15th to March 26th. Donations can be dropped off at the outdoor boxes at anytime during the day, and donations can dropped in the indoor box during the school day.

Location of Drive Boxes: There will be a box by the main entrance, and a box outside of the snack shack for students to drop off their donations in. For those students that attend school in-person, there will be a box stationed inside the building at the library.


All clothing donations should be brand new or lightly used. All toiletries donated should be brand new. The list of acceptable donations is included in the flyer below the google form and in the assignment on the classroom.


In order to earn 1 volunteering hour please do the following:

Write 3 cards to the South Brunswick Food Pantry AND include donations OR

make 2 masks AND include donations.

For one hour, the donation to the drive should include either two of the accepted clothing items, two of the specified toiletries, or one clothing item and one toiletry item.


The cards will be given to families receiving resources from the food pantry, so please include encouraging messages for these families.

NOTE: You can only earn up to 2 HOURS.


If you are donating cards, please write your name, grade, and Viking Volunteer Club written on the envelope, and include your name, grade, and Viking Volunteers on the bag that holds your clothing drive donations.

If you are making masks, put them in a clean Ziploc bag with your name, grade, and Viking Volunteer Club written on them.

All these donations can be dropped off into a box at the high school. After dropping off your donation, please take a picture of your donation in a box and submit it to the google form linked below.