SO Windows

1. Antialiasing activation

Some applications, eg Firefox, won't show clear fonts without activating antialiasing.

Open 'Adjust ClearType text'

Turn on ClearType

and follow the indications.

2. Mapping WSL disk as network drive

From File Explorer, right click Network > Map network drive...

Drive: J:

Folder: \\wsl$\Ubuntu

[x] Reconnect at sign-in

3. Subst a permanent system drive

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\DOS Devices


Nombre: J:

Tipo: REG_SZ

Datos: \??\D:\\

This is equivalent to the temporary user drive created with: "subst J: D:\"

4. Clock color in taskbar

Note: It's a bug in Windows 10.

In Personalisation > Colours:

Don't click Transparency effects

Don't click checkbox for Show the accent colour on the following surfaces 'Start, taskbar and action centre'


Delete file Custom.theme (the SO will recreate it if necessary)

& restart computer

(clock will be clearly visible only on the right, external, screen)

5. WinAuth (Google Authenticator, Microsoft, Battle.Net, Guild Wars 2, Glyph / Trion, Steam)

Settings > Use System Tray Icon

6. Move o resize partition

Windows 10 o Windows 11