Administration & Maintenance (Alfresco)

Importación / Exportación (.acp)



MySQL database provides a utility called mysqldump to back up both the database table definitions and the contents.

Syntax: mysqldump [options] db_name [tables] [> output_file_name]

Example: > mysqldump alfresco > alfresco_outfile.sql


Need to back up the entire folder named alf_data

Customization files

Typical customization files:

  • Logos, images, and style sheets
  • JSP Files (dashboard)
  • Presentation templates
  • Configuration files and property files
  • Files in the extension folder
  • Custom application code (WAR File, source Java files, and so on.)

Note 1:If using external membership system (Active Directory, OpenLDAP, etc.), you might have to backup user and group data. Ensure that the data in the external membership system is backed up.

Nota 2: Es una buena práctica hacer copia de seguridad de ficheros de registro antiguos y eliminarlos de la ubicación actual, para ahorrar espacio en disco. En Tomcat, 'alfresco.log' es el actual (también hay históricos).

Backup process

The typical process to backup the Alfresco repository is as follows (Alfresco can be configured in cluster active/passive):

1. Stop Alfresco to ensure that nobody can make changes during the back up

2. Export the MySQL (or other) database

3. Backup the Alfresco alf_data folder

4. Start Alfresco

To restore the Alfresco repository, carry out the following steps:

1. Stop Alfresco

2. Delete the alf_data folder, and restore the alf_data folder that you backed up earlier

3. Drop the database, and then import the database that you have exported

4. Start Alfresco


The proper order to back up Alfresco, en caliente, to ensure the integrity of the repository is: Database, ContentStore, Indexes

Upgrading to newer versions

Alfresco has an upgrade script feature that helps you to upgrade to newer versions automatically.

Minor upgrade (3.0.0 a 3.0.1)

Reemplazar el war de la aplicación web

Major upgrade (2.x a 3.0)

The upgrade scripts will be executed automatically by the server, when starting up against an existing database.

Nota: There are some configuration files and a properties file in Alfresco's config folder (\tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\), which you might want to update, that requires manual updates.

General maintenance tips

Deleted items

It is best to purge these items periodically.

Examining log files

Revisar periódicamente alfresco.log (fichero actual) o alfresco.log.YYYY-MM-DD (ficheros históricos).

Fix the errors listed in the log file, and make sure there are no ERROR messages.

Consider using such a tool, or developing such a tool, to be notified as soon as an ERROR occurs.

Resetting the administrator password

1. Configure the authentication component to accept all logins, using SimpleAcceptOrRejectAllAuthenticationComponentImpl.

2. Log in as anyone who has admin rights

3. Reset the password

4. Revert the configuration

Full auditing

You might want to have a full audit trail and accountability of user activities.

That audit includes the content, all of the edited versions of the content, and a full record of exactly who did what and when.

The audit configuration file is located at <configRoot>\auditConfig.xml.