SQL Developer


SQL Developer is a database administration and query tool that provides a single consistent interface for various databases.

Similar (preferred) tool: DBeaver - https://dbeaver.io

Intall to use it with Oracle RDBMS

Download and install it:


Configure Oracle DB connection

For this example we will use the following connection data:

User=PRS; Pwd =PRS; Host=; Port = 1521; SID = ORCL


File > Open Connection

TAB "Oracle"

Host:Port/Service: name ORCL



Connect as:Default

Driver Type:Thin

Click "Driver Settings" > Add

Inform the path to your Oracle driver.

Note: Maybe found in Eclipse (JavaBuildPath > Libraries); e.g.: C:\_ria\prs\servers\jboss-4.3.0.GA_CP05-ria\server\ria\lib\ojdbc14.jar

Clicking OK a profile name will be assigned and we'll able to access the Oracle tables.

The following image shows a working configured connection: