jBoss AS 5

tip 1. install Jboss 5.0 as a Windows XP Service

a) Download jbosssvc.exe from http://www.datadisk.co.uk/images/jboss5/jbosssvc.exe

and replace V:\ib\mkr\jboss-5.0.1.GA\bin\jbosssvc.exe (if the original one outputs "Error en archivo EXE").

b) Modify V:\ib\mkr\jboss-5.0.1.GA\bin\service.bat to fit your needs, e.g.: changing the line:

call run.bat < .r.lock >> run.log 2>&1


call run.bat -c default -b < .r.lock >> run.log 2>&1

c) Run:

V:\mkr\JBOSS-~1.GA\bin\service.bat install

d) Check that "JBoss Application Server 5.0" appears as a Windows Service

tip2. soap:address location runtime override example:

((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "");

e1. "setProperty must be overridden by all subclasses of SOAPMessage when using Eclipse and JBoss" (jBoss 5.0.1)

on JBoss

Just Make sure you have the following JAR files in your <JBOSS_HOME>/lib/endorsed folder:





on Eclipse (eclipse 4.2)

Here's how you do it:

1. In Eclipse, access the "Servers" view

2. Double click on JBoss server ("JBoss v5.0 at localhost"). The settings editor opens.

3. Double click on the "Open launch configuration" link found under "General Information". The launcher configuration editor opens.

4. Go to the "Arguments" tab. Your VM arguments might look like the following:

"-Dprogram.name=run.bat -Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

5. Append the following to the above line after keeping a space (Note that you need to use the correct directory name where you have installed JBoss inside which you find the lib/endorsed directory):

" -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/<JBOSS_HOME>/lib/endorsed"

Save everything and start the JBoss server.