

The package manager for Kubernetes. Helm is the best way to find, share, and use software built for Kubernetes.




Helm charts search


Chart version

Specify a specific tag or reference a valid a range:

--version "1.1.1"

--version "~8"

--version "^2.0.0"


helm delete <release-name>

The release-name can be obtained w/ help list. Eg: helm delete mongodb

release "mongodb" uninstalled

helm install

Eg for mongodb 7.0.11

helm install mongodb bitnami-full-index/mongodb --version="15.6.1" --set podSecurityContext.fsGroup="",containerSecurityContext.runAsUser="1001080001",podSecurityContext.enabled=false,architecture=replicaset,auth.replicaSetKey=$MONGODB_REPLICA_SET_KEY,auth.rootPassword=$MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD

helm list

List releases in the current namespace (aka openshift project)

helm pull chartrepo/chartname --version="11.2.0"

Eg: helm pull bitnami-full-index/mongodb --version="11.2.0"

It downloads to the current directory: mongodb-11.2.0.tgz

helm repo add sonarqube https://SonarSource.github.io/helm-chart-sonarqube

$ helm repo add sonarqube https://SonarSource.github.io/helm-chart-sonarqube

"sonarqube" has been added to your repositories

helm repo update

$ helm repo update

Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...

...Successfully got an update from the "sonarqube" chart repository

...Successfully got an update from the "bitnami" chart repository

...Successfully got an update from the "bitnami-full-index" chart repository

Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈

helm search repo -l [your_search_string]

Lists all versions of all chart names that contain search string

$ helm search repo -l sonarqube

$ helm search repo -l sonarqube/sonarqube

helm status

helm status mongodb

helm upgrade [RELEASE] [CHART] [flags]

$ helm upgrade --install -n sonarqube --version "5.2.0" sonarqube bitnami/sonarqube

helm version

$ helm version

version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.15.1", GitCommit:"e211f2aa62992bd72586b395de50979e31231829", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.22.3"}