SOAP WS, WSDL, client with Maven (Spring Boot)

This article will build in an Spring Boot project with Maven, step by step, a full SOAP WS client, starting from scratch with just a WSDL file:

2. Reference

JAX-WS Maven Plugin [ : jaxws-maven-plugin]

Customizations with the external binding file

Jakarta XML Binding 4.0 (JAXB 4)

JAXB2 Basics Plugins

3. File structure

In the example we'll generate two web service clients (out of two wsdl files) customized with a single external bindings file:







52. Using JAXB 4 with jakarta

Since Spring Boot 3 (jdk 17 minimum supported version), it only uses jakarta.


Eg: defense


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  Jakarta XML Binding 3.0

  Customizations with the external binding file

  jakarta - version="3.0"

  javax   - version="2.0"

  jakarta - xmlns:jaxb=""

  javax   - xmlns:jaxb=""


  jakarta - xmlns=""

  javax   - xmlns=""


  jakarta - xmlns:xjc=""

  javax   - xmlns:xjc=""


<jaxb:bindings version="3.0" xmlns:jaxb=""

 xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsd=""





    <jaxb:globalBindings generateElementProperty="false" underscoreBinding="asCharInWord">

      <!--(JAXB 3)<jaxb:serializable uid="27"/>-->

      <!--(JAXB 2)<xjc:serializable uid="27"/>-->

      <jaxb:serializable uid="27"/>

      <!-- <javaType name="java.util.Calendar" xmlType="xsd:dateTime" parseMethod="jakarta.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseDate" printMethod="jakarta.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.printDate" /> -->





      <!-- wsimport -->




        <version>4.0.0<!--same-jmp --></version>







          <!--sb3 jakarta (wsimport) -->




            <version>4.0.0<!--same-jmp --></version>


          <!--sb3 jakarta (wsimport) -->






          <!--sb3 jakarta (wsimport) -->






          <!--sb3 jakarta (wsimport) -->






          <!--sb3 jakarta (wsimport) -->






          <!-- put the XJC plugins on the jaxws-maven-plugin's classpath

               uses javax.xml.bind.JAXBException







          <!--sb3 [put the XJC plugins on the jaxws-maven-plugin's classpath] instead of previous one, just a test that didn't work







          <!--sb3 [put the XJC plugins on the jaxws-maven-plugin's classpath] instead of org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons:jaxb2-basics-->






          <!-- sb3 put XJC value constructor plugin classpath   -->








          <!-- tell JAXB to actually use the XJC plugins -->









            <?m2e execute onConfiguration?>







                <!-- Needed with JAXP 1.5 -->













                <!-- produces wsdlLocation = {wsdlLocation}{wsdlFile} -->








53. Using JAXB 3 with jakarta

Since Spring Boot 3 (jdk 17 minimum supported version), it only uses jakarta.

Eg: defense


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  Jakarta XML Binding 3.0

  Customizations with the external binding file

  jakarta - version="3.0"

  javax   - version="2.0"

  jakarta - xmlns:jaxb=""

  javax   - xmlns:jaxb=""


  jakarta - xmlns=""

  javax   - xmlns=""


  jakarta - xmlns:xjc=""

  javax   - xmlns:xjc=""


<jaxb:bindings version="3.0" xmlns:jaxb=""

 xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsd=""





    <jaxb:globalBindings generateElementProperty="false" underscoreBinding="asCharInWord">

      <!--(JAXB 3)<jaxb:serializable uid="27"/>-->

      <!--(JAXB 2)<xjc:serializable uid="27"/>-->

      <jaxb:serializable uid="27"/>

      <!-- <javaType name="java.util.Calendar" xmlType="xsd:dateTime" parseMethod="jakarta.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseDate" printMethod="jakarta.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.printDate" /> -->





      <!-- wsimport -->




        <version>4.0.0<!--same-jmp --></version>







          <!--sb3 jakarta (wsimport) -->




            <version>4.0.0<!--same-jmp --></version>


          <!--sb3 jakarta (wsimport) -->






          <!--sb3 jakarta (wsimport) -->






          <!--sb3 jakarta (wsimport) -->






          <!--sb3 jakarta (wsimport) -->






          <!-- put the XJC plugins on the jaxws-maven-plugin's classpath

               uses javax.xml.bind.JAXBException







          <!--sb3 [put the XJC plugins on the jaxws-maven-plugin's classpath] instead of previous one, just a test that didn't work







          <!--sb3 [put the XJC plugins on the jaxws-maven-plugin's classpath] instead of org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons:jaxb2-basics-->






          <!-- sb3 put XJC value constructor plugin classpath   -->








          <!-- tell JAXB to actually use the XJC plugins -->









            <?m2e execute onConfiguration?>







                <!-- Needed with JAXP 1.5 -->













                <!-- produces wsdlLocation = {wsdlLocation}{wsdlFile} -->








54. Using JAXB 2 with javax

Note: This example was tested with jdk8. For jdk11 or newer you might need additional dependencies, see:

54.1. pom.xml

Let's add a plugin to the pom.xml for generating the client Java code:



   <!-- to compile xjc-generated sources (needed by wsimport) -->










      <!-- Plugin from org.codehaus.mojo not updated since 2017 and it fails with jdk11.

         Alternatives seem to be com.helger.maven or




      <version>2.3.3-b01<!--same-jmp --></version>





          <version>2.3.3-b01<!--same-jmp --></version>








          <!-- put the XJC plugins on the jaxws-maven-plugin's classpath -->






  <!-- put XJC value constructor plugin classpath -->







        <!-- tell JAXB to actually use the XJC plugins -->














    <!-- Needed with JAXP 1.5 -->




    <!-- Enable "-B-XautoNameResolution" ONLY if needed: <xjcArg>-XautoNameResolution</xjcArg> -->



















54.2. wsdl_bindings.xjb

The goals of this customization file are:

   - Generate generate Java type instead of JAXBElement (generateElementProperty).

   - Generate Camel Case instead of Snake Case, when appropriated (underscoreBinding).

    - Generated classes implement 'Serializable' (serializable).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  jakarta - version="3.0"

  javax   - version="2.0"

  jakarta - xmlns:jaxb=""

  javax   - xmlns:jaxb=""


<jaxb:bindings version="3.0" xmlns:jaxb=""

 xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsd=""





    <jaxb:globalBindings generateElementProperty="false" underscoreBinding="asCharInWord">

      <xjc:serializable uid="27"/>

      <!-- <javaType name="java.util.Calendar" xmlType="xsd:dateTime" parseMethod="javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseDate" printMethod="javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.printDate" /> -->




55. Sample client (javax)


For OpenJDK >;

for OracleJDK >].



  * TERCER port.


  * @return -

  * @throws IOException 



 public TercerServicePortType tercerPort() throws IOException {"Initializing bean tercerPort");


  // Service (from classpath WSDL file)

  final URL wsdlUrl = (new ClassPathResource("wsdls/TercerService.wsdl")).getURL();

  final edu.uoc.serveis.tercers.tercer.service.TercerService service = new edu.uoc.serveis.tercers.tercer.service.TercerService(


  // URL endpoint

  final String urlWsService = this.environmentHelper.getEndpointUrlBase() + this.tercerUrlEndpoint;

  // Soap port initialization

  final TercerServicePortType port = service.getTercerServiceHttpPort();

  this.initializeBindingProvider((BindingProvider) port, urlWsService);

  // authentication basic

  initializeBasicAuthentication((BindingProvider) port);


  return port;

 } /**********************************************************************/


  * Auxiliary method for initializing the SOAP port binding provider. Setea

  * propiedades configurables para la conexion al WS.


  * @param bindingProvider -

  * @param endPointUrl     -


 private void initializeBindingProvider(@NonNull final BindingProvider bindingProvider,

   @NonNull final String endPointUrl) {

  // Context that is used to initialize the message context for request messages

  final Map<String, Object> requestContext = bindingProvider.getRequestContext();

  // url endpoint

  requestContext.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endPointUrl);

  // []

  requestContext.put(DuplicatsHelper.JAXWS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, ConstantsWs.WS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);

  // []

  requestContext.put(DuplicatsHelper.JAXWS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, ConstantsWs.WS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT);

  //"Initialized binding provider [" + bindingProvider.getClass().getName() + "]. Connect timeout (ms)="

    + ConstantsWs.WS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT + "; Request timeout (ms)=" + ConstantsWs.WS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT

    + "; Enpoint=" + endPointUrl);

 } /**********************************************************************/


  * Basic authentication


  * @param port


 private void initializeBasicAuthentication(BindingProvider port) {

  port.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, EnvironmentHelper.getBasicAuthenticationUser());



 } /**********************************************************************/