i18n xliff (.xlf language files)

1 Reference

-XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XLIFF

2 Introduction

XLIFF .xlf files replace the older format of .po files (there is an article on this site), adding some new features.

3 Maven config

Let's configure our Maven Java project for using XLIFF files for language translation, the relevant project structure is:


The following Maven dependency will allow our program to use the .xlf translation resources:


4 Example using the generated ResourceBundle classes

private static final String RESOURCE_FILE_XLF = "src/main/resources/xlf/";
private static final String FORMAT_FILE_XLF = ".xlf";

  * @param key
  *            Eg: "user_not_found"
  * @param ianaLangCode
  *            Eg: "en"
  * @param parameters
  *            Value 1 to include the translated text, value 2 to include the
  *            translated text... value n to include the translated text
  * @return parameterized translated text
 public static String getTextByIanaCode(String key, String langIanaCode, Object... parameters) {
  String value = null;

  FileInputStream input = null;
  XLIFF xlif = null;
  try {
   input = new FileInputStream(RESOURCE_FILE_XLF + langIanaCode + FORMAT_FILE_XLF);
  } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
   LOGGER.error("file not found");
   throw new CustomException("Msg", e);

  try {
   xlif = XLiffUtils.read(input);
  } catch (XliffException e) {
   LOGGER.error("not read file");
   throw new CustomException("Msg", e);

  value = xlif.getTarget(key);
  try {
  } catch (IOException e) {
   LOGGER.error("file not closed");
   //DOC. No exception thrown    

  value = MessageFormat.format(value, parameters);

  LOGGER.info("key: " + key + " in language " + langIanaCode + " : " + value);

  return value;