

JMeter [] es un proyecto de Apache Jakarta que puede ser utilizado como una herramienta de prueba de carga para analizar y medir el desempeño de una variedad de servicios, con énfasis en aplicaciones web.

JMeter puede ser usado como una herramienta de pruebas unitarias para conexiones de bases de datos con JDBC, FTP, LDAP, Servicios web, JMS, HTTP y conexiones TCP genéricas. JMeter puede también ser configurado como un monitor, aunque es comúnmente considerado una solución ad-hoc respecto de soluciones avanzadas de monitoreo.


2 ways to install Apache JMeter on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Linux

Building a WebService Test Plan (JMeter)


1st method: Manual installation (install)

It requires to have installed JRE or JDK 8 or higher.

At the official download page of JMeter [] copy the link of the .zip archive

$ wget

$ unzip

$ mv apache-jmeter-5.6.2 jmeter

$ sudo mv jmeter /opt

Add Jmeter to the system path

$ echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/jmeter/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc

Verify installed version

$ jmeter -v


Copyright (c) 1999-2023 The Apache Software Foundation

2nd method: Using the APT package manager (install)

Note: the version of Jmeter available is not the latest one

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install jmeter

$ jmeter -v

Copyright (c) 1998-2015 The Apache Software Foundation

Version 2.13.19691222


Store request/response

For storing request and reponse body:

Add > Listener > Simple Data Writer

and configure it this way:

Filename: out_soap_data.xml

Log/Display Only: Errors


[✓] Save As XML

[] Save Response Data (XML)

[] Save Sampler Data (XML)


It's the commercial online version of JMeter:

It has a free Chrome browser extension for creating loal and functional tests quickly (compatible with Apache JMeter Compatible):

BlazeMeter (Chrome browser extension)

The Chrome extension records all of the HTTP/S requests and actual user interactions that your browser sends, creates a synced JMeter and Selenium scripts, and automatically uploads it to BlazeMeter, where you can execute it with a single click. No need to install JMeter nor Selenium to record or run your performance test, the Chrome extension will create the JMeter and Selenium scripts automatically.