XFire Aegis

1. Introduction

XFire and Aegis is very old and currently deprecated. I was used for mapping SOAP webservices.

1.1. References

What is Aegis? (Usage of minOccurs, nillable, etc.)


Aegis default Xfire binding method, mapping XML to POJO


WebService application --- interface return parameters are problems encountered by List


Problem when trying to add method to a web services,


XFire, Spring and JSR181 tutorial


2. WS Interface


public Set<ClassroomAssignmentDto> getClassroomAssignmentsO80(final String calendarCode) throws WSException;


public class ClassroomAssignmentDto implements Serializable {

private String sample1;

private Set<Boolean> sample2;

private javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar birthDate;

public String getSample1() {

return sample1;


public void setSample1(String sample1) {

this.sample1 = sample1;


public Set<Boolean> getSample2() {

return sample2;


public void setSample2(Set<Boolean> sample2) {

this.sample2 = sample2;


public javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar getBirthDate() {

return this.birthDate;


public void setBirthDate(java.util.Date d)

throws DatatypeConfigurationException {

XMLGregorianCalendar v;

if (d == null) {

v = null;

} else {

GregorianCalendar c = new GregorianCalendar();


v = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(c);


this.birthDate = v;



2. Aegis mapping

Note that Aegis mapping files must be in the same package as the file it is mapping.


<method name="getClassroomAssignmentsO80">

<parameter index="0" mappedName="calendarCode"/>

<return-type mappedName="classroomAssignments" componentType="org.myapp.model.ClassroomAssignmentDto" />



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<mappings xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://xfire.codehaus.org/schemas/1.0/mapping.xsd" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">


<property name="sample2" componentType="java.lang.Boolean" />

<property name="birthDate" type="org.codehaus.xfire.aegis.type.basic.DateType" typeName="xsd:date" />

<method name="getSample2">

<return-type componentType="java.lang.Boolean" />





a) "xsd:date" requires: xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema",

the attribute type is defined as XMLGregorianCalendar, a setter converts from hibernate java.sql.Date

and the .war maven module needs the xfire-aegis dependency for the package org.codehaus.xfire.aegis.type.basic:

<!-- XFire Spring Support -->





<!-- XFire Aegis Binding [org.codehaus.xfire.aegis.type.basic.DateType] -->





<!-- XFire Java 5 Module -->





3. Hibernate to Java Bean mapping

3.1. Boolean

If, eg, Oracle table has field type varchar(1) with values {null, "N", "Y"} for representing boolean values then it can be mapped by hibernate to a Java Bean attribute of type Boolean:

<sql-query name="qryGetClassroomAssignmentsO80">



case my_field when 'N' then 0 when 'Y' then 1 else null end AS "studentTitleTransferedToFinal"

FROM sit_repos


<return-scalar column="studentTitleTransferedToFinal" type="boolean"/>


4. WebService client (XFire)

4.1. WS Client from WSDL (XFire)

XFire builds the web service client in five ways:


4.2. WS client from JAR (XFire & metadata .jar)

Sample app: cat evaluationBoard

Having in pom.xml the dependency evalutation-metadata

// Declare singleton

AvaluacioService avaluacioClient;

// Method for obtaining the catEvaluationPort


* Obtain catEvaluationPort for the WS of cat evaluation.

* @return The catEvaluationPort


public AvaluacioService getAvaluacioClient() {

if (avaluacioClient == null) {

String uriAvaluacioService = "/avaluacio-ws/services/AvaluacioService";

String host = System.getProperty("host");

Service srvcModel = new ObjectServiceFactory()


XFireProxyFactory factory = new XFireProxyFactory(XFireFactory.newInstance().getXFire());

try {

avaluacioClient = (AvaluacioService) factory

.create(srvcModel, host + uriAvaluacioService);

} catch (MalformedURLException e) {




return avaluacioClient;
