

Insomnia Core is a Desktop API client for Rest and GraphQL. Make requests, inspect responses. 

Note: Insomnia Designer and Insomnia Core have been merged. Following the Insomnia 2021.1 release there will no longer be an Insomnia Core or Insomnia Designer, only Insomnia.

Available at:

Using Insomnia:

Importing and exporting data

Ref. >

Application > Preferences > Tab 'Data' > Export Data > All Workspaces


Ref. >



  "enpoint_prefix": "",

  "oautht": "yGBpaFAP3FJg90gFjn9Dt4sCPnzUH9aDVQhqAeJuG6A.J1-1EXIkPISE-vdKjCPaItqwF0GqT_IrquIx5iTEPci",

  "merida": {

     "academicRecordCode": 798353



Referencing environment variables:

Template Tags (Generator Tag)

Ref. >

Template tags are closely related to Environment Variables. They can be used in the same places and they behave in a similar way. The main difference is that template tags are more like operations, not variables. Tags can do things like transform strings, random numbers, UUIDs, timestamps, and so on.

Available as of 2020-02-02:

OAuth2 validate access token [/oauth2/introspect]


cURL to validate access tokens obtained with client credentials from the endpoint /oauth2/token:

curl --request POST \

  --url \

  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \

  --header 'accept: application/json' \

  -H 'Authorization: Basic <REPLACE_BY_BASE64(hydra_clientid:hydra_secret)>' \

  --data 'scope=<REPLACE_BY_SCOPE>' \


Note: The 'grant_type' and 'scope' are optional

Sample failure response:


Sample success response:


  "active": true,

  "scope": "myapp.whatever",

  "client_id": "<the client id>",

  "sub": "<the client id>",

  "exp": 1660073569,

  "iat": 1660062769,

  "iss": ""


The following image shows the configuration for validating obtaining the OAuth access token and sending in as 'Bearer' in the Authorization header:

11. OAuth2 get access token [/oauth2/token]

11.2. grant_type=authorization_code

After the user returns to the client via the redirect URL, the application will get the authorization code from the URL and use it to request an access token.

Detailed example at:

11.2. grant_type=client_credentials 

Getting an access token using cURL providing client credentials, eg:

curl --request POST \

 --url \

 --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \

 --header 'accept: application/json' \

 --data grant_type=client_credentials \

 --data client_id=<<<the client id>>> \

 --data 'client_secret=<<<the client secret>>>' \

 --data scope=myapp.myscope

Sample response:


 "access_token": "sw-TW-kDTZg_jJ-7CjcvrCwBSipYNBZCgkRW6o.ExhtayRhyNV8T5fAm64P4fo3",

 "expires_in": 10799,

 "scope": "myapp.myscope",

 "token_type": "bearer"


The following images show the Insomnia configuration for validating an OAuth access token:

Chaining requests

Ref. >

Sample (reuse JWT token from the response of another operation):

Header value:

Bearer [Response => Body Attribute]

where 'Filder (JSONPath or XPath) extracts the value of the JSON 'jwt' key:



Import (cURL)

Paste the cURL at the address bar of the request, Insomnia will automatically build the request with their Query, Header, etc.

Export (cURL)


When creating a request, choose POST > GraphQL Query

Sample endpoint: http://localhost:8080/graphql

Sample body:

query ListBooks {

  myBooks: getAllBooks {




