AWS CodeCommit

1. Introduction

Git-compatible repository.

2. Repositories

2.1. Permissions

You must have an AWS CodeCommit managed policy attached to your IAM user, belong to a CodeStar project team, or have the equivalent permissions.

Learn how to create and configure an IAM user for accessing AWS CodeCommit>

2.2. Create an IAM user

(a) Add policy

Access management > Users

Choose the user you want to configure for CodeCommit access.

Tab Permissions > [Add permissions]

Permissions options > Choose (*) Attach policies directly

From the list of policies, select AWSCodeCommitPowerUser (or AWSCodeCommitFullAccess or AWSCodeCommitReadOnly)

[Next] > [Add permissions]

(b) Set up HTTPS Git credentials for CodeCommit

From the IAM user page, tab Security credentials > HTTPS Git credentials for AWS CodeCommit > [Generate credentials]

Save your new GIT 'User name' and 'Password' clicking [Download credentials]